Friday, September 20, 2019

Father Moon crowned his son to be his Successor

True Parents know that it will not be easy for these two, this son and daughter, to teach the authority that they inherit and hold on behalf of True Parents. In terms of Three generation, True Parents, the mother and Father, and the Unification Church should be connected in one heart centering on this little child called Shin Joon Moon. Here is how True Father Sun Myung Moon was very clear. I am not making it up. Look for yourself.
I did not crown myself alone. I did not consecrate myself. The King of Kings has consecrated me. The King of Gods King said that I will be, his body. The King of Kings has said that I will be his full heir.
I have not given this nomination to myself. This was then sealed with the Royal Seal. Anyone knows the Chinese characters, here is written: Moon Sun Myung "In", which means the stamp of the Royal Seal. True Father he simply did not write his name. You can see Japanese brothers and sisters. "In" means the stamp.
True Father did not simply write his name, he sealed it with the Royal Seal. Therefore, you see these stupid Archangels trying to pretend they can remove the authority and consecration of True Father Sun Myung Moon!
Father taught about his successor three decades ago
He said, "After that registration is done, True Father will appoint his successor, that successor, must be known to all the Unification Church, all the blessed couples and the True Parents’ family. They must all unanimously accept him.”
[1] (June 5, 1983, Parents, Children and the World centered upon oneself. God’s Will and the World, 1985 page 651, Tarrytown New York)
Then he stated elsewhere:
"No matter young or youthful the heir is, he is the one who will supervise and control. When Father hands down this authority in the future, even if that heir is crippled, people must receive the Blessing from that person. That time will come"
[2] (Blessing and Ideal Family 1, chapter 4, the process of the Blessing under the selection of the Spouse and who determine the Spouse”.)
The successor was, proclaimed in 2008
"Today at this time there must be only one line of authority. The center, centered on Korea or the world, over the entire Unification Church will stretch out and become larger from now. I can leave someone in charge of my work on my behalf. Currently, there is no one among our church members who surpasses Hyung Jin in his standard of faith or in any other way. Do you understand? I am appointing him."
Assertions that Father has made on the Kingdom of Three Generations
"At the end of this life with little to remain, let these two offer all they can to become representative points that can teach the people of all nations about the path they should take from this time on ...
In terms of three generations, True Parents, the mother and father, [Yeonah Nim and Hyung Jin Nim], and the Unification Church should be connected in one heart centering on this little child called Shin Joon [the third son of Hyung Jin Moon and Yeonah Lee Moon]. Everything that is related should begin from this child, and in going beyond the pass of the realm of the fourth Adam in this age.”
"Father, There will always be a physical representative of True Father here on the earth, from one generation to another. There will be that axis on which the earth will turn. Therefore, all of you here on earth, and all the people in the generation to come will be centered upon the same axis."
[5] (June 5, 1983 God’s Will and the World 1985, page 649. Parent, Children and the World centered upon Oneself, Tarrytown NY.)
Father, people were unaware of the fact that when midnight comes after the passing of early evening, the shining hope of tomorrow that is the True Parent, the True Teacher, and the True King, the representative of the kingship of hope, and the authority of the heir to that kingship, is here.
Know, that they have inherited all the foundations enabling the conditions of indemnity to be laid, inherited the authority of the representative and heir whom True Parents’ established with all their strength, and inherited True Parents’ altar of victory that allows them to become without blemish, owners as individuals, before the Republic of Korea, owners of a blessed family, and owners in the position of teachers who can govern a nation.
"Father, In the context of the Coronation Ceremony for the Establishment of the Sabbath Realm of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humanity, (I report to Hananim that) I transfer and pass on the Blessing of the True Parents (to this couple). Aju."
“God is the one King of Kings. There is only one set of True Parents. All families are the people who share a single lineage, and are the children of one heavenly kingdom. Moreover, the command center of cosmic peace and unity is the absolute and unique command center. Its representative and heir is Hyung Jin Moon. Anybody else [who claims such a position] would be a heretic and one who brings things to destruction".
After the report, Father said, “Hyung Jin is a mysterious man who can fit himself to any given atmosphere and introduce Heavenly Father. He can let family members feel something new, and he and his wife are a beautiful couple who can show the flower of profound minds anywhere in the world,” and asked the participants to give Hyung Jin Nim a big hand.

1 comment:

  1. True Parents know that it will not be easy for these two, this son and daughter, to teach the authority that they inherit and hold on behalf of True Parents.


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