Friday, September 20, 2019

Cheon Il Guk Book of Life Registration Blessing Ceremony

Heavenly Father who has abundant love,
Our dearest most beloved Heavenly Father, Father, we are so grateful to be gathered here on the Book of Life Registration Cosmic Blessing, the day that You intended on Foundation Day, the day of the Eternal Kingdom of Cosmic Peace and Unity, Cheon IL Guk.
Father, we are the perfected Adam in unity with the Three Kingships on earth, transcending the physical and spiritual world, standing with the perfected woman Eve, in the Four-Position foundation, Four Great Realms of Heart, and the Three Kingships, all vertically aligned to You, in returning thanks, praise and glory.
Father, we are so grateful that we are able to be present on this day, to receive your blessing, Father, a blessing that You have awaited from the beginning of time in the Garden of Eden. Father, to establish your Kingdom of Heaven on earth, for You told us to pray, ”Thy Kingdom come, Thy Will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.”
Father, we know that Your Kingdom is not a kingdom of tyrants, dictators, political Satanism, communism, or the immorality of socialism, but is the Kingdom where the citizens of the Kingdom of God, stand with You as co-heirs as we see in Romans 8:17. Father we do not deserve your grace; we have been saved by your blood; we do not earn salvation by works.
Father, as You raised us up as your children and prepared us this very day to receive and fulfill the blessing that You bestowed upon Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, to be fruitful, to multiply and to have dominion, and subdue the earth, Father. We are so grateful to stand at this time in the Last Days, for we see throughout history, and fallen history, the repetition of the fall on the national level, where in the Garden of Eden Lucifer who was to be the Archangel, to serve Adam and Eve or humanity, reversed dominion and became the master.
Father, in the same way through our time in history we have seen the fallen satanic kingdoms and monarchies of the past. We have seen the political satanic systems of communism and socialism, the immorality of using the force of government to steal resources and to steal people’s lives.
Our True Father fought against communism his entire life, as he experienced firsthand the death camps and concentration camps of North Korea. Father, we are so grateful that You have made clear your path, and Father, that You have given us, not the spirit of fear, but the power of love and a sound and disciplined mind.
Father, as co-heirs with Christ, and as new kings and queens a birth this day, through the blessing of marriage, Father, we come to celebrate the gifts of family, marriage, the gift of royalty that You bestowed upon us, as You state in Scripture, Revelation 3:11,”Let no man take Thy crown!” For this is a crown that has been given from the Most High, and Father, we are unworthy to receive them in our own merit. But through the shedding of your blood, the path that you had to walk on the cross, You have given us the lineage of royalty, not that we may boast in ourselves or glorify ourselves, but so that we may glorify You, that we may thank and praise your incredible, unchanging love.
Father, we stand this day, as kings and queens. As inheritors, of not only the promise that You gave in Psalm 2:8-9; where You stated, that the nations shall be given for your inheritance and the end of the earth for your possession; and You shall rule them with the rod of iron, and dash them to pieces like the potter’s vessel.
Father, we know that this rule of the rod of iron that was also spoken in your word, that’s how You have defined your Kingdom, a kingdom that cannot be defined by man but is defined by You. Father, in Revelation 2:27, You state, that, “he shall rule them with a rod of iron.” In Revelation 12:5, we see that, “the woman gives birth to a man child that shall rule the nations with a rod of iron.”
Father, in Revelation 19:15, we see your word: For out of your mouth comes a two-edged sword to smite the nations and that You shall rule them with a rod of iron, and that You will trade the fierce winepress of the wrath of Almighty God.

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