Friday, September 20, 2019

Returning to True Father's Blessing Authority

We have to participate to the Blessing Ceremony and take the new wine through the Second King of Cheon Il Guk, Sun Myung Moon's Heir. Then we are under True Parents authority (Sun Myung Moon and Hyun Shil Kang)
True Father told us that Foundation Day would be the third marriage ceremony of the True Parents.
He said that it was to be the final marriage ceremony. This means that even though True Father had ascended to the spirit world, Mother on Earth had to attend to True Father in heaven and hold the Blessing on Foundation Day. However, there was no final third marriage ceremony for True Parents when Foundation Day took place. Instead, the only ceremony conducted was one in which the Han Mother ascended the throne, dressed in a crown as queen. Shortly after, the Han Mother declared herself as the Messiah and said that she had become the wife of God. Where, then, was True Father in all of this? The truth is that when Mother Hak Ja Han become the wife of the being referred to as ‘God’, she had already left the position of the wife of True Father.
On Foundation Day, church members drank the holy wine and received the Blessing while attending ‘Heavenly Parents’. They accepted the blessing and drank the holy wine by themselves in the absence of True Father. Who provided the holy wine? Clearly it was not holy wine consecrated by True Father. Externally, Foundation Day was conducted in a glorious and splendid manner, but tragically True Father's spirit was not there.
By drinking the holy wine and accepting a false blessing from the being referred to as ‘Heavenly Parents’, all members left True Father and lost their lineage connection to him. That is why all have to return. Everyone must, without fail, receive the 'Blessing to Return to the Realm of True Father's Authority'. Because all you, each one, went down a false path in ignorance, True Father's representative body and heir is extending an opportunity to be able to return through grace. Because he loves you, he wants to save you and for this reason, he is opening up this path. If you do not accept Hyung Jin Nim's words and ignore this 'Realm of Authority Blessing', you will have no connection to True Father. This is clear.
3) Ceremony for Blessing Ancestors
True Father instructed all blessed families to complete the blessing of 210 generations of ancestors before Foundation Day, but there were members who were unable to do this because of economic reasons. When beginning his course as the Second King, True Father's representative body Moon Hyung Jin made a determination for their sake, and for the sake of elder blessed families who attended True Father and invested themselves for God's will since the early days. He also made this determination for the sake of Japanese members who were unable to bless their ancestors. Those Japanese members had frequently gone into debt in order to make providential donations on the global level, even raiding their children's education insurance to achieve the Will.
Cheon Il Guk is the world centering on God's heart and true love. Accordingly, Moon Hyung Jin declared that no one should be prevented from entering the Kingdom of Heaven simply because they do not have enough money to bless their ancestors. He stated that he would liberate and bless 210 generations with no donation requirement, although donations could still be offered. This ancestor liberation and blessing ceremony has been conducted twice so far (at the time of writing this text).
In accordance with True Father's will, Moon Hyung Jin conducts a ceremony for the liberation and blessing of 210 generations in the capacity of the second-generation kingship, once or twice a year.
Before he ascended to the spirit world, True Father transferred to Moon Hyung Jin the authority to give the spirit world blessing. Now, the level of this blessing is different to the liberation blessing that people can only receive by donating tens of millions of won at Cheong Pyeong. Dae Mo Nim's liberation and blessing is different. The blessing from Hyung Jin Nim is conducted directly by the representative body and successor of True Father, who perfected the absolute level of Heaven's lineage.

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