Thursday, September 19, 2019

The Identity of the Holy Spirit

The identity of the Holy Spirit
Luke 24:49
“And now I will send the Holy Spirit, just as my Father promised. But stay here in the city until the Holy Spirit comes and fills you with power from heaven.”
Now it is important to understand. The Holy Spirit is not a female God. God’s primary nature is Sungsang Hyungsang, internal nature external form, but Sungsang Hyungsang has a deep internal characteristical consciousness and emotive aspect, that is all combined in that.
Consciousness, I mean an intellect and a rational mind, all the things we have situates in what we call Sungsang. The internal aspect and external form of the same God.
Therefore, the Secondary characteristics of the dual characteristics of God are the masculine and feminine aspect within God. He is masculine, because He is dominantly the father, but this does not mean men who are masculine, do not have a feminine side. I may have a feminine side, but that does not make me a woman, that is not my primary characteristic. That makes sense and certainly that does not mean I am two people.
So, there is a problem with family fraud (Family Federation) with these kind of goddess theology, craving worshiper who want to worship a goddess because they are archangelic and fallen. They do not want to accept God as the father. Because they do not want to see and understand, that God is the masculine dominant subject part, and they do not want understand that God wants women as His bride to be His object partner in love. And they (Family Fed) are seeing it from a viewpoint: “Oh if God is masculine and He is father, that is unfair, because there is no representation of a mother, no Eve to be the mother”
The human being Adam, and God dwelling on his life, was to relate with Eve and to be the mother, the partner that God desired and the partner which God wanted to interact with and have relationship.
Therefore, Holy Spirit in that sense, of course is playing an objective role to God. God is sending His Spirit, sending His Holy Spirit to work with the disciples to fill the disciples, but this is not a separate God nor is it a separate angel, not a separate thing from God, nor a separate entity in its primary counselor characteristics, which then of course leads to di-theism.
As well, we can say, it proceeded forth from the father. The Holy Spirit represents God, but it plays a feminine role so to speak, motherly role in the Church, because it was not Jesus in the flesh, it is a spirit, which is unseen. It is the same when Jesus said, “He who has seen me has seen the Father.” It is a comforter, a representative and a reflection of God, to be there to comfort the Church, to put the arms around it, until Christ return.
However, it is not a separate God, which leads to ditheism and the destruction of Monotheism.
Christ is talking about these things, the Holy Spirit then as the internal representative of Christ and God, or the comforter sent by Christ to be with the faithful.
“When Jesus had led them out as far as Bethany, He lifted up His hands and blessed them. While He was blessing them, He left them and was carried up into heaven. And they worshiped Him and returned to Jerusalem with great joy.”
When we experience Father’s Holy Spirit, when we feel the protection and comforting of the Holy Spirit, inside the Holy Spirit. It is not a separate feminine God, but the Holy Spirit is playing a objective role, in communicating with us, in allowing us to feel God’s power, while at the same time father is still in spirit world as a king.
Primary characteristics come Sungsang Hyungsang, Secondary Characteristics dual characteristics, very important. Unless we fall into heresy of multiple gods and deities.

1 comment:

  1. Luke 24:49

    “And now I will send the Holy Spirit, just as my Father promised. But stay here in the city until the Holy Spirit comes and fills you with power from heaven.”


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