Friday, September 20, 2019

The Untold Story The Vision [1]

Part 1.
Revelation on True Father’s 7 deaths, and resurrections and what he learned at Father’s side
1) His revelation on the 7 deaths and resurrections of True Father
Then one day I had a vision, and in this vision, Father’s face, was shining like 10,000 suns.
It was so brilliant, that I could not approach it, so to speak. At the same time, I saw Father’s body in hell - sorry - in prison. He was in prison, but at the same time, I could see his spirit, he was in hell. His body was in prison and his spirit was like a reflection in hell.
In hell, there were these demons, who ripping apart these souls and Father was shouting to the demons: "Take my body instead, but let my children go." Then the demons threw away the meat they were eating, the people who were devouring and just grabbing Father, split him apart, and sharing it.
When I saw this vision, for me it was truly a breakthrough, a spiritual breakthrough.
I realized that, when Father went through all those prisons, suffered between life and death tortures and tribulations, I realized, that in reality, he was going to those places willingly, even if he could have escaped from the country; he voluntarily went there to be tortured, for my good, for the sake of my family, my tribe, my future generations.
Once I realized that, Father did this for me, his suffering instead of being a kind of detached suffering, was a suffering for my personal salvation and for the salvation of my family, so that we could stand right in the presence of God, thanks to that indemnity, which Father had to pay.
At that moment, I was inspired to call them the 7 dead and resurrections. The love of Father is a love that not only gives life for his friends, but that gave his life for his children continually, again, and then again, and then again, and then again.
This, therefore, was like an ontological jump from what Jesus says, because Jesus was never a physical parent, fathering. I understood that what Father speaks of, when he speaks of true love, is that kind of love that he actually realized, really going through all those incarcerations, torture, crucifixions etc. All those things are not some detached suffering or some detached payment of spiritual indemnity, or a spiritual prowess: those tribulations were the path that had to travel to free me from my unrighteousness before God, and allow my family, children, my grandchildren, to be in the presence of God.
Once God has given me this revelation and this vision, it has completely transformed my understanding of Father and my relationship with him. Because before he was a great spiritual teacher, a great man and a great leader, all these things. I did not really know the meaning of Messiah or Savior, but after this kind of revelation, I could understand who Father was: he was the Savior, my Savior; He saved me from my damnation, He saved me from my sin, from my unrighteousness. In that state no one can stand before God, but since he paid the indemnity and paid the price for me, I do not have to go that course, but I can stay in the presence of God.
This was a massive, a massive shift, a massive breakthrough and realization in understanding whom Father was what kind of value he had. He was not simply a teacher or a prophet. Messiah was not simply another word for a prophet. He was the savior of humanity, the savior who allows us to be in righteousness before God, not because we are righteous, but thanks to what he did, the price he paid, in complete and perfect righteousness. This, I think, was a real breakthrough.
Richard Panzer:
I remember that Father always pushed us, encouraged us, challenged us to realize our share of responsibility; but what I hear you saying, is that we must not forget, what he has done.
Hyung Jin Nim:
Yes, it is true: We have a part of responsibility that we can embrace or from which we can escape. We can agree or disagree, but we would be deluded to say that we are the ones who paid the indemnity.
2. What he learned during two years at Father’s side?
Richard Panzer:
Can you talk about the time you were very active with leading the Korean Church and many others things; but then Father asked you to drop all of that and spend for two years, I think with him. Can you talk about that time and what did you learn?
Hyung Jin Nim:
Oh, it was really an amazing time, one of the most blessed times in my life. Father had entrusted everything to us; I was the head of the entire world Church. The World Mission Department, the World UPF, the World Youth Federation, the World CARP. Father had entrusted everything to me. It was a massive responsibility. By doing that kind of work, when you have all those things and you are always very busy, it is easy, to get sidetracked, and lose your relationship with God, or not to invest in it, because you are so busy with all the other activities that are going on. In addition, I was driving the Cheon Bok Gung, in Seoul's main church. It was like a whirlwind of activity all the time. Then, at the same time, I was training my "Unsa Nim"; we did spiritual practice from 2.30 in the morning, every single day, with absolutely no break.
It was a whirlwind kind of time and in that kind of position there is always the temptation to believe that you are doing a lot of work, and by doing so much work, you are really serving God more. However, when Father called me to serve him, just be with him, it was a huge, huge, change. Because, all of a sudden, I did not have a schedule, could not make any schedule, I did not have any appointment; I could no schedule anything with people. People from outside wanted to contact me, the VIPs, or whoever it was, but I could not do it. I could not visit families, which we did every week. We visited the common members of the church, we went there and did things to have fun with them, we bought pizza - at that time, I did not know the GMOs. Now we could not do anything. I had to let it all go and forget big events. I had to abandon everything.
