Thursday, September 19, 2019

How do you determine if it is really the voice of God?

How do you determine if it is really the voice of God?
How do you determine whether if something you feel in your heart, as the Spirit of God talking to you?
How do you determine whether, that is really the voce of God? Or maybe, it is a voice of Satan? That is a big fear for many people, isn’t it? It is scary. Because once you start to open yourself-up, to be sensitive to the voice of God, all of a sudden you think all the way, wait maybe that is not the voice of God, what if I am hearing something else. So many people because of this fear and this responsibility, hide away from it, and decide to ask some spiritual Medium about it. Therefore, in case they get wrong I can blame it on them.
Folks, God hath not given us a spirit of fear. God hath not given us a spirit of fear. How do we determine when it is the voice of God or not the voice of God?
First thing, and we have talked it, the first thing when you feel the spirit, you feel this is God telling me to go in this direction in my life; first thing you must do, is what? Go to the scripture.
Because you may feel, “oh you know God wants me to cheat on my spouse and be with that person”! Were you going to find that in Scripture? Or “I really feel in my heart”.
I know this is a prompting of the spirit. Well, we opened the scripture and see: “The devil hat you in Chains”. Right? The scripture will give you the word of confirmation. The scripture will guide you; the Scripture, it is not a book; this is a living Word, a Living Word!
When you feel the prompting folks, we have to go to the Word of God, right. We have to go to the Word of God.
Divine principle explains the Bible, which does not throw out the Bible. The Bible is the Word of God. Right, so we have to keep living and interacting with this Word. That how we discern whether, I am being led or not, in the right path of this voice that is telling me.
Through and then, what the Spirit of God will never, ever lead you to self-idolatry. It will not lead you to worship yourself; the devil will lead you to worship yourself. “Hey young people, you are so wonderful”. 
However, you are the hope of the next future and the new generation; you cannot do anything wrong. We need the young people to do it and to bring up the next generation. We need the young people to pave the way for the new world.
“Just support the UN while you are at it; just support the climate change while you are at it”. 
You see how stupide people can be. You have to be able to discern between words disperse people taking me. You will see same behaviour with self-worship all the time, “You are amazing, you do not need anyone, you are just great, you are tremendous, and you are God. You do not need God, that is an old thing you are great wonderful, you are an idol, everybody want to worship you; this is self-idolatry.
If the spirit of God leading you in that way, you rather know that is not the spirit of God. The spirit of God lead you always to not glorify yourself, but who glorify God; it will spark in your spirit a desire to want to lift Him up; not in tribulation when you are going through hard times and remember how amazing you are, remember how beautiful you are; okay. I am beautiful, I am strong, I am amazing; yes and I believe in myself, yeah okay. This is self-worship.
It is, when you are in weakness, that I can do all things through Christ who strengthen me; no weapon formed against me shall prosper: I am more than a conqueror in Christ.
That is power! That is the Word of God. That is not self-worship. That’s God saying, what he said about you; it is not saying what you are, some self-help doctor psychologist told you to see but yourself. It is what God says about you. 
Therefore, when you repeat that you have two swords you have got the one sort of God and you have got your sword that you are swinging against the devil. That make sense folks.
Always check your Scripture and always know God’s voice, will lead you to glorify Him because that is where your true power is, your true power even in the face of crucifixion and death, is not in yourself, it is in God. Amen

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