Thursday, September 19, 2019

How to be a Casanova to your wife

How to be a Casanova to your wife
Divorce is the most traumatizing things for young children. You are separating and destroying their stability; you are shaking up and flipping their world upside down; you are harming them, tremendously harming; and socially a lot of stigma attached to that; you will be judged socially if you do that.
You are supposed to take the higher out, and you are supposed to practice forgiveness. If you have fights in your marriage and disagreements, you are supposed to take the higher out; you are supposed to pray together; you are supposed to enact forbearance. You are supposed to keep the stability of the home for the sake of next generation and for the sake of you, honestly speaking. Even if your house is more stable as a benefit to you, it is not only for the children, it is a direct benefit deal.
I mean, usually people you know, people who have high-level marriage they are not in danger of divorce, okay. Seems you people, with very low-level marriages, which are in danger of divorce all the time; because they do not invest themselves into the Covenant of marriage and they think, it is just deserved, just going to come; No, you have to work out, you have to invest, you have to put effort into it. There is nothing in this world, which is worthwhile, and that comes freely.
Other than grace, you have to build it; it is like building a house or castle. You have to build a higher-level marriage.
You think, the Queen and me have a high-level marriage because we just were giving it an hour, our characters matched; give me a freaking break! We built it, unison; we build it.
Of course, the head of the house of the husband has a fantastic and huge role in leading the building of the castle, the building of it is critical. The man has to have leadership, he has to lead the woman to build the strong marriage and not be frivolous and shallow when she want to pick fights and when he wants to pick fights. He has to be able to overcome those things without harming her heart or emotions, harming her or the marriage.
Many divorces happen because stupide spouses are bickering over stupid idiot minutiae theme; and then there is our feelings, bitter feelings and it is not resolved and there is no apologies made, and there is nothing shared.
Many times the wife is getting angry with the husband, because she wants him to open up which is a counterproductive, met them. Those are, unwise women that do that; but anyway they do when they are young, they get angry because they want the man to share his feelings like her girlfriends. Now. I have a lot of sisters and I know that about women, so when I was young and when we were first married I shared a lot of my feelings with her and that allowed her to trust me and open up to me.
But a lot of men, 98 percent of men do not know that, and they have never shared the feeling with anybody, they have just been taught to shut up. So, now the wife, is telling them why don’t you ever talk to me. Which means basically, why you do not, share your feeling with me; and he does not know what is going on “what do you mean, we do not talk, I just talked to you yesterday”. You do not know what to do!
But, this is a reality and people where girls get really angry because of this. The tense men out there they just do not know this; it is like ridiculous.
Then they get up on all this stupid feminist doctrine; “that is why men are so terrible, because they do not know how to share their feelings”, as if women are not terrible; women are horribly terrible. They can be extreme tyrants.
They are great men, there are great women; but there are horrible men, there are horrible women.
I cannot just say “men” that is why men are anyone we come on our shit. You could have people who share their feelings and are evil. Give me a freaking break! That is not the point; the point is for the woman to open up to the husband; she has to feel that he is making himself vulnerable, that is very hard for men, because we are taught to be strong, especially if you are in fighting,
But, it is important you will see and you will have a much better reaction from your wife, if you learn how to be vulnerable and share, “oh honey, you know “ and share your feelings.
Women are relational, they find a lot of joy through relations and sharing of inner secrets and sharing of making oneself vulnerable and sharing these things; this is how they build friendships.
As men, we build friendships by doing things together, right? We do things together; we go hunting together; we go shooting together and do dangerous things together; we fight together and we have become friends, you see what I am saying, we become friends by doing things.
Women become closer and closer by sharing their emotions and they love it. They love their writing even if they hear another story of an emotional story; they love it, they feel that value, is given to their life, which is the reason why, they can get sucked into the porno of Korean dramas and drama land; because there are stories about other people’s vulnerable stories about other people’s lives. Of course, there is many satanic staff in there and they are sucked in; they get poison, right. But women find a deep joy in understanding the inner secrets of other people.
I do not know why God made it like that. He made me like that. So, you are not going to change that. That, it does not matter, how much trying, you do not going to change that. You are not going change it. It does not change. Just like you are never going change man’s instincts or different patterns.
