Thursday, November 19, 2020

Government Anti-measures protester’s demonstrations

Government Anti-measures protester’s demonstrations

The German government reformed coronavirus protection laws

Anti-measures protester’s demonstrations

I felt very dizzy with swollen throat this night. So only, my 3 sons went to Berlin. They arrived around 8 am in Berlin. There is police everywhere who tries to block the demonstrators and announced to dissolve the gathering. Please see the links my daughter sent on Sanctuary Telegram.

I am sending more email petitions to our local parliament representatives right now.

Please pray for the protection of the demonstrators and the parliament to deny that new law.

Police is coming with water cannons and fighting dogs now

The parliament started its session now.

In first presentations, only AFD is opposing the new law to dissolve many of our human rights. It seems they already decided to pass this law.

All parties (Beyond AFD) only attacked the AFD and the demonstrators and not said anything substantial about the law. FDP also called to deny the new law but also attacked AFD and kind of the demonstrators.

Police is starting to attack demonstrators with water cannons now, against completely peaceful demonstrators

Water cannons in cold November against peaceful protesters - it is unbelievable. However, the majority of the German parliament does not protect them but denounces them as enemies... very, very sad... but whenever Satan strikes first God will have the authority to take action and claim his people. Be bold and strong.

Now using peppers spray...

With this satanic European governments and parliamentarians, God’s judgement cannot be avoided.

Now the vote will start in Bundestag

Police is pushing the people away by continuous water Canon use. Seems they use also CVS gas

Police is beating innocent and peaceful people. My eldest son is bleeding. Our son beaten up by police yesterday in Berlin for shouting "peace" and "freedom". There was no aggression against Police at his place. They are all very wet from water cannons. After the devils strike, God will claim his territory.

They try to leave Berlin now but the police is blocking and locking people in. Now they could break through police lock up. Please pray for Germany. The devil is trying to take power. But we‘ll never allow that.

People that allow this will very soon lose their freedom. I hope these pictures will go around the world and some people with conscience will speak up.

Media is working on the Nazi’s narrative now...lying that all freedom loving people are Nazis

The new law will allow the police to control with force in your home, forbid demonstrations, Sunday services, meeting other people because of Covid.

The law passed with almost 2/3 majority... new world order seems to control the majority of parliamentarians...smaller countries will follow. ...time to resist!

This is the result of the vote

Red/pink is no, green for the new law; grey invalid or no decision. The governing so-called Christian democrats and social democrats SPD and green Party (In total 413 (59 %) of 698 parliamentarian’s) decided for Corona dictatorship. Fortunately relatively new AFD & independent & liberal & very left ( former East German governing party ) voted against more authority for the government & some of the yes parties - in total 283 (41 %) against or invalid. More against than I thought - that good news in bad situation.

My family sent petitions to our 5 local representatives of the German parliament from 5 different, manly ruling parties. Among the 5 three seem to have voted with no. The CDU representative is one of the 8 in his party that voted with no against 215 yes-men in this twisted former conservative party. It is worth the effort.

The mainstream politician complains that the evil demonstrators used those terrible expressions like “Freedom, Peace, and where doing crazy things like praying the Lord‘s Prayer.

Fortunately, beautiful weather ... is from water cannons!

Similar police force attacking in Paris right now

It seems France is pushing a “global security law” and Denmark pushed a similar law through parliament as passed in Berlin today. Satan through NWO (New World Order) is pushing for his great reset. Only the Trump movement and a minority in the nations are resisting.

As David was triumphant over Goliath God will win when we accept and carry our Micro- Cosmic responsibility. Today was another proof for that. Stay bold and strong and do not let the devil discourage you. God works in mysterious ways.

This is from Christian S

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