Thursday, September 19, 2019

Holy Spirit and Inner Meaning in Laying on of Hands

Holy Spirit and Inner Meaning in Laying on of Hands
Leviticus 1-9
The laying on of hands has this whole inner meaning. In New Testament, we see a lot of laying on of hands and we see healing.
When at the same time, that inner depth of meaning is when we see in Leviticus at the burnt offering.
When you come before God and want to receive prayer, it is almost as if your heart has to be like Isaac. Abraham being willing to give his son and his steeping into the altar. It is like when we lay hands on you, which is the point by which the moment before the death occurs of the animal.
Is that interesting? That is interesting
Because when you walk on an altar of God and you want to see where you have to put our life down we have to surrender our life just like Christ said he who loses his life for my sake should gain life.
When we come to receive prayer it is not only receive the prayer, not only receive the laying on of hands it is a very specific kind of thing and when we look at the Old Testament it is right before the moment of death.
Is that interesting?
Yea right before the moment of death. The New Testament talk about Christ says die unto yourself and be made new. This is like letting go of yourself, of our desire, our will and asking God to take control of our life. Completely putting it down on the altar. That is the type of heart set, mindset and spirit, by which we will receive the laying on of hands.
Laying of hands is a very important gift within the power of the spirit of God. We can see this in Leviticus verse 1:4
“He shall lay his hand on the head of the burnt offering, that it may be accepted for him to make atonement on his behalf”.

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