Now, just because you have extinction patterns, does not mean you be; you have to clam up, and if you clam up and your wife will feel like you do not love her. Because anybody she knows in a girl world who loves her, shares their inner emotions and feelings experiences with her.
Therefore, you are the only one in her quote world. that she is supposed to be loving. You are supposed to love her, but in her language you are not expressing any love, because you keep clamming up, you keep hiding every time she start digging; stop digging leave. Leave me alone I need to do this; she feel more distant, then because you feel like not opening up, she will attack you, she will get frustrated, then she will start nagging, attacking, without her knowing. Many girls do not know they are doing this. Because they are frustrated that the husband is not opening up.
Imagine if you have to be married but you cannot have intimacy; you cannot sexual relations with her; you will become very frustrated; you will become very nippy as well. Right? In the same way for women, it is almost the same thing; having them feel your emotion, having them to be able to vocalize your emotions and to talk about your emotions with her.
It allows her to feel satisfied, like almost sexually. It is as women from their husband, if they can receive him, open him about his emotions, they open up sexually.
Why every time the deal with a woman there are all these problems? Well, we have to understand what she needs. She needs heart that what the woman needs. The woman needs a heart; that is interesting. The woman needs a hearth, but she feels satisfied by listening to you that you share about your emotions; she feel pleasure. It is like that, she feel intimacy and that what she is seeking a romance. It is almost like sexual thing for your spouse, if you are to be intimate with her. It is your sharing your inner heart, your inner emotions.
Therefore, men who understand that, they have a very strong intimate, absolute sexual life because they are able to give woman what she wants. Then she is much more willing to give you what you want; and Men, you know exactly what you want, you want the sexual intimacy.
But that will not come happily unless you open up your emotional world to your wife, because then she feel satisfied, she feel full, because you have open up your inner world towards her in an emotional realm. You see.
I do not know why kids do not learn this; they have to learn this stuff. I mean you just do not know this; but you have to learn it.
This is the problem with a lot of fighting and many unnecessary battles. But you did not learn this kind of education before you got the blessing? You have to vocalize, if you do not vocalize these things, your kids will never learn them.
Some families do not have any girls, right. I mean you do not learn. Conversely, if you do not have daughters, then they never learn about men’s world. They do not understand about the man’s world, especially if they relate with the mother and do not relate to the daddy so well, or if they come from a single mom home, then they really do not know; then they are really a prey to wicked seducing men.
I am going to tell you some Casanova’s that know how to have sex with many women. The Casanova’s, they all understand this aspect. They all know to make themselves vulnerable because then, woman becomes sexual with an intimate partner and as they open up and share then they use that to seduce and make the woman fall. Let me throw away, because the job is done for them and they move on to the next girl, which they can destroy. This is what Casanova’s do and that is why women fall into the fangs of the Casanova.
Now would not be good if the husband could do that for her that way, to satisfy her romantic desires for intimate sharing and then she will fulfill his sexual desires that God has given them. It is not unnatural; this is God-given desire. More happily, she will be willing because you have been willing as the leader to share what she wants. She wants your heart, she wants your emotions.
Isn’t that interesting?
Women do not get like you men, you know. They do not get horny just looking at their husband sexual organ. When your wife walks out the shower naked, you know the man, the husband say, Wool! But when the husband walks out the shower naked, he could have a ripped body, but the woman’s is saying “You’re getting the floor wet. You see the different reaction. It is a very different reaction. The women are not visual like that, like women as men are. We see a naked woman, your naked wife right, we got crazy.
You have to be able to discuss things. You have to train your children before they marry, to understand these things. Moreover, when we teach about Absolute Sex Education, it is not only about talking how important sexuality is for the marriage, because that is more for the man’s side.
It is equally as important to talk about how men have to give what the wife wants emotionally; he has to give her what she wants. Because for women those inner secrets of a man is almost sexual learning those things about him that he won’t share with anybody else, and his vulnerability feels; these are like almost sexual for her.
Isn’t that interesting you?
