Thursday, September 19, 2019

True God's Day 2019

True God's Day 2019, Cheon Il Guk King's Remarks
When we look at the story of Genesis and Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, God commands A&E (or humanity), “be fruitful, multiply and have dominion [or subdue] the earth.” We can see that God, the Creator of the entire universe, gave dominion and the blessing of dominion over the earth to his children Adam and Eve. The powerful Archangel Lucifer, who aided God in the creation of the world, was not given this inheritance. He was to be the servant of God’s children and not the master. However, through the Fall of Eve then Adam, God’s children lost their dominion, their purity and their blessings. Lucifer reversed dominion and 1/3 of the angels followed Satan, leaving their proper position as servants and became the masters of humanity. They stole everything, including God’s children, God’s Family, God’s covenant of husband and wife, God’s lineage, God’s descendants, God’s People, God’s Nation and God’s Kingdom.
After the Fall Adam and Eve covered their lower parts with fig leaves to hide their nakedness. They did not know that they were naked, but after the Fall, their eyes were open and they specifically covered their sexual organs. Like children who steal something and hide their hands, or the instruments by which they stole, Adam and Eve hid their sexual parts, or the instruments by which they fell away from God.
The True Parents of Heaven, Earth, Humankind, and True Father as the Lord of the Second Advent or Returning Jesus, discovered this root cause of the fall, that, it was sexual defilement. There is no surprise that due to the internet that the rulers, principalities, and powers of the world are being exposed. They actively collude together to interminably fund and allocate assets to bring about centralized control and Government to rule over this world. From Nazi collaborators like George Soros, or criminals like the Clintons and super trillionaire, the Rothschild Monarchy, they have buried their venomous fangs into every aspect of society, from mainstream media, TV, Hollywood, Silicon Valley, and super elites around the world comprise an international cabal of God and Christ hating political Satanists. Although they might not directly proclaim glory to Satan, their political ideology, engenders the culture of Satan. The killing of children in the womb through abortion, hyper sexualizing children through government schools and media, normalizing gender dysphoria, confusing children that there are no such things as male and female, and lobbying to legalize pedophilia or “minor attraction syndrome” by NGO organizations sanctioned by the UN.
Numerous credible alternative news media organizations have exposed the reality of human sex-slave trafficking and sexual defiling of infants and children around the world. These webs of sex trafficking children have been linked to the super elite banking class, Hollywood and government officials in power around the world. It is becoming clearer that the glue that holds together the common satanic evil of the elite super classes of the world is the practice of sexually defiling innocent children, just as Lucifer did in the Garden of Eden, as the first pedophile! This sexual root cause of the Fall of Man is the truth that the Lord of the Second Advent, the Returning Jesus, True Father Sun Myung Moon revealed.
This evil cabal of leftists supports Marxism, socialism, Communism, Collectivism and any ideology or religion, like radical Islam, that has an aim of centralizing power and legitimizing sexual exploitation of children and women under the name of God. As Government becomes the epicenter of resources, harvested by coercion through forced taxation, psychopathic individuals who would never be able to garner access to such resources through honest means, rush to join this new political elite force. Once in, they work collectively in securing their access to resources and assets by using the trope of “legitimate” government and legislations, to protect one another securing their access to the stolen resources harvested from citizens. As they grow in power, which is extracted from the citizens, and absorbed by the governmental class. The citizenry ends up being surveilled, censored, forcefully taxed, disarmed and controlled by the ever-growing bureaucracy of government officials who need ever-increasing funds and resources, which they extract from their citizens by human tax farming.
Treating the citizenry as cattle, if some rise up to criticize the government they are eliminated, censored or mysteriously die like a cow with a disease. The US government, under Obama and the army of government sponsored and funded psychologists released the Diagnostical Statistical Manual for Psychological Disorders naming people who doubt the legitimacy of government as having “Oppositional Defiance Disorder.” This type of medical tyranny was used under Hitler and Nazi Germany to silence and “hospitalize” those who opposed Hitler’s brutish plans.
All around the world, the UN, Hollywood, mainstream media, the Tech giants, Google, Facebook, Twitter,, Silicon Valley, the Movie industry, the Music industry, TV programming, have been used, to justify centralizing power to the elite and supporting Marxist divide and conquer strategies, to keep the populations of the world, from uniting for limited government, sovereignty and freedom from central governments and elitists.
These elites promote a culture of sexual immorality, relativism, destroying traditional family, promoting divorce and deviant sexual partnerships, murdering innocent babies under the label of “women’s rights,” gender dysphoria, transgenderism, anti-Christian ideologies and spiritual confusion and chaos amongst the peoples of this world. In other words, they are political Satanists, manifesting Satan’s kingdoms over this world.
In the book of revelations, we see the final battle between good and evil. Believers in Christ are scorned, mocked, killed and beheaded as they are in Syria as we speak. One world government rules over the world and there is great groaning and suffering in the land as there is today. However, in the word of God we see a hope and promise. A promise that when Christ returns, he will return with a new name. Rev. 3:12, and that he will give believers two accouterments that will be required in the last days.
The first accouterment is the crown, which symbolizes our sovereignty, our Royal Lineage and our Inheritance that our Father in Heaven has promised, Psalm 2:8-9 states “I shall give thee the nations for thine inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for thy possession. Thou shalt break them with a rod of iron; thou shalt dash them in pieces like a potter's vessel.” Jesus states, in Rev 3:11, “therefore hold fast to which thou hast, let no man take thy crown.”
