Thursday, September 19, 2019

The Cult of The Single Mother

The Cult of The Single Mother
Good morning and welcome to the report today, Monday 11 February 2019. The 10th year, first month and Seven day by the lunar calendar. I am Sean Moon, Second King of Cheon Il Guk.
In praise and thanksgiving to the Lord, thank you Jesus, thank you Father.
We are in Second Timothy, chapter four. This is a powerful chapter. Every one of the chapters that we have covered quite a bit and you will see exactly why. But let us look at this; it is called, preach the Word, preach the Word. Here we go!
Second Timothy 4: 1-8
“I charge thee therefore before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom;
2 Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all long suffering and doctrine.
3 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; (Socialism, Communism, Christianity) but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;
4 And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.
5 But watch thou in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, make full proof of thy ministry.
6 For I am now ready to be offered, and the time of my departure is at hand.
7 I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith:
8 Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing”.
You hear that. Love, His appearing, hallelujah, hallelujah.
Let us look at some notes here preaching is the God ordained means to prevent defection from the truth. Teachers, who appeal to its ears, tell people what they want to hear not what they need to hear.
Thus, both shall be turned into fables myths or legends do the work of an evangelist. Paul commands Timothy, to discharge mystic ministry, by preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ.
The New Testament writers view evangelism, as an essential task of the New Testament church.
Of course, they do not mention the crown of righteousness, one of the five crowns of the bible.
Now this is interesting because he comes here “I charge thee therefore before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick (Living) and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom”.
“Quick” means living. We see the living are judged, also the one in the spiritual world are also judged.
In the kingdom, people are judged by the decisions they make. People are judged by the decisions that they make; that means, there are consequences for decisions. Bad decisions become glaring, they are not covered by the state; they are not hidden and made invisible by the state. People get to see what happen when you make bad decisions; People get to see what happen when you make good decisions; to make good decisions by being honorable and honest you serve people and you work hard, you people going to see, wow, that is the fruit of that. Then, when you are wicked, you are deceitful, and you are trying to take property of people by bribery; or even if you made bad decisions like being sexually promiscuous and being a slut.
“I am becoming a single mom” whatever the case may be; you will have to pay for those decisions. There will be no welfare state is there.
Remember, even in the past single mom were very, very dangerous for men who desire to get married. You would always be warned, “No, no, don’t marry her, she already has baby”. You will be warned, the woman would get the consequences of free sex.
Imagine the times were before there are condoms and this get birth control; the woman would get pregnant through sexual activity, and if she choose an irresponsible man who will throw here away, she will be left with the child alone; and the society will look down on her, not because of her, but because of her bad decisions.
She would be a liability in many countries, if you were a single mother and you had a baby; people knew that there is a danger, the most dangerous part, just instinctually dangerous, more dangerous than a daddy and mommy at home.
So, there were many times, as a community take the baby away into an orphanage and have it adopted, by an actual daddy and mommy home which is more healthy for the child.
So, single moms were stigmatized; they were looked down upon, right? For their bad decisions making.
Many times of course, you know girls, who are growing up without fathers, tend to learn this type of lifestyle, by being around with lower quality women, right.
We know the cult of the free of the single woman the cult of the single woman. How the single mother is beholden to her. She did not narrative or the desire to hide her narrative; and she justify her poor decision-making to her child and only talks all the time about people who are raised up with single moms including herself. She was raised up by a single mom; basically, the single mom cult
The single mom cult, does not allow children to criticize their mom; so, she create a very authoritarian culture, especially for the boy. Well, these bad decisions led to this type of terrible situations. And if it is a girl, the girl get poised by the single mom in telling her story, always trying to justify, “Oh I did not know, and that men exploited me, etc. “. “I choose a very irresponsible person, he impregnated me, that how I got you, and I am really terribly sorry, for that”; they never do that; they hardly ever do that because they want to hide their stupidity and hide their bad decision-making.
If they did that for their daughter, that would actually help their daughters. “Oh okay, I am not supposed to be like mom, I am not supposed to be stupid and I am supposed to way till marriage”. You see. Right? That would actually, be a helpful thing so if the single woman repents and find Jesus, she can actually repent and apologize to the people she has hurt around her.
She can say, “I was once of a terrible sinner but the Lord Jesus Christ saved me and I am so sorry for what you had to endure and I am sorry you did not have a father, I was a terrible sinner”.
You know she is able to have that power to repent of her sins. But, you see so many houses homes with the single moms. You know, they say they tried their best etc. but they are married to the welfare state, they are married to the government, they are receiving government quote subsidies. The stolen money of the taxpayer is subsidizing them, without the taxpayers consent. It is coercion; they are involved in the theft system, the robbery system of governance.
(In the Kingdom of God) Now you eliminate all that, you do not have it, and the welfare state is illegal. My government cannot run the welfare state in the kingdom of God.
Everybody’s actions have consequences and people have to be responsive for what they decide to do. So, the single moms will not be able to be subsidized by the government and they still have to humble themselves if they want subsidy and help from churches or nonprofit organization or individuals; they have to truly humble themselves and repent of their sin. they have to change they cannot just keep on having babies with other sperm, with others penises, (excuse the language), they cannot have baby after baby and having to be supported by the state, because the government, it is illegal for it to do. Because we know the welfare state is not for the care of the people; it is for the enrichment of the political class and the control of the population through bribery, to own votes. So, it creates more evil than good.
Obviously, much safer, when the civilians, the citizen’s create the welfare, because that is how the churches did the welfare. Non-profit organizations, the welfare, the individuals to the welfare of the families.
So, if you are a single mom, and you ran away from home and you have slept around, and you got all of these diseases or whatever you got, and now you have babies out of wedlock. You do not have a state; you do not have a welfare system that will fund you through stolen money. So, what you have do, you have to go back to your home, or you have to try to find people, but you have to repent; you have to see, “I am terribly sorry for what I have done; I was stupid”. You have to admit it; you have to grow up.
Now, if you do that, you will be helped; People will help you because people have goodness in heart. People help you right. But, you do not do that, do not do that. Your children will grow up to rebuke you, because you have heaped upon their heads all manner of suffering that they did not have to endure if you just admitted it. So, it is the problem with a lot of single moms and they do not admit their destructives decisions that led them to that place. They were almost as a victim, “I did not know, and I was in love with your father at the time and you are conceived in love”. This is what they say and what they explained to the baby. Not repenting or being stupid and we were at each other’s throats “and that is why we, you know we divorced and that is why you do not have a daddy or mommy anymore”.
What a terrible situation you put your children in; you do that to them in divorce. Such a selfish terrible thing. Your failure and you traumatize them.

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