Monday, November 9, 2020

HJ Sean Moon, election and more

HJ Sean Moon, election and more

From an analysis with Harvard, law graduate

HJ Sean Moon speaking

Folks I am shooting this from my room, because I am self-quarantined right now, as I am not feeling so good.

But this is something that we have watched and analyzed from a Harvard law graduate, who was doing an interview with a top constitutional Korean lawyer out of New York city and he broke this scenario down in great details, the likes I have not seen on the fake stream media including fake fox news.

So, I do not know why the folks are not talking about this.

But this is the law, according to this lawyer that practice here in New York. It happen to be in Korean, this was in Korean language, so basically it has to be translated everything with the Queen and get it all done, but let me get it break down for you right now.

We have these little boxes here; let us start right here.

In a normal democracy, you have the population here, that then votes for the president or prime minister here and that is how it works in normal democracy. But that leads to mob rule.

So, our finding from reframers made the American system here where the population votes for a smaller group of electors, which we call the Electoral College. But electors 538 of them and then they vote for the president here so that is little bit of a buffer between the mob rule mentality and the 51 basically gets to take away all your votes.

Right now you have at the same time now google app New York Times and even fake fox news, very sad that they are going along with this, they are traitorous. There are great commentators, like Carlson and those people; But fox news has shown itself to be a globalist multinational corporation in bed with the big tech and big banks.

So, they are also going along with Biden coming on a couple hours saying that he is going to give a speech acceptance and they have the numbers here by them at 290 and Trump 214.

Know Dr. Pieczenik, former CIA leader under Reagan, has mentioned that Trump has is undergoing a huge Sting operation, because each of the ballots are watermarked with the QFC Blockchain encryption code.

The National Gard has been deployed to 12 different states and they are leading to arrests, because all the ballots can be traced and by encryption code, they can be told exactly where they were and which hands, they went through.

So again Trump is already unleashing a huge Sting Operation, is what Dr. Pieczenik of the CIA former CIA has said.

We have reason to believe that, because he is still in communication with the top level of the Trump administration.

This is really a Sting Operation.

Dr. Pieczenik speaking

Contrary to what everybody else said, Trump new this was happening, Eric new this was happening and warned the public; I knew this was happening however I could not say anything about it.

What happened was we marked watermarked every ballots with what is called the QFS Blockchain encryption code. In other words, we know pretty well, where every ballot is where, where it went and who has it. So this is not a stolen election, on the contrary we reversed the entire game of war along the line of Sun Tzu, The art of war and Trump was brilliant and still is brilliant at it.

The reason why he has not been seen and Alex correctly said, "Oh I have not seen him several days."

Well in the art of the war, you pull back; allow your enemy to make all the mistakes that they are making; manipulate the situation, expose them and then come in for the final killing and that is what is happening know. None of this was unexpected and all of this was expected; All of this is part of the "Sting Operation" we are running.

HJ Sean Moon

Now you have the first scenario on here. You have two important dates; We have to be aware of December 8th and December 14, is called the safe harbor deadline right there and that is essentially a safe deadline harbor where the Electoral College is chosen to certify the vote and they have a safe harbor period. The deadline of choosing them is at this time (December 8) and then they actually do the vote on the 14th.

Electoral College will vote to certify the victor of any given state, so those two dates are important.

Now, on December 8, on the safe harbor deadline, you have two different of situations that may occur:

Number one

You have the state legislature chooses the Electoral College, that is normally how it is done. But, at the same time the governor, may choose his Electoral College, because he may say that the state legislature, for example in Michigan Wisconsin and Pennsylvania, that has the majority towards Trump, will rule not in favor of the actual victory of Biden in Pennsylvania for example. Then he will choose his own electoral college; they will fight that out in State Supreme Court level that will go to the federal Supreme Court level.

Now you have a case study here in year 2000 with the Bush vs Gore.

You have the federal Supreme Court, took the state legislature's Electoral College and Bush won Florida right here.

So, in this case scenario 1, where the state legislator chooses the Electoral College, the governor chooses Electoral College it can go to the state. It is going to the federal Supreme Court and the Supreme Court will vote in favor of president Trump most likely, because he has a majority there in the Supreme Court. So even in supreme area one, he is winning.

Scenario 2

The same situation

December 8 is the safe harbor deadline right here, this is just a repeat of what is on the other side.

Now, on December 8, let us say Pennsylvania state legislature chooses Electoral College; Wolf governor, say no, there are going to cheat and say, I am going to choose my own Electoral College. They will go to Supreme Court, they will go to the federal Supreme Court, but let us say, the federal supreme court does not decide, this then goes into what is known as a Contingent Election and that is held on January 6th. Now, the House will choose the president and the senate will choose the vice president, but there is only one vote per state, only one vote per state. Again, only one vote per state.

So it is not the Electoral card College, this is now a Contingent Election where there is only one vote per state. The House level here which choose the president, which of course then gives the majority again to president Trump. In either way, in both these scenarios according to Harvard law lawyer, and one of the top lawyers in the U.S, a Korean American lawyer practicing in New York has stated in both of these scenarios, Trump wins in either way; with the federal Supreme Court here; he will win on the safe harbor deadline.

In continued election, he will win by number of republican seats in the House, and he will win in either way. So that is why Trump has to keep delaying delay. Because more he delays you will be able to reach this December 8, here safe harbor deadline. And we will be able to move one step closer to putting the dually elected president Donald Trump in office and not the stolen fraudulent election from dead people and 138 000 going for Biden overnight and just absolute shenanigans that is happening everywhere, that kind of ridiculousness must not be able to let fly.

That is why president Trump got to hold on, he has not lost yet, despite what the stupid media say they are always lying; the fake news media they are always  lying and fox news is right there with them now.

You know big tech banning the president during the election cycle on his twitter; Just unbelievable but you can see either way scenario one or two Trump is winning, winning, winning. Alternatively, here, Trump is winning, winning and winning, so stay encouraged.

Folks pray for us, for president Trump

Thank you for all your prayer, thank you for your concern; we are doing great, we are just self-quarantining being safe at this time.

We will give all the glory to God.

I am again disappointed that this is not on the American websites

Yet nowhere can I find lawyers breaking this down. Again, this is by high-level lawyers in the Korean American community and thank them for putting this out, so that now we can put it out.

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HJ Sean Moon, election and more

HJ Sean Moon, election and more From an analysis with Harvard, law graduate HJ Sean Moon speaking Folks I am shooting this from my roo...