Friday, September 20, 2019

The Untold Story Midbar experiences [4]

Part 4.
What he learned in the "Midbar" of Wilderness in PA, and America and the establishing the Cheon Il Guk
7) What he learned in the "Midbar" of Wilderness in PA?
Richard Panzer:
You have decided to bring your family to Pennsylvania. I am curious. Why did you like to come to Pennsylvania? I know you spent so much time in the "Dabar", or the desert...
Hyung Jin Nim:
In the "midbar", which comes from "dabar". [Laughs] You should know that because you are Jewish.
Richard Panzer:
Sorry, I was not a good student. [Laughs]
Hyung Jin Nim:
Yes, it was interesting because we had to face the reality that Mother was not going to give up her unhappy decision to pursue her divinity. So when this was clear, I said, "No. I will pack; I will leave East Garden. I am leaving; I do not intend to be subsidized here. I do not intend to stay tied here ". They even tried to send me a salary so I could say, "It's still on the payroll. We are still subsidizing it ". I closed my bank account in Korea so they could not even send me a salary. I cut everything, so they had no connection with me to be able to say, "No, no, no. In reality he is now financed ". No, we cut everything away because we know how Satan works. If he has those laces attached to you, he will always say: "Ah! He acts like that, but in reality Mother is paying him ". This, unfortunately, is what happened to so many of the True children. They attacked these laces. They cannot be released.
Therefore, I decided to cut everything and I said, "I have to leave East Garden". So we cut, and we packed up. Kook Jon was already moving from New York because of his company, because of all the unconstitutional and practically communist laws that were coming out. Therefore, his factory had to move and in practice had to move to a place that was more hospitable.
We moved with the spiritual world and Father guided us. Father practically guided us here. The first place we found was Pennsylvania. PA, stands for dad, it stands for Father. The first place we found was the "Lord's Valley" [the valley of the Lord]. We said to ourselves: "Are you kidding? Exit 34. Lord's Valley. Thing? Maybe you are joking! "And the first house we went to see was this house. Kook Jon had to see this house for his family and took me with him. This was in the Lord's Valley. We are in the "Sunrise Lake" community. It was all very strange. I was getting ready to leave East Garden, so I needed to find a place and Kook Jin Nim was already looking for places. He told me "Okay. Let us go there together. Follow me". He started looking for places here and met some people who were led by him in a supernatural way. These people were important real estate agents who knew different properties even before they were put on the market. Somehow, God allowed everything to happen and he ended up finding his property: 600 acres for a tattered price; he was handed a huge area of wild nature. Even the address of his house is number 154 and this is the exact time of the Father's ascension, 1.54 in the morning.
We are in Pennsylvania, the state of the PA (dad) which is also known as the state of independence. Pennsylvania is the country where the declaration of independence was signed. Therefore, we left the Empire State, which is New York, and we came to the state of independence. [Laughs]. It was like a kind of surprising and symbolic exodus from the empire, which of course is what the Family Fed is trying to do; he is trying to support this false empire of narcissism.
The holiness of the signs, 1.54, the exact hour of the ascent of Father, meeting all those people here, being fully embraced in this community; here people are all hunters, they are all people who support the second amendment; one of the highest percentages of rifle owners is in this county in the country. It is incredible!
We were totally welcomed and embraced. People appreciate the fact that the Father founded the Washington Times; he has a great respect for it. My children went to public schools and teachers said, "You know, I respect your grandfather; created the Washington Times, it's extraordinary! He supported conservative values."
We had never received this appreciation in New York. They always said, "It's horrible! It is terrible! "[Hyung Jin Nim says these words imitating New York pronunciation] It was another world. Father therefore led us here. Pokonos means the rock. You know the biblical verse that says: I am on the rock. Matthew 7 speaks of the wise man who builds his house on the rock and when the wind blows and the storm hits the house, etc., the house does not collapse. It was an extraordinary thing to be led here in the wilderness. Here it is a very wild place. Whoever comes here is really a wasteland, but there is such a genuine beauty, there is purity, there is a real "Americana", an authentic spirit loving freedom, which is so different from the communist type of spirit and ethos which dominates in big cities like New York, New Jersey etc.
Things have expanded very fast here; we met some wonderful people who also escaped from persecution [laughs]. We are in the mountains: mountain men and women. God led us here. It is extraordinary. It is interesting because even from a political standpoint, Pennsylvania is a "purple state" (that is, a state where no candidate or party has predominant support), that is, it is like a hovering state, which represents the mood of the whole country, if it hangs to the right or to the left. It is known, as a purple state. He has some sort of social security staff in big cities, but he is also highly conservative when it comes to the second amendment, the right to possess firearms, self-defense, and all this kind of thing. It is a very strange purple state and somehow sets the tone for America’s entire mood.