You never learned this in classes. It opens her up to want to be intimate with you sexually. When you share with her your inner motion.
Now, God blessed me with the knowledge of these things, because I had so many women around me and you know, obviously men who have many women around, like sisters and nannies, whatever the case may be. You understand the woman’s world very well; you understand how you can coax them to get stuff you know, even though it is not sexual at that time. Just know how to work women to get stuff from them; you want them to buy you something, you want them to be cute in their eyes, so you can get some benefits; whenever it is; I know how to do that, okay.
That is why the Queen does not have problem, because I understand those skills and they have added tremendous value to our relationship. Those skills has added tremendous value to our relationship. Tremendous value. I mean, I feel sorry for the guys who do not understand that. It becomes a real handicap, because if you cannot do this with your wife, she will feel just like you would feel if you had an asexual marriage, you have no sexual intimacy in your marriage. Think how you would feel like; what is this. What is the purpose of this? There is no intimacy; there is no sexual thing. As a man, you would feel that. When you feel that your marriage is dead, well, that how your wife feels if you do not share you emotions. You are not given her any pleasure, you are not given her any satiation, you are not filling her with what she wants.
She really wants your secrets; she wants your inner world.
It is fascinating, isn’t that fascinating?
It is so incredibly important. Now men who do this while they have great sex lives with their wife because their wife feels emotionally satisfied; she feel satiated. All the secrets that he would not tell anybody else he is telling her because he trust her, he loves her and then she just want to embrace it.
That is how men have to be good Casanova’s. You have to understand the romantic world of the woman, and then you will be a good Casanova. You have a very healthy and powerful Absolute sex life in your marriage. However, in order for that to continue for years and years, your wife has to feel satiated in the emotional realm, in her heart she has to feel satiated. She has to feel like she is getting her pleasure from you opening up and sharing this man. I see If as soon as I opened up, I do not know why I feel this way I just feel so down, I feel so. I just feel like I am so inadequate for this whatever the case may be. I am just sharing those things even talking about how you feel it immediately the woman’s antenna, as soon as you talk about feelings, there at tentacles they go right on and start sensing these and immediately they are listening.
As you feel you are opening up and as you open up you are fulfilling their romantic desires. They are getting to know, they are getting to feel you. When you connect with feelings then your wife just can really connect with you.
If you do not share with your wife, she will feel like she is living in a desert. She is not feeling like she is getting any water; just like what you would feel if you have a asexual marriage where there is no sexual power and there is no sexual relation between husband and wife. You would feel like you are living in a desert to. I am telling you that is how women feel. If you do not open up your feeling they feel literally you are in a desert.
That is critical for the men, they have to be wise, wise warriors; they know how to battle, how to fight and all those kind of things, Also to be successful in the marriage bed. If you want to be successful in the marriage bed, you must start learning. Look, you do not have to share your feeling to anybody else in the world not even your doctor, okay. However, do it with your wife you will feel so much happier, share your feelings, and make yourself vulnerable.
You just start sharing your feelings with your wife, you will see her open up, and you will see her become a romantic with you because you are opening up your feelings. That is the place where women feel pleasure. That why evil men know this secret too; that is why they give women pleasure by opening up to them. “Baby, I do not know but just feel like need to tell you I just feel like I need to share this with you” and then all of a sudden the women’s are in his arms. The evil man knows that I got her now and he just goes deeper and deeper until she wants to have relations with him.
However, husbands you have to know these things so you can do good for her, you can bring her pleasure. If she feels like she being satiated she will want to fulfil your desire for intimate sexual relations with you. This is normal, that is God-given; it is not bad, not evil; but you have to give and receive,
These kind of things are very important for us to be successful in the Kingdom of God. Very important. Very important to be successful in our relationship.
Also let me tell you something; also being vulnerable with your children also helps them connect with you too. I mean that is what I do. Not as much as with mommy obviously, but I will share sometimes. I share with my children because then they feel wow Appa is opening up to us; they can connect with me. They connect at heartistic level because children are more on the object position still at that age, okay. The object wants to know the subject, the object position wants to know the subject; they want to know the secrets, they want to know what they usually cannot know unless the subject willingly gives it.
