Friday, September 20, 2019

The Untold Story On Mother [3]

Part 3.
On Mother, since building of the Cheong Pyeong palace and why he waited until 2015 to speak out?
5) On Mother, since building of the Cheong Pyeong palace
I think there has always been a basic understanding that Mother considered herself a victim, who had forged her victim identity: "I am a victim. I am in this circumstance. Father has all the power. I cannot say anything; I have no say, etc. There are all these things, that. I have to hide, six Marie, or whatever. " And you can see that the Family Federation is still trying to hide these things, because when they come to the point they do not believe that Father was the Messiah because they believe in the same things she believes in, that he had weaknesses. This is what the leadership, says, it is documented. They clearly do not believe in Father as Messiah. We knew, everyone knew that she had a victim mentality, but no one knew how far she would pursue that. Nobody knew how much she would aggressively pursue a kind of revenge against this. And this, I believe, is what is so shocking and surprising for people. Of course this was absolutely, totally shocking and disgusting to us when it ruined the victory after the death of Father.
Now people know why we did not help her, we could not help her; we had to get away from her. This is very important: Cain and Abel must be separated from their Mother who has separated from Father. Without this, freedom cannot come. If we stayed with her, we would have participated in the desecration of Father. So, there would be no way for the Kingdom to come. But since Cain and Abel separated and remained faithful to Father who is the subject and the center, even though she did this and lost her position as the True Mother, the Kingdom will come anyway, but it will come through the three sovereignties, through the three sovereignties that Father himself has crowned. So, in this sense, my wife must now realize Eve's position and play the role of the True Mother to accomplish the one she fell from.
However, that entire situation was incredibly, absolutely surprising; nobody imagined, nobody knew how far it would be. Of course, towards the end of course we had seen that she always had fights stronger with Father, who told him that he came from a fallen lineage, and Father told her he wanted divorce her. We had seen this kind of thing. So we knew that the situation was getting worse, but before that, when Cheong Pyeong's Palace was not there yet, I do not think it was that bad; I think because I was younger and I was not aware of these things. Anyway, after Cheong Pyeong, we could see an ever-greater arrogance grow in her.
"I created this for Father. Without me, it would never have been done; without my Han lineage, without Han Hong Halmoni [mother of the Mother] this it would never have been done. All this glory has been made by me; the stadium was made by me; the palace is been made by me ".
Although Father had given his approval to the whole world church to go there, it is for this reason that donations were raining; it was not because she had any power or spiritual power through Kim Hyo Nam, or what else. Father had said, "Okay, I will give you permission. I will allow all members to go to his lessons. That is the reason they went, no others reasons.
So again, do not give glory to him who deserves glory - that is, God and his body, Christ; his physical manifestation was Christ. This is the role of any believer; any person, at the level of white belt, must understand as believer that everything is for the glory of God. Mother did not even realize that level of understanding, which everything must be for the glory of Father, for the glory of God. No, you cannot attribute the merit of anything to yourself. Because in the end, it is God, who established everything for you, so that you would have the victory, you had; while, you instead think it is yours.
Therefore, of course, we knew she was not satisfied and felt that she was a victim, but of course, it was a big shock, and now the world has seen the extent of her revenge hitting all that Father has established, even erasing it from the ring of the Blessing. By canceling it totally, totally. We knew this three years ago, we knew that she was pursuing this path to her divinity etc. this is why we had to get away from this.
6. Why he waited until 2015 to speak out?
We tried to do our best to convince Mother to do otherwise. I know the public well enough and I know that if at that time I said these things, I would have raised a ruckus: "What are you saying?" Now, after three years, there is so much evidence that even if you wanted to deny it, you should go and hide in a hole. If you really look at the evidence, it is impossible to deny that she has left Father. That is why I am not an idiot. I understand sociology, I understand psychology, I understand mass psychology, I understand public life. I am not an idiot. Those people maybe hope I am an idiot, but I am not.
There is a reason why Father chose me; there is a reason why Father has confidence in me. We are not stupid; we are people of honor, loyal people. The material wealth does not tempt us, no. This is not our purpose in life. Because if you have honor, this will follow you, but if you pursue only those things, you will lose your honor, and you will be, dishonored, and only curses and judgment will follow you. This is what you see in the Family Federation. This is what they have pursued: they have pursued the love of money, the love of material goods, and the love of power. They did not pursue the love of God, they did not pursue the love of the Messiah, they did not pursue the love of Christ; this is why they are imploding.
We left with nothing; we had nothing, absolutely zero here. I had to resort to Obama's social assistance. We had nothing. I feel it was the greatest blessing, because we lost everything but we gained everything. Because we have not thrown away Father. Also now, the level of people who are with us do it because they know that we are honorable people; that we are truly fighting for justice, and we defend the King of Kings. The people, who now come forward and work with us, are connected to us by faith, not by organization, but by faith, because they have authority over their pastoral ministries. We do not micro-manage their ministries. They are free and responsible, but we are united by faith and love in Christ. The level of people who are coming out is simply extraordinary. They are truly people of honor who come together. It's not that sort of people who prostitute themselves for money, who try to take advantage of you, that kind of impostor. They are authentic people, who truly believe in Father, who are willing to risk their reputation, to be insulted and hated to defend Father. It is a great honor to be able to be together and work with people like you, to work with such high quality people. Because this is really the one on which civilization is built, people of the "K" type, high-quality people who believe in honor, who believe in morality and try to pursue goodness, not power, money, vanity. Those are the "R" type people. [Hyung Jin Nim gave three sermons on this topic]
You can see that now people are gathering. There are not many young people, but, there are many young people of K, type quality, not scroungers, not like those who want to poison others. They are young people who really value their life of faith, what it means to be a blessed child. Of course, there is a whole mix. There are also some weird people, some crazy people [laughs], but this is what we get with freedom. Freedom and responsibility allow all transcendent imperfections; we realize that we are sinners and we unite through faith and love in Christ. He purifies us, makes us new. It is not a community of self-centered love and narcissism; it is a community of God's love, which understands the greatness of God. It is truly a community built around the world, which understands the love of God and filled with praise and veneration, for the love of God.
This transforms and builds civilization, it is the epitome of humanity; and this is the reason why so many people now come to serve the royalty of True Father, to align with his kingship. Because now they have seen us. So many of you who live in this area have seen us inside and out, you have seen how we are, you have seen how we live; you can be fake just for a while. You can understand a person if you live with her inside and out. You will see what kind of person it is. All the falseness that takes place in the Palace can exist only when you are very far from people; me if you live on the spot with people, they will see whom you are, how you behave, how you raise your children, what values you have, if you are people of honor; all these things become known. I think that you who live here in the Pokono Mountains, you are all people who have seen us; you have seen that we are not fools, we are rather normal people, that we live for something greater than our vanity or narcissism. We really want to build the Kingdom that Father was here to build, and build it up like the King of Kings.

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