Friday, September 20, 2019

Finding True Father

Festival Grace Ceremony
Congratulatory Message from Rev. Dr. Carmelita Memolo
I have being with Reverend Moon’s son since I was my early 20s. I am grateful to be here at the Festival of Grace with respected guest, an honorable King; it is an honorable to be here today. Today is a day that we honor, and celebrate the founder of World Peace and Unification Movement. When you contemplate on Rev. Moon, you think of an extraordinary dedicated clergyman who was gifted and touched by the hand of God, who was moved to bring Peace and Unity to everyone into the world. He changed the course of history and united religions and theories together.
You think of a self-disciplined, self-sacrificing man who dedicated his entire life to his ministry and bring peace to the world and peace with each other’s.
I am sure that one of his crown will be the crown of sacrifice. He sacrificed not only his money, he fed everybody, he gave to everybody, but he sacrificed his time, he gave his time to the people.
He welcomed everybody, no matter race creed or religion and opened his heart and everything he had.
We can view rev. Moon as one of the early pioneers. He thought outside the box, he was a creative thinker and he was before his time and he would be a legend in his time.
His achievements in his lifetime are too numeral for me to mention, but the sum of a few, he brought clergymen together and made unity in the ecumenical movement was his, but they do not give him credit for that.
When I was in my early 20s, I was invited to hear Rev. Moon; after hearing him speak, he changed the way that I taught as a minister. Because of his thinking, because of his love and dedication to people.
I was impressed with Reverend Moon’s international marriages and interracial marriages bringing people together, making this a new world of a good world, making people love each other. He taught us that we were all equal and that love, freedom, God and respect will conquers all.
As you know, when I was 20, there was not many female ministers. As a matter of fact, I was the first one in my area. I felt so wanted when I went to hear Reverend Moon speak, then I become loyal to him and now at 68 I still am.
His teachings have changed a lot of my ministry; He was a visionary and a futuristic thinker. He had a disciplined prayer life that he left an example to all.
I remember being at meetings and we would hear Reverend Moon was up between 3.00 and 4.00 in the morning on his knees for hours and he would be praying before he spoke for hours. Someone that dedicate to God and to prayer; he is dedicated to what his goals are.
Before I close, your honorable King, the bible teaches when David went to war, he went with weapons, and he had swords, arrows; even the 23r Psalm “Thy rod and thy staff will comfort me”
So now, in this day and age we need the rod of iron. There is no difference; it is just a better weapon from God.
For what this man accomplished, reverend Sun Myung Moon in his lifetime and the lives of the people that he touched worldwide, it would take another man an eternity, but his son who is blessed by him to carry on, do not take his kindness for wickless, he is strong and may God bless him.

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