Are you with me?
They want to know and they feel closeness with that when you share these things.
Obviously it is critical for your spouse relation, it is critical. However, it is also important to be able to have your children connect with you. It has benefit all over and you end up a family that actually learns how to share their heart with one another, right.
In the end, the father is the key figure there because he is the head of the household and the priest of the household. He has to share, at the same time the father has to make sure that the boys do not become. He has also to train women to become masculine as well and understand man’s world role; you have to do that and you can train them to be strong warriors, it is very important. At the same time, tell them how to be great lovers for their spouses as well, being able to fill her desires that bring them glory, power to the marriage. Of course, your children would be happier because you as couples and spouses are so much stable and happy. Society will be happier because we have more stable homes, more burgeoning economy you want, the more prosperous it becomes.
In the end, it is not only better for all these aspects; it is good for you because you will be happier men. You will be happier, you will be, more fulfilled in your spouse relationship because your wife will be attracted to you which very important thing for husbands; you do not want a day where she is not attracted to you. You want be successful in that marriage life.
We have to understand those things. In the kingdom, our actions have consequences and people can see through our actions the consequences. It is so important for young people to have role model; they have good role models that are successful at these things. Because if you can see, you can emulate, you can understand. “Oh that is how, that is why, and that person is successful at that thing”. Because they are doing these things, you can emulate and then see on average “Oh I see a successful marriage and I see almost in all successful marriages”.
Especially when we are talking about healthy sexual life in marriage. Usually men know how to open up their emotions to their wife. Usually. They are good Casanova’s; they are using their Casanova power not to destroy women’s live but to enrich their wives life. You see basically they are good Casanova’s. Therefore, it is important to be a Casanova but for your wife only.
Evil men use the Casanova skill to have sex with many girls and destroy the lives. That is they are wicked.
Very important for you to have those skills as a man, those romantics’ skills, and those Casanova skills, to be able to communicate with women and understand their world and their needs and their desires that is to understand your inner emotions and feelings.
To be able to open up with your wife to be able to share those things to bring strength and joy into your marriage and you will be more fulfilled too because your wife will see you as a romantic partner, as well, not just associate. That is what makes the marriage relationship so powerful, so unique and so special. That what make it incredibly filled with joy if you do well.
Have a kingdom cycle in your blessing, in your marriage. Do not have a hell cycle where you are constantly depriving one another of each other’s’ desires because you are ignorant or because you are vindictive. Do not create hell cycles; create kingdom cycles.
You will see if you have a kingdom cycles because you are moving like water filter, always rotating. You will see how much blessing you bring to people, especially your children; your children will be, so blessed. Our children are blessed because daddy and mommy have such a powerful relationship; such high-level marriage.
I am on what you could call a good Casanova. I know how to romance the Queen; that adds to the fullness of our marriage. Because I am always romancing, always playing around with her; joking. I am playing around, making a laugh. It is constantly something critical. The children will receive the blessing of that stability immediately.
Knowing that their parents have a wonderful relationship then they can look forward to their marriage. My relation with her blesses not only them, but also the whole community that I lead. Then In the end, it only blesses so many people. It blesses me, so it is a total win-win. It is a 360 win-win. It encourages other young people to have great marriages.
Can you imagine, the Queen and I are out of throats, and we hate each other and every time you know how many devils would start coming in, right. You know how many seducers and evil women would try to make me fall; because they know we have a bad relationship you see. I am saying the evil women was trying to rape me. So that I will be destroyed.
You have to understand. There are so much more ability that comes if your marriage falls apart, destroyed. Everything else becomes vulnerable for destruction; your business, your life, your relationship, everything.
It is very important to be successful in our spousal relationship because then everything is happier and we everything more blessed.
Hope that you are blessed by this word today. Let it be a blessing. Do not get your eagle involved in and allow your marriage to be successful, prosperous. Have the blessing that God desires for you to have there give your wife what she desires. She will give you what you desire, and you will be giving blessing to your children and then to all people around you, that can look up to your marriage and feel joy and hope for the beauty of the covenant of marriage, which is the key; the key institutions of the kingdom of God.

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