Sunday, December 20, 2020

Hyung Jin Nim fired from the position of president of the American church

Hyung Jin Nim fired from the position of president of the American church (2.4)

In 2012, there was the ascension of the Father. In 2013, there was a large church ceremony. I believe it was God's Day or around that time. We were in America, and we went to Korea to celebrate. Then Mother spoke to Hyung Jin Nim about how she intended to change the name of God into that of Heavenly Parents [Hanul Pumo]. And Hyung Jin Nim said, "Mother, you cannot do it, you cannot change the name of God into something else, otherwise we are not serving the same God. The biblical God is one. Yes, it is true, in God there is the feminine and masculine aspect, just as I also have a masculine aspect in myself, but I am a female. What Father taught us was very clear. God is the subject, the Namsom kyok chukje in Korean. I do not know how to say this in English. There is the term of the Divine Principle: [Richard Panzer suggests] "Masculine Subject position". The subjective male position.

Father has taught us clearly and we cannot change it this way. And Hyung Jin Nim explained it to Mother saying: "We call him Father not because he is some kind of misogynistic male who wants to repress all women. We call him Father because he is the subject with respect to all of humanity. We are the object and He is the subject that is why we call him Father.

But Mother was very strong on this point. In fact, she had already told the leaders and some leaders actually prayed in their prayers in the name of the Heavenly Parents. Hyung Jin Nim told her that this was wrong, that she could not do it. Then there was a big ceremony in front of so many members on the ground floor (or maybe it was the first floor) I think it was the ground floor of the Cheon Pyeong Palace. And Mother suddenly said: "Hyung Jin Nim, now the continental leader is Kim Lee Un (?). Hyung Jin Nim was a continental leader but she ... I do not think she mentioned that Hyung Jin Nim was fired, but said that a new person was the continental leader and everyone applauded. We were so shocked.

Richard panzer: Is that when you learned [that you were fired?]

Yeon Ah Nim

Yes. It was at that moment that we knew it. I told my husband, "Honey, have you ever talked about this with her?" He was completely stunned too. Then we went up to her and she told us: "Now your mission in America is over" and that is where we come to know about it. Hyung Jin Nim knew that when we went to America the atmosphere was very low, so he had never made an inauguration ceremony, but the way he was fired was so bizarre that there was not even a ceremony of dismissal from office. In practice, we served for three months. Mother had promised us three years, but after three months, we were fired.

Richard Panzer: So, after this, you and him, what have you decided to do?

Yeon Ah Nim:

We returned to America. Since there had been no ceremony for his dismissal from office, Hyung Jin Nim wanted at least to greet the members, because he had promised that he would remain three years. When we went around the seven cities he said that Mother had promised us three years, so when he went around talking he would say, "Let's make this a church that True Parents can be proud of." Now, suddenly, we disappeared into nothingness: it would have been very strange for our members. So Hyung Jin Nim decided to write a letter, I think it was three paragraphs or something like that; he wrote it and then said: "I will continue to teach absolute sex, and I will continue ... I was a little surprised by this sudden dismissal ..." But he continued to maintain a positive attitude.

But Mother got so angry at that letter, she was so angry at the letter that she called all the leaders - there were about forty leading Korean leaders - she gathered them together; we heard it from someone. In fact, one of the leading leaders came to our house to persuade Hyung Jin Nim to repent in front of Mother because she was so angry at that letter that she cried in front of these 40 Korean leaders saying how much [her son] lacked filial piety to do this.

Hyung Jin Nim said, "I just wrote a letter of resignation and there's nothing to be so angry about." But she strongly demanded that he apologize. "You must come within three weeks and apologize to me". I do not know what threatened him; I do not know what he said. He did not tell him directly. He sent, as it were, an ambassador, a leader, to tell him what Mother had said. In fact, within three weeks, he had to go to her, repent and all that.

After that Hyung Jin Nim.... You know, Hyung Jin Nim is a good man, he really loves Mother, he really loves her. Even I really persuaded him: "Let's go to Korea, it is not good to make Mother angry". And Hyung Jin Nim really went to the Mother, but when I look back, I've been so cowardly; when I look back I feel very ashamed for what I did. Practically I said: "Honey, do not say anything to Mother", because I knew her opinion and what she would have told him. "Do not say anything. Show only your face and say: I came. I am sorry if I hurt your feelings; then we leave! That is all we need to do, okay? "

But of course Hyung Jin Nim did not do this. But I really want to say one thing: Hyung Jin Nim was so respectful towards Mother. He knelt in front of her and hugged her while talking to her about it. He told her: "Mother, you know you cannot change Cheon Seong Gyeong, you cannot change the name of God. Mother, I love you, but you cannot do this. If you do it the church will split. Mother, I am so sorry to tell you this. If you come to America, if you want to come see me, I want to buy you a Mac Donald, the one you like, the one you want to buy for you, but I cannot do anything that I think is not right. I cannot do anything that goes against what I promised Father. I cannot do that". His attitude was very humble. The sisters who were at the back of the room, a daughter-in-law of Father and a sister of the staff they too were crying, and thanked Hyung Jin Nim for what he did.

Mother was so angry about this. He had made such a big question because she had called all the leaders. But Hyung Jin Nim embraced her, he really embraced her. He was in America, he went to Korea and then he really tried to embrace Mother. Then he left. After this, Mother has made a series of changes, constantly changing: the Family Oath, the national anthem, the whole list of things that Hyung Jin Nim talks about in his sermons. So, he decided to break the silence.

The last meetings with the mother

In 2013, Hyung Jin Nim went to see Mother at the time of the anniversary of Father's ascension, and told her the same things again. I was so afraid of Mother's wrath. I could not say anything, I was totally frozen, I looked on the ground. But Hyung Jin Nim said: "Mother, you cannot change the words of Father". He said the same thing repeatedly.

Then, I do not remember when he was; he met the Mother again in Las Vegas, face to face, and again told her the same thing: "You cannot do this. If you do it you will divide the church, the Father will not be happy ". But she was very sure, she was so sure that Father was happy with what she was doing, that her spirit is so pure; he mentioned that Hoon-Mo (Kim Hyo Nam) had told her that her spirit is so pure and that the Father rejoices in the spiritual world.

After this Hyung Jin Nim called Mother a couple of times for Mother's Day and sent her some flowers for her birthday, things like that. We met her in Las Vegas, and in the middle of the conversation, she left. [Richard Panzer: "Really?" Yeon Ah Nim: "Yes"] When we called her for Mother's Day Hyung Jin Nim told her: "Mother, I love you", but she said: "I'm doing a meeting, I have to go; I cannot answer your call. I am busy "and she left.

Then, when we went to Cheong Pyeong last year, in 2014, towards the time of Father's ascension, Mother refused to meet him. She said, she had a meeting and that if he did not attend Father's ascension ceremony, and did not show his face, she would not meet him. So, we could not meet her. Because at that time in the ceremony to commemorate the ascension of Father, they wanted to present the Constitution of Cheon Il Guk they had made, which Cheong Pyeong had done. So Hyung Jin Nim said: if I am there, it means that I agree with the law that goes against Father's will, that I agree with that law, so I cannot participate in this.


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