Thursday, September 19, 2019

Innocents babies

At Sunday's amazing, grace-filled worship and healing service.
Hyung Jin Nim discussed how New York State just enacted a new law that legalizes the murder of children in the 3rd trimester until the moment of birth. Genocide starts, with killing babies. The most innocent and defenseless of civilians. A Satanist civilization. A similar law has been passed in Massachusetts. In Virginia, the governor has been openly talking about the post-birth murder of babies.
He urged people to attend the Day of Mourning protest in Albany, NY on Saturday, 23, February 2019.
The ultimate goal is to eliminate white, Christian, heterosexual, gun-owner males. The beginning of an outright war. How do you negotiate with such people? If you do not obey a law, armed men with badges may come to your home. If you resist in any way, you could potentially be shot dead. Government edicts are ultimately backed by the threat of death.
Be prepared. 
As it says in Psalm 144, "Praise be to the LORD my Rock, who trains my hands for war, my fingers for battle." We need to speak out against this and separate ourselves from Satan.
Richard Panzer, Unification Sanctuary USA President

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