Thursday, September 19, 2019

Abortion, Never Again

Abortion, Never again itches, child sacrifice
We pledging allegiance to the flag, Pledging allegiance to kingship of God, this is of course a Christian kingship.
This is an interesting thing, because in that kind of free place you know Punishments on the various crimes, you know, if you think about even in a free society people were practicing different things. Christian society would not immediately jump on them.
But, if they started producing evil fruits, like started kidnapping children and starting doing satanic worships, where you know, killing children and then words go out, that was happening in the forest or something like that, with the witches, then the Christians would getting up in arms, and start hunting the witches.
But, they would not do that, if the witches were just, you know studying herbalism in the trees, or something like that. The problem is with the witches, is that they started, because they are into all these herbs and all these you know herbalism, and power and mystical magical potions, and all this kind of staff.
They start trying to add different of powers, which of course then end up as Satanism with children and kidnapping kids and body parts, and all this kind of insanities, which is where all those legends come from. But you know that happened in society, because even the Bible talks about ancient gods that demanded child sacrifice.
So, it is a pretty common thread throughout all cultures, that in the end the devils possess people who are into these mystical, magical power desire and lusting.
You know practices to start killing children; because they just see, that everything is energy; and you know, if herbs give you energy and meat gives you energy, well they make the jump to, then human beings can give you energy seriously.
So, if somebody is just sending herbs, Christians are not going to go and say “well, we had the witch that are studying the herbs:” You know what I mean. They are not going, they do not, dude! They never did that. “She is a witch, she studies plants and she eat mushrooms”. But, once it is not having a dangerous impact on the community; and of course children are more susceptible;
So, any of these possessed demons, possessed people are going to be trying to target children and of course in this ancient traditions, they are killing children and sacrificing or using children as part of their power, concoctions; whatever they are doing this is what, you know, Satanists have always done.
So, you are free to practice your religion, but if you cross the line, you see what I am saying exactly? Not all religion is legal in Cheon Il Guk, because you start crossing a line and pretending that is a religion, like putting children and stews, and these crazy lunatics.
The left is saying abortion is my religious right; No, it is not. You see. That will be, struck down. Because, now you are starting to infringe on the right of another; this is what the witches will always say. The witches and the scenes is always like that: “Well it is part of our religion, we do these sacrifices”. You see. That is not allowed, that is not allowed.

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