Monday, October 26, 2020

The relationship between True Parents during the last decades

Richard Panzer, can you talk about the relationship between True Parents during the last ten years (2.1)

Yeon Ah Nim

In a sense, it is strange, but when you are in a situation, it is difficult to analyze it, because you are part of it. Sometimes everyone knows the problems of our family but I can be very blind because I am inside. I cannot really say that there was something wrong with the relationship between the True Mother and the True Father when I entered the True Family. It was 1997 and I simply accepted the way everything worked, the way the Mother was related to Father. I just thought things were like that. But often Mother would get very angry at Father's comments, when Father said something in public to the Ho0n Dok Hae. At that time, there was Hoon Dok Hae and Mother was very angry - she can be very angry and let her see that she is.

Richard Panzer, what kind of comments?

Yeon Ah Nim:

For example: Mother does not know anything about Father, this kind of thing; or Mother replies to me; and Father spoke of this in front of the leaders. Mother felt very uncomfortable, and sometimes she got up and left the room.

Mother was not very happy with those comments and then, when they went upstairs, she showed that she was angry about this kind of comment. A couple of times I saw Father make these comments on her in front of people and sometimes Mother got up and left the room; sometimes I saw her go upstairs, she cried because she felt bad about it, for what people would think of her.

At that time, if I have to be honest with you, I was actually on Mother's side, I thought, "Oh, if my husband did this to me I would be very embarrassed. Here is how I thought. I could only see their relationship in terms of a human relationship. But at the same time I could see that Father was trying to communicate with her, but she: "No. No. No ". I also saw these moments.

I must say that, from my point of view, the dynamics of their relationship really changed after 2006 when the Cheong Pyeong Palace was built. At Han Nam Dong where they resided in Korea, everything was very strictly administered, but the Cheong Pyeong Palace is a huge thing; so when Father was away, I saw that Mother from time to time met separately with the leaders while Father was doing Hoon Dok Hae. So I thought, "All right, Mother is doing her job, I'm sure she has things to look after" - that is what I was thinking. I accepted it this way. Sometimes Mother even told our children: "Your won-Appa (which is the True Father) makes my life so difficult". And I thought, "Okay, maybe there's something they've had a fight about." This is what I thought. I did not really consider it a big problem because I understood that they are both husband and wife and can fight.

This is what I thought. But when my husband and I served the Father really closely, after she met with other leaders, the Mother expressed her opinion, and I could see that conflict with the Father.

The relationship between the Father and the Mother after the helicopter crash Father usually went out every day. At 5.00, there was the Hoon Dok Hae and we went there at 4.30, or 4.25. The Father was already doing his exercises. He got up I do not know what time, but said he had worked (done exercises?) For an hour. Then he took a quick shower and went to the Hone Dok Hae. This was his usual routine.

But after the helicopter crash Father could no longer do this physically, and he needed someone to support him, someone was always next to him to prevent him from stumbling or losing energy in his legs. My husband was always close to Father and then there were other people, who helped him, supported him. Father [after that incident] had become less able to move. I could see that Mother became more ..., they fought even more and Mother's reaction to Father became stronger, more visible. Many times, when they were in the Cheon Hwa Gung in Las Vegas, many members of the True Family entered their room. And Mother was sometimes really screaming against Father. Father was quite angry with her and there was a couple of times, in which they fought and left Hoon Dok Hae. In the midst of Father's speech, Mother has gone out. She showed visibly in front of our members that she was angry. She did not do it before. Even though she was angry, she went away and tried to calm herself upstairs, but in the last two or three years she was visibly showing that she was angry at our members and at Father. Then all those types of videos were actually deleted by the team that turned the video.

Hyung Jin Nim's advice to his mother

In fact, Mother asked Hyung Jin Nim about this: "In your opinion, why does your Father make my life so difficult?" At that time, I did not know what she thought about Father. I did not know. As a woman, I thought I had to console Mother; I had to be there for her. However, Hyung Jin Nim was very clear about this, and said, "You know what, Mother? He is training you hard, so you can truly be the true glorious Mother. For you there is only one person who can truly be trained, who can make you the True Mother, the true Queen who truly loves God and who loves Christ. That is why he is training you; this is a period of training. " Here is what he told her.

However, Mother could not accept this; she was not in the state to hear this kind of thing. She began to say that Father also came from Satan's lineage - she began to say this. She also said that she had learned nothing from Father, but that she already knew everything. She also said that she had not read the Divine Principle or the Bible, and she need not to do fasting; when she came here she knew everything, she knew it. She often said this to us. This was our perspective and Hyung Jin Nim was constantly there to improve and make the mood happier.

When we served the True Parents, even when we went to Korea, Father did not want to spend his time in Cheong Pyeong; what Father wanted to do was go to Yosu who is in the southern part of Korea. As you know, Father likes to make fishing conditions, but in Cheong Pyeong, he cannot fish. They made an artificial pond but it was too small for Father who knows the ocean. Father loved the ocean, so he went to the southern part of Korea, a place called Yosu or Gomundo and he liked being there. Mother often sent our couple and said that she needed to take care of her health that she had a meeting or something, and she said, "Why do not you go?" From time to time, we were there two or three days without Mother and when we phoned Mother, when my husband called Mother and said to her, "Can we come up?" sometimes she answered: "No, do not come up, I have other things to do, stay there with your Father.


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