How is it that, the world recognizes the queen of England or the kings of Europe, Africa and Asia? However, when you and I, whom they deem to be peasants and slaves, but who are Co-Heirs with Christ the King of Kings (Rom 8:17), claim OUR kingship and OUR Royal Lineage we are made to feel illegitimate, crazy and called members of a cult.
God gets to decide how His Kingdom will be ruled. As Rev. 2:27 states, “And he shall rule them with a rod of iron; as the vessels of a potter shall they be broken to shivers: even as I received of my Father.” In Rev. 12:5 the bible states, “And she brought forth a man child, who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron: and her child was caught up unto God, and to his throne.” Again in Rev. 19:15 “And out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword, that with it he should smite the nations: and he shall rule them with a rod of iron: and he treadeth the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God.”
The Rod of Iron is the accouterment that Christ uses demands and bestows upon the inheritors of His eternal Kingdom. As children of God, it is incumbent upon every man and woman, to embrace the rule of the Rod of Iron and to have a Crown of Royalty and a Rod of Iron, which God revealed, is the modern day musket, the AR-15. Only when the good citizens of the world, as co-heirs in God’s Kingdom control the power of the Rod of Iron, will the cancer of criminality, tyrannical governments and dictators cease to flourish and be “broken into shivers.” Wolves fear the shepherd that carries the Rod of Iron. The simple act of owning a physical Rod of Iron puts fear into the predator psychopathic class. However, the sheep are comforted by its presence. As Psalm 23 states, “Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.”
When a good and free people with the Christian ethic of “Love God, Love thy neighbor,” have the dominion of the use of force there is peace. When good, God fearing people can exercise their right to keep and bear arms freely, evil cannot prevail. When the power of the Rod of Iron is in the hands of the right people and not monopolized by government, the people can flourish, prosper and protect one another creating win-win enterprises and human flourishing. The kingdom of God is a Kingdom where the God of love, justice and mercy rules and shepherds the world with the reign of the Rod of Iron. This is not a tyrannical rule of Christ, as that would contradict the Word of God, which says that God is the same yesterday, today and forever.
The God of Adam and Eve gave humanity free will and respected their free will so much as to let them decide to hate and disobey God. God grieving, called his people to repent and to return to Him through the prophets of the Old Testament. God, so loved the world that he gave his only Begotten Son, Jesus Christ, “that whosoever believed on him would not perish and have eternal life” John 3:16. God so loves the world that when Christ’s Kingdom comes, it will be ruled with him and his co-heirs with the rod of iron. In Matt 19, he says that “when the Son of man shall sit in the throne of his glory, ye also shall sit upon twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel.”
In Rev 20:4-6 he says that the co-heirs with Christ will “live and rule with Christ a 1000 years.” In Matt 25, he states that the sheep and the goats will be divided and that the sheep will be given authority. God’s Eternal Kingdom will not be a socialist welfare state for believers. God’s Kingdom will be a Kingdom of Kings and Queens, which rule with Christ, have authority and responsibilities given to them by Christ, and they will co-reign with Christ, with the Rod of Iron. By decentralizing the power of the Rod of Iron to all the citizens of the Kingdom of God, God vanquishes evil and smites them into shivers by the collective power that is entrusted to us as His Royal and Divine children and as his co-inheritors. In Matt 25: 33 the Bible states, “And he shall set the sheep on his right hand, but the goats on the left. 34 Then shall the King say unto them on his right hand, Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.”
Christ does not rule the Kingdom of God as a dictatorial tyrant centralizing all power to Himself. God is not like the dictators of political Satanism and the false monarchies of the past. The True King of Heaven and Earth is calling us to be co-heirs and co-inheritors. To stand with him, to defend life, liberty, love and goodness, by realizing our Royal Lineage to the King of Kings, Lord of Lords; and to accept the Rod of Iron as the protective accouterment that will defend the Kingdom of God, His people, His culture and His civilization.
In 2 Timothy, Chapter 2:3-4 the bible states, “Thou therefore endure hardness, as a good soldier of Jesus Christ. 4 No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier.” The word soldier, or stratiotes in the Greek, means army man or warrior of battle. We are called to be warriors in the likeness of Christ who is the Chief Shepard (1 Peter 5:4) who rules with a poimaino reign, sheparding the Kingdom of God with Love and justice, but having the power of the Rod of Iron to smite wickedness when it emerges.
It is in the Kingdom of God, where humanity will be able to naturally live with liberty, honor and Christ centered ethics. To help the needy, be empowered towards self-reliance. To protect the unborn child’s right to life, to support and applaud Godly marriage and strong Parents/children relationships. To collectively Love God and love our neighbor with the Peace Police Peace Militia, defending our neighborhoods and towns; through due process to destroy and root out the evil culture of political Satanism, and to protect the human rights of all natural Human beings made in the image of the Creator God and endowed with inalienable rights.
Let us begin with ourselves, to accept Christ into our lives as our Lord, Savior, Father and Leader. To strengthen our hearts, to put a desire to protect others deeply within us, and to instill within us, the character and integrity necessary, to uphold the responsibility to protect the Kingdom of God, and it’s Constitution, from all enemies foreign and domestic. and to bring glory to the Father in Heaven and Christ whom He has sent and whose Kingship with stand with the Kings and Queens of Cheon Il Guk, the Kingdom of God, to cover the earth, and bring justice, righteousness and Truth to the farthest corners of the globe, so that His Kingdom may last forever and ever, Amen and AJU!!!

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