At the beginning, it was simply spending time with Father, because even Father was always on the move. He always traveled. He went to the United States, he returned to Korea. There was the world Tour that was suddenly scheduled and all those kind of things, but fundamentally, I was always with Father; I was constantly fishing with him in Las Vegas all the time. We were fishing on Lake Mead and the next day we could be fishing on the Pacific Ocean. It was very different.
At that time I was not a great fisherman, so I used that time to meditate; I was on the boat but I was meditating, or trying to study. At first, I tried to get used to that kind of program, because it was like a schedule without any schedule. You must go following the whirlwind of where Father wants to go; where he wants to go, you have to go. You have no voice in the chapter. You have to give up totally. Therefore, it was a rather stressful adaptation. At first, it was mentally very stressful because you did not know what to expect. However, at some point I was able to get rid of that anxiety and that stress and simply follow and ride the wave with Father. Instead of bickering and complaining: "Oh, mine program! Oh, I cannot do my job! I cannot do this and that! "Whatever it is, you follow. Everything is as gone. None of this really matters. What matters is to be with Father.
I had incredible moments with Father when I got rid of this. Then I could truly be myself. At this point, that I began to show him, the different martial arts I knew. We watched together the UFC (Ultimate Fighting Championship) and mixed martial arts. When Father was not on the boat and we were back, we watched martial arts competitions.
Therefore, I was doing demonstrations. Father made me do the "tap out" (to give up) and "choke out" (lock) with all the security guys; things like that. It has truly become a tremendous time. I spent my time with Father in such an intimate way. We bonded in such an intimate way. I felt that Father could totally ... I was surprised that Father liked the fact that I knew all those martial arts, that I did all those martial arts, because I had practically kept them hidden from the public; I did not show that I was doing these things, but Father completely embraced these things and was enthusiastic about them.
When there was an alarm because a storm was coming and the government forbade access to the oceans, you could not get out into the sea. The alarm sounded that there was a storm or a hurricane and we were on an island in South Korea, in the middle of nowhere. If a hurricane is coming, you cannot get out on the ocean and you must stay indoors. We practically had already downloaded all these mixed martial arts fights and fights and Father looked at them and I told him what they were doing, what they were trying to do; I was a kind of reporter and he was extraordinary. It was a truly, an exceptional period in which I could truly bind myself to Father as a father and son.
I had wonderful times, great moments when we went out fishing and Father took a nap and I could go alone with him in the cabin, and just lie down and sleep next to him and watch him. I have some wonderful photographs of him resting. Very intimate moments I have spent with father. In the end this was very important because it showed me that it is not about religion, or about becoming religiously pure, and doing all those conditions, all that work and all those things. In the end, this is not really about this. This is not, to show men or try to prove people that you are a good person; what really matters is not religion, but your relationship with God. This is what Father has brought in me. He led me to establish a relationship with him that went beyond his religiosity, beyond him as a religious leader, a religious leader, a religious pope. It has led me to establish a real relationship with him. This was so intimate, so real, and so full of joy, affection, acceptance, and embrace.
They were all things I thought I could not show as a religious leader. Mixed martial arts become very violent and do all sorts of brutal things. In my image as a religious leader who meditates every day for hours, I felt that this was not part, of the box of the image I had of myself. However, this has been broken and been released.
I could also embrace that warrior side, which Father has embraced completely. This was extraordinary and I think that period, is what has helped me to go through all the difficult moments, after Father’s death, and all the follies that have happened. It was the relationship, I had established with Father, that he had led me to establish, that really allowed me to support myself in times of despair, and emptiness, when we lost everything, and even our mother turned against us.
Therefore, I think that period is probably the most precious, time that Father has given me. As his successor and heir, I think without that understanding I would simply be teaching religion on Rev. Moon, not a relationship. And this is a huge, really huge, change. I would be teaching only theology on Rev. Moon, not the real person of God, the person of Christ, the person we should know and with whom we should establish an intimate relationship, share our life. I think this was a huge gift, from Father, a grace, that Father gave me.

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