Thursday, September 19, 2019

Spiritual World message from Sun Myung Moon

Message from the medium, Kim Young Soon, in 2016
"I, True Father, sincerely speak to the 36 Couples, Family Federation President, leaders, and all members of the Unification Movement. I loved and truly cared for Mother. I lived my whole life really taking care of and loving my children from around the world who were looking up to True Parents. Above all, since I felt sorry for my Father, God, who had waited for the Messiah for hundreds of thousands of years, I endured my life to the end no matter how difficult and hard it was.
You, members of the Unification Movement, who are my children! However, I, True Father in the spirit world, feel really pity more for you and for True Mother, and thus I am sending this message to you. So I want you to keep in mind what I am going to tell you now and live according to the will of True Father in the spirit world.
The Unification Movement of today must not remain as it is. What did I, True Father, teach you when I was in the physical world? The thing I taught you most anxiously with love was none other than about the “spirit world.” However heathy you are in your physical life on earth, you all are doomed to come to the spirit world someday, without exception. The life in the physical world is a short period of time, compared to the eternal life in the spirit world, but you all are living in such a way that you hardly think about the life in the spirit world. Satan is now dancing with joy.
Then what do I, True Father in the spirit world, have to do about it? I am teaching Kim Young-soon about the spirit world in detail. I say to her, “You should teach what you are being taught, one by one, to members in the physical world.” You all must clear off all that is wrong in your life on earth and come to the spirit world, when you leave the physical world. Only insofar as you clean yourselves in the physical world and then come to the place where I am present in the spirit world, are you able to live eternally with me. You have to talk with Kim Young-soon about the details.
I am going to speak of Mother now. Mother left her position of the Messiah’s wife. You are aware of that without me having to say, since you are now looking at the life of Mother yourselves! Kim Young-hwi, Lee Jae-seok, how can you know so little about the core of my teachings during my life on earth? I taught you very clearly that you ought “not to touch” True Father’s words, nevertheless you do. Do you believe what you are doing along with True Mother is in accordance with the Heavenly Law? Why can’t you clearly reveal that teaching of mine to True Mother?
When you come to the spirit world, do you want to be with the Messiah? Or will you go to the lower class? The physical world is no great matter. How can you say that Mother inherently does not have original sin? How can you say that she is the only-begotten daughter having nothing to do with Satan and was born without original sin?
You—the 36 Couples, Family Federation President, leaders, and members of the Unification Movement—are my children, yet you make me, True Father, so hurt and break my heart! Why can’t you tell right from wrong in terms of True Mother’s words? All of you leaders, 36 Couples, and FFWPU President, you must repent of and clear off all that is wrong in your lives and then come to the spirit world. 
You need to, once take a close look at the story of Kim Bong-Tae’s family, whose message was sent before. He has been released from hell thanks to his family’s Cheong seong, but more things are still needed.
Do you feel sorry for True Mother? What can you do about it? Although Dae Mo Nim is her mother, she is in a sad situation where she has to forsake her child. I, True Father, have so many things to tell you members, but the thing I want to say for you most is that you should ponder upon your life on earth and get your life in proper order before coming to the spirit world. Please keep in mind that your original hometown is the spirit world.
You, 36 Couples, Family Federation President, and leaders, must plead with True Mother to properly follow True Father’s teachings. That is the way you can become true children. I, True Father in the spirit world, ask you to put an end to the tragic history in the physical world.”

1 comment:

  1. True Father say: "The Unification Movement of today must not remain as it is. What did I, True Father, teach you when I was in the physical world? The thing I taught you most anxiously with love was none other than about the “spirit world.” However heathy you are in your physical life on earth, you all are doomed to come to the spirit world someday, without exception. The life in the physical world is a short period of time, compared to the eternal life in the spirit world, but you all are living in such a way that you hardly think about the life in the spirit world. Satan is now dancing with joy."


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