Friday, September 20, 2019

The inseparable brothers for God’s Will

Justin and Sean Moon are united around our True Father like a magnet.
Both of them, their unity was there, when our Father was physically alive, and after his death. This is the true unity between the two brothers; they just wanted to do God's Will, the only ones.
One of the crime of Hak Ja Han, was not to be able to recognize the unity of her two sons. A unity that our True Father has recognized publicly declaring the historical unity between Cain and Abel.
If Han Mother had recognized the heavenly gift of this unity, if she really loved True Father as her husband and lord, the schism in the Unification church would not have happen. Han mother would have been recognized eternally as True Mother, and the world would have taken another step to the Heavenly Kingdom.
"My elder brother (Preston Moon) had a very difficult time accepting the decision, which my Father has made. My elder brother and his wife’s family is in that situation where they have been in disobedience to my Father, and so from the church’s doctrine, that you know, that is not a church perspective; that is not in line with our doctrine. Nearly, 100 percent of the members are with my Father.
What my Father does is not able to control his own church Foundation, because my brother and his wife’s family, which is Dr. Kwak’s family, controls the board of directors in that foundation, and that foundation has many church’s assets. The problem is because we are a church. A church and the assets, which are in this church, are the contributions of all the members of the church and so, really my Father does not have any choice but to protect the assets of the church.
My Father worked very hard to assist Ronald Reagan to be elected. And Ronald Reagan under his presidency, led the largest military buildup in US history in the modern age, and as a result of that strength of America, the power of America arms, the world saw peace not war; and the Soviet Union collapsed, the Berlin wall came down and we had peace.
When we started the restructuring process, we actually were making a significant loss, but in terms of operating profit, we are probably losing according to financial statements more than the forty millions dollars. We have been able to make the business group much more self-sustainable, and we have brought it to a point where the businesses now are no longer a burden to our church, but actually helped our church over the past few years".
Kook Jin and Hyung Jin have worked hard to establish themselves
Justin Moon address to the top politicians and business leaders from South Korea
“For the providence of God, my Father, the True Parents of humanity and the Peace King has empowered us to resemble God and become one with him. Is from this understanding that my father, has proclaimed that we are one family under God, and it is from this truth that my father has given the motto of love Heaven, love mankind, love nation”.
My father has directed me to work on educating people from Korea about the need for Korea to be strong, and that we can make a strong nation and a strong democracy, which has enough military power and defense power to preserve our national security and to defend ourselves from possible overreaching of others neighbours.
The interviewer:
“To non-believers, it might seem like a contradiction. Rev. Moon, call himself the King of Peace and yet he is not averse to selling weapons of war. 
Justin Moon:
“We believe that peace is preserved through strength and that if you want to have a peace you actually have to prepare for war. We believe that peace is preserved through strength.”
We have been misunderstood by society in general for lot of years in Korea. Many of our church members were not able to get jobs, if they express their religion, some were fired if they were found out to be members of our church. Well, our hope is that society can respect our religious beliefs”.

1 comment:

  1. One of the crime of Hak Ja Han, was not to be able to recognize the unity of her two sons. A unity that our True Father has recognized publicly declaring the historical unity between Cain and Abel.


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