Thursday, September 19, 2019

Spiritual World message from Hoon soon-ae, Hak Ja Han’s Mother

Hoon soon-ae, Hak Ja Han’s Mother
The last posts of Mrs. Kim Young Soon [the famous medium who sent messages of Dr. Lee from the spiritual world in 2001-2003] are making a stir in Korea, where she is very respected. Both of his posts (one of True Father and one of Dae Mo Nim) strongly criticize the current behavior of Mother and contain strong warnings to the blessed couples and the leadership of FFWPU. 
When these messages began circulating, Mother sent FFWPU leaders, including the vice president of the Family Federation and the regional leaders to meet with Pastor Jeong-Ho-Woong, Mrs. Kim Young Soon husband. (The pastor Jeong is a former chaplain of Sun Moon University and enjoys great respect in the Unification community). Leaders of FFWPU have threatened to excommunicate the Jeong family if Mrs. Kim does not revoke the last messages received from the spiritual world. However, Shepherd Jeong told leaders of FFWPU: "I have followed all my life and obey the words of True Father to the end. If you want to expel me, go ahead. "
This Message, is recorded by Kim Young Soon, the medium that has received Dr. Lee’s messages, under True Father Sun Myung Moon
“Hello, all of you members! I am Dae Mo, Hoon Soon-ae. You, members in the physical world, have been greatly looking forward to my message, haven’t you?
I am very anxious about what to say first.
I am very sorry to True Mother, but I would like to disclose the facts conclusively; otherwise, you are unable to understand the reality of the spirit world. Please think of what pain I feel in my heart when I, as True Mother’s mother, (Dae Mo) have to reveal these facts.
Members! You are well aware that if you do not live rightly, you will go to a bad place in the spirit world, aren’t you? You also know well that the life in the spirit world is permanent and eternal, whereas the life in the physical world is momentary, don’t you? This is the greatest matter of all.
All of you members! How are you living your lives?
Members! I believe that you might have a rough idea of what the original life looks like through the life of the Messiah on earth. Peoples’ lives deviating from the teachings of the Divine Principle are absolutely not relevant to and acceptable in the spirit world. Even if they are loving children of True Father, God cannot forgive them. That is what the heavenly principles (Heaven Laws) is all about, is it not?
Members! Who then is the person whom True Father loves most? It is True Mother, of course. Member! Yet I am sorry, but I have to say that True Mother is not living rightly now. True Mother is not who she was in the past, and she is now more than a little conceited and arrogant. Deviating much from the position of the Messiah’s wife and rather priding herself as being “the Messiah,” she is building up her own subjective works in the name of providence and altering the providential accomplishments and legacies, True Father as the Messiah worked for in various areas. The True Mother of today is not the Messiah.
And it seems that there are many controversies over True Mother’s being “the only-begotten daughter” in many respects, but certainly most of her interpretations concerning the issue of the only-begotten daughter are wrong. True Mother is just the wife of the Messiah. Both in the spirit world and in the physical world, she should not deviate from her position of being the Messiah’s wife in terms of all providential works the Messiah carries out. Yet some leaders and elders who push forward with various plans around True Mother seem to merely comply with the reality of her deviating from her original position, without causing any unpleasantness. Where on earth, is such a teaching in True Father’s words, as well as in the Divine Principle?
Members! Facing and intuiting the reality of True Mother, which has gone wrong, every member here in this spirit world deeply deplores it. Members in the physical world, what will you do about it? Do you want True Mother to leave from the upper class of the spirit world where True Father stays? That should never happen. 
This wrong reality on earth must be cleared in the physical world. If it is true, that True Father in the spirit world is very concerned and worried about the reality of True Mother in the physical world, what will you do about it? Please ask yourself and each other and try to pray for yourself. Please clear off everything on earth in accordance with the voice from your original mind.”
October 5, 2016

1 comment:

  1. Very clear answer from Hoon soon-ae:
    "And it seems that there are many controversies over True Mother’s being “the only-begotten daughter” in many respects, but certainly most of her interpretations concerning the issue of the only-begotten daughter are wrong. True Mother is just the wife of the Messiah. Both in the spirit world and in the physical world, she should not deviate from her position of being the Messiah’s wife in terms of all providential works the Messiah carries out."


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