Thursday, September 19, 2019

The Rod of Iron and Baptism of Holy Ghost

The Rod of Iron and the baptism of Holy Ghost is the real power
The real highest level of protection is the firepower, the power of fire. The Rod of Iron and the baptism of Holy Ghost is fire that is the real power, because all people, it does not matter, age does not matter, size does not matter. Everybody becomes more dangerous against evil, because we do not want to see our kids die, because we do not want to see predators rule the day, and mafias running over us and raping our children; does that make sense? That is why we have the Peace Police, Peace Militia; and that why we have the Rod of Iron.
Therefore the gun committee is not about to be bad guys and look tough, it is not about that, it is about practicing to be deadly; because you love people and you know, you fear if the tyrants or if the wicked take over, you know what they will do.
The right of self-defense and the right of self-preservation, the preservation of your neighbor is not an American right, it is a human right. Therefore, the higher level the people are in terms of be cognizant of themselves,  and cognizant of others, not being delusional, not being crazy, self-absorbed dreams about themselves, but actually can care for other people, right? The more they do that and they learn that people even really training. You learn how to be responsible with larger power.
We have seek His kingdom and His righteousness, right? Can only have the power we have also to love. Remember we are practicing the actual command; was love God and love your neighbor. We are actually practicing to be stronger. So we can be better protectors of people, right.
This is not a joke. That is why I support for you to see this, and you see, I just like you for that. People have a malicious mouth. It is about making peace through strength, learning these things where you learn discipline of your mind, you learn power, but you learn that your love is essential in a Christian culture that then has the right way, okay?
At the same time, that whole society is built on a foundation, of a Christian love, we do not get off easily feelings; we are slow to anger if somebody is cursing us, say ok it is not worth; it is not worth me shooting you.
You have here right in PA the startup Kingdom culture totally taking over, right? Again, most people are not even thinking in that manner, which is the reason why they need the stimulus from the people God has prepared and the inheritors of the kingdom to empower other people from sheep to sheep dog; and that every single one of us here, ever single that understands the Rod of Iron.
Amazing that the gun community is now talking about the local militias! That is incredible! Incredible. And if you have former law enforcement agents there, you can say: “Hey, God has put people in your place and location to step and give guidance”.
Rev 2:27
“And she brought forth a man child, who was to rule all nation with a Rod of Iron and her child was caught up unto God and to His Throne”.

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