Sunday, December 20, 2020

Mother sends Hyung Jin Nim away from Korea

Mother sends Hyung Jin Nim away from Korea (2.3)

After all that tribulation, Mother wanted Hyung Jin Nim not to be in Korea. And suddenly one day she called us up after the Father's Seung-Hwa and said: "Now the In Jin Nim scandal has come out and you have to go and get things right. I fired her from her position, I stopped all the Love and Life Ministry, so you go there and put things right. Then she said, "Do not come back for three years". She was very strong on this point: "Do not come back for three years". She was very strong on this, so I even had to ask if we could come for the events in our church. And she said, "Uh, for this you can come". And she said: "Leave all your children behind, go there and for three years do not even think about going back".

I do not know the situation in America, but in Korea, when there is a change of leadership, there is always a ceremony of dismissal and an inauguration ceremony, but for us there was nothing. Hyung Jin Nim was fired so quickly. The way Hyung Jin Nim was dismissed was practically this: we received a phone call from Peter Kim, that we are dismissed from the position of President of Korea. Then a member of the staff of the Korean Headquarter brought us a sheet that said, "I resign from this position ..." and Hyung Jin Nim had to sign it; it was a legal document that said, "I resign from the Korea Family Federation," or something like that. And, I remember that this person actually cried in front of Hyung Jin Nim. The way Hyung Jin Nim was fired was so unjustified and shameful that this staff member who brought that document cried; despite being a man, he cried in front of Hyung Jin Nim and said he was sorry he could not do better. Then a whole series of things happened.

Then we came to America and then, one-step at a time, Hyung Jin Nim was released from that position. I remember that once Mother called from Korea. "Since you are now in America, you cannot really serve as the head of the Mission Foundation, so we will remove you from that position." He called once, of course he did not discuss with us before. Just a phone call: "You're away, so I made the decision, you're fired from that position; you have nothing to object, do you?” This is it. And regarding the other positions we have learned from other people that he had been discharged.

The efforts of Hyung Jin Nim as president of the Family Federation in America

In America, there was a very depressing atmosphere. Faith was so low. Father had just died, the In Jin Nim scandal had just broken out and people could not trust us either. "How could you not know? As a leader, how could you not be aware of this? "

But I tell you this: we did not know it, we did not know it at all. The day when ... I think, it was during Father's Seung-Hwa that everyone discovered it. I remember that In Jin Nim spoke to Mother about this question: well, the day before In Jin Nim spoke with Mother was the day we discovered it. I remember Hyung Jin Nim looking at the document on the computer [In Jin Nim's birth certificate] and saying, "Who made this document? It is a fraud. We can sue him in court! "Hyung Jin Nim was really so angry at who had made that ridiculous document. He was angry with this person. "We have to sue this person!" Went too far. Until the end, he could not believe what had happened.

Then we came to America and the members were angry because Father was gone, they were angry with In Jin Nim for what she had done, they were angry with us because we were in front of them but they were not sure if we were worthy of trust or not. We faced all these things.

We knew what we had to do and so we started touring 12 cities - were there 12 or 7 cities? – Anyway, we started going around the city and someone even asked us: "How can we know if you two are together? You could invent things ". A couple of people told us: "How can you tell us that you never knew anything about this?" And things like that. And we answered. Even Hyung Jin Nim was spiritually very down. Those were things he had never dealt with. [The interview is interrupted for a moment by the wind that starts to blow hard]

Hyung Jin Nim was very down. This it was very important, because it was like an anchor of salvation, to go in search of Father. Because while he really clung to Father to get answers on how to handle the situation, Father gave him an answer in a dream. My husband was in a certain context of the Blessing and Father was very angry about something. He was angry with a couple whose Blessing standard had fallen. When Hyung Jin Nim entered Father's room, Father looked at him and said, "Absolute sex". This is the only word Father told Hyung Jin Nim. Hyung Jin Nim stood up: he had received the answer! He had received the answer on how to really rebuild the American church. It is on the foundation of absolute sex.

This, therefore, is what we have taught. When we finished the tour of the seven cities, we recorded the sermon on Wednesday and we often talked about absolute sex as the center of the family. Because when the relationship between husband and wife collapses we cannot transmit God to our children, we cannot receive God. So, in the relationship husband and wife we must always serve God in the heart and in the physical dimension. As we align ourselves vertically, we must also as husband and wife, as living partners who love each other, we must be united and the method our Father has taught us, the training camp, is the practice of absolute sex. This was the message we constantly gave.

At that time, I knew there was a great deal of tension between Hyung Jin Nim and Mother, so here is what I did - (we served the American church for three months). During that time, I did a written report and sent it via internet. I wrote and once every two weeks I sent a report to Mother, "We are doing this and that, we went to this city and my husband received questions for five hours, - once I think it was seven hours - and these types came out of questions ". I also said that we were teaching absolute sex again, and that we were doing, we really want - sorry I cannot say that we did - but we want people to understand Father better. And one of the things that people do not really understand is 6 Marie and we know it. So Hyung Jin Nim really did some research and asked all the scholars of our church in America to make their contribution to this. We were doing a power point to really explain this from the providential point of view and you can see Hyung Jin Nim's sermon about this.

Then I sent this report to Mother thinking that she would be very happy with this, but she said, in fact I received an e-mail from Won-Ju that said to stop immediately the teaching of absolute sex, to immediately stop the education course on the 6 Marie with the Power Point, and all this. In short, everything had to be closed.


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