Sunday, December 20, 2020

when Hyung Jin Nim was released from his leadership positions in Korea

Richard Panzer

Can you talk about the period when Hyung Jin Nim was released from his leadership positions in Korea after his father died? (2.2)

Yeon Ah Nim

It did not happen all of a sudden. It happened one-step at a time. There is something, which I really want to say. So many people say, "Hyung Jin Nim is full of resentment, Hyung Jin Nim wants to take power; he is doing this because his kingdom is delayed ". But if Hyung Jin Nim had remained silent and said nothing and agreed with what Mother was doing, she would not have had to go through all this ordeal, scream, break the silence, suffer all the violent reactions, all the criticisms, all the imprecations of the people: "You are not a child of filial piety because you etc. etc. "

The second thing I really want to say is that those who have been most affected by what Mother has done to them are because they are the ones who put all their trust in Father and Mother, Father and Mother.

Richard Panzer, when you tell them, whom do you mean?

Yeon Ah Nim

Kook Jin Nim and Hyung Jin Nim. They have truly put their trust in Mother, not only in Father. Yes, they knew there was a friction between Father and Mother, they knew there was no agreement, that sometimes there were moments of great tension, but they knew how to get them. They are adults, they are also a couple husband and wife, - I am sure that sometimes I have infuriated my husband, but the fact is that they have the same trust in Mother, they thought that Mother would have taken a good decision. And a couple of times Hyung Jin Nim mentioned Kook Jin Nim: "You know what? Perhaps we should not put everything under the name of Mother "because it was all under the name of Mother: the Mission Foundation, the Cheon Bok Gung, the great church of Seoul, the foundation of Cheong Pyeong, many things were under the name of Mother . Because at that time Kook Jin Nim was head of the Korean economic foundation, so he had persuaded other people to put things under the name of Mother, as Father, after Danbury, did not put anything under his name and said that this was the right thing to do because he has spiritual authority.

Thus, since Father did not want to take any legal position, Kook Jin Nim placed all his trust in Mother and not just in words or position, but put 50 million dollars under her control. $ 50 million was raised for the construction of Cheon Bok Gung, the new church in Seoul; 500 million dollars have been stationed for the Mission Foundation under the direction of Mother.

He put that money in the Mission Foundation. So, he put everything so that Mother would not have to go around begging from the leaders, when Father is no longer here. So, Kook Jin Nim has really prepared his way so that he can be a victorious True Mother from inside and outside. He was really preparing for this.

Therefore, when Hyung Jin Nim came out with the "Babylonian Prostitute", when he did the sermon on the "Babylonite harlot" and said there was a "mystery", that "mystery" was his name or something like that, for Kook Jin Nim and Hyung Jin Nim it was a mystery, it was really a mystery that Mother would do something like that. They did not realize it until Father was hospitalized and she wanted to pull the plug. Until that moment, they did not realize it. They were there completely for Mother. Kook Jin Nim created the exterior foundation and Hyung Jin Nim was making preparations for the glorious reign of Mother, because Mother is True Mother. They really wanted to support her so that they would become the victorious True Father and the victorious True Mother.

Hyung Jin Ni made a note on True Father and True Mother. In Korea, I must say, people did not like True Mother so much; they did not respect her so much. It is almost like a cultural question. They often criticized Mother: she did not graduate from high school, she grew up in a greenhouse, she did nothing, and she only received respect and love; a whole list of criticisms; you do not know how many clothes you have, you do not know how rich it is. There was a list of criticisms and Hyung Jin Nim was well aware of it.

We were aware of these things, aware of the criticism, so Hyung Jin Nim even made a ticket. He made a prayer for Father and for Mother so that they could recite it. It was the size of a business card and I often distributed it to members. Wherever I met them, I gave it to him. We did it in three different languages. We had a small ceremony and we asked members to recite it. Hyung Jin Nim actively supported Mother, spiritually also in this way. There was a time when I had to give a message because Hyung Jin Nim was away, and I talked about Mother. All the talk was about Mother, about how much she was a faithful wife, because we wanted Mother to be victorious. It is not that we did not know the criticisms and the gossip, the things that were not going well between Father and Mother, but we knew that we wanted Mother to be truly victorious and we believed that this was not the true nature of Mother; this was really our point of view.

Richard Panzer

Can you talk about what happened when the Father was at the hospital?

Yeon Ah Nim

In the hospital, when Father was hospitalized and Mother wanted to pull the plug, at that time Hyung Jin Nim was the world president and every day he sent memos: "Please pray for Father", things like that; but Mother wanted to unplug the automatic respirator.

Some people say, "You know, if my father and mother were in that situation, it's sometimes human to want to switch off. Some people actually say so. However, here we are not talking about an ordinary Father. We are talking about the Messiah. We are talking about the fact that Father was conscious. Although he had the artificial respirator [life support] he was conscious, he was lucid. The opinion of Hyung Jin Nim and Kook Jin Nim was: "We must let Father die naturally, we cannot do this".

Mother and Hyo Nam Kim [the medium of Dae Mo Nim] were very strong on this; Hyo Nam Kim tried to say: "Hyo Jin Nim and Heung Jin Nim are here, and Young Jin Nim is here; they want to receive Father in the spiritual world ", and all these things. Then Hyung Jin Nim spoke to Mother in private. Father was on the 5th floor while we were on the 12th or 10th floor; we had rented a small room so that we could come to Father at any time. Everyone took turns and we slept upstairs in this hospital room. It was a relatively large room: there was a living room and a bedroom. Hyung Jin Nim and Mother went into that room and talked about this matter. Suddenly there was the loud noise of a slap coming from that room. Mother was so angry and began to say, "You know nothing," or something like that, or "You're still young." I do not remember what he was saying, but there was a loud noise and at that moment, we understood that Mother had hit him. I do not know where she hit him, but it was an audible sound; she hit him because she did not like Hyung Jin Nim's strong belief that we could not do that.

Then Hyung Jin Nim and Kook Jin Nim asked the elders to come and say what they thought about the idea of Hoon Mo Nim to pull the plug, on the idea of mother to pull the plug. Hyung Jin Nim and Kook Jin Nim suggested doing at least some massage, or doing acupuncture to Father to prolong his life, but Mother was very angry at any suggestion proposed by Hyung Jin Nim and Kook Jin Nim. Then, after Father went to Cheong Pyeong, his physical body stopped.

Richard Panzer

After Father's death

Yeon Ah Nim

In Korea, before burying the body, there is a ceremony, in which the body is cleaned with a cloth. It is called Yam. And Mother has prevented Hyung Jin Nim and Kook Jin Nim from doing the Yam for Father. "You do not know the Korean traditions, so I want other people to do it." But usually this is done by family members, by male children. But Mother was not even happy to give them this opportunity. She was irritated throughout the Seung-Hwa period. It was 12 or 13 days, a long period of the Seung-Hwa ceremony so that everyone could say goodbye to the Father on earth, in the earthly dimension.

We know that Father is in the spirit and is always with us; Christ never dies, we know, but in the earthly dimension, we complain that we cannot see Father physically, that we cannot see his smile, and that he cannot physically hear his voice. During all that period, there were many frictions, so many unspoken words.


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