The places we are like Lord's Valley, Promised Land Park, New Foundland, all these biblical names: it is extraordinary. We knew that the Father was leading us here. When I came here, I had all those visions, dreams, meetings with Father, supernatural encounters. When we started doing religious services, people began to come more and more and we received more and more the outpouring of the Holy Spirit: supernatural visions, smells, and noises, supernatural touches, supernatural sensations, all this kind of thing in the five different senses of the spirit, have been unlocked for different people. Therefore, we have seeing that the Holy Spirit was truly moving and poured out his gifts in this place in the wilderness.
I think there really is a reason why Father withdrew to the wastelands; there was a reason why Jesus withdrew to the desert. It is a place where you are refined; it is also a place where you fight, with Satan. It is interesting that Jesus went to the desert and had to struggle with Satan. This is the same thing. We are in the wilderness but we also have to battle against Satan, all over the world and this internet ministry fights Satan at the world level helping people to free themselves from the false controls and slavery of Satan. Therefore, the desert represents something very important because the Hebrew word for desert is "midbar" that comes from the Hebrew word "Dabar" which means the word or place where you meet the Word of God. However, it is also the place, where you fight with Satan, fight with Satan. It is in the wild nature that Jacob fights with the angel and becomes Israel. It is in the desert where you have to actually fight, test yourself and see what stuff you are made of. I imagine that this is the reason why Father has always gone to the desert. When he was younger, he went to the desolate lands of Alaska, in the Amazon jungle, and it was tested by fishing, hunting, living outdoors.
8) America and the establishing the Cheon Il Guk
I think the reason God brought us here instead of in Korea and Japan is because America still has a legacy of freedom. For example, when I was young I owned a shotgun, but this was due to the pressure from my teammates because all my brothers owned one. So, to be accepted as a man, I had to do it. However, in the end I gave up, I rebelled against this, and so I started Buddhism, I became a pacifist. I left all my violent martial arts and studied meditation. I became a vegetarian; I followed the opposite road. I have learned so much from Buddhism - I am very sincere about this - as regards understanding the mind, psychology, etc., how the mind works. However, one of the things that allowed me to leave Buddhism was to see its final social goals. If you look carefully, even the Buddhist countries that are pacifists are almost all communists. Everyone. Even the history of Tibet, which people do not know why the present Dalai Lama is very charismatic, the history of Tibet is a totally centralized control. A totally privileged élite, a super class of monks, of religious. In the history of Tibet, there are all kinds of sexual scandals in the class of monks; the same thing we see in Catholicism, as pedophilia and sexual misconduct. This also exists in the history of Tibetan Buddhism. There are plenty of studies on this in the West.
When I examined the basic societies that created Buddhism - because I had invested the whole purpose of my life in Buddhism and enriched myself so individually through the practices that help you understand the mind. Yes, but individually. Then what happened when Buddhism expanded on a social level? No, he did not create freedom; he did not create freedom for people even if all the pursuit of Buddhism was for liberation. The same is true of Hinduism, and of course yoga. However, what are the companies that created? It does not create freedom. Creates totalitarianism, creates monarchies, which are not based on freedom, are centralized monarchies. When you look at the real history of the world, where do the real constitutional monarchies come from or the constitutional democracies that we see in the modern world creating the greatest freedom? They do not come from Catholicism. Catholicism has directly supported fascism, has supported Nazism in Germany, supported Stalin; they supported the tyrants, the dictators, because they themselves are a hierarchical system.
It is only with Protestant Christianity that you see the advent of decentralized local government because this is the nature of the Protestant religion. It is a decentralized, localized religion. It does not have a hierarchy. Faith is decentralized. It is about your faith with God and you do not feel obliged to a Methodist, a Baptist, or anyone. All, are connected, by faith, not by organization. Therefore, this kind of decentralized religion, this kind of faith, this decentralized creed with which we can connect to the transcendent from a decentralized position, which created the American Constitution. The idea that we do not need to go through a government to have our freedom. Our freedom comes directly from God. This is the true beginning of freedom in the modern world, which then spreads ironically back to Europe. He starts in America, returns to Europe, and then goes to Australia, etc., all over the world.
How does this start? From which religious theological world begins? Not from Islam, which never creates freedom; not from Buddhism that has never created freedom; not from Catholicism that has never created freedom; starts with Protestant Christianity. It is Protestant Christianity that I hated, and rebelled against it: because I grew up in a liberal culture that rails against Protestant Christianity. Now I know why: because it is so communist. Liberal culture is a communist culture. He believes in centralized power, he believes in centralized government, in centralized education, in centralized monetary financing, in the centralized banking system, everything is centralized. Therefore, the liberal cultural spheres in the West are simply communist cultural spheres; that is what they are. They agree with Marx. They are Marxists, socialists, communists, feminists, whatever name you want to give them, whatever labels you want to give them are always socialists.
Now I understand why they hate Protestant Christianity so much, more than Catholicism, more than Islam, more than Buddhism, because Protestant Christianity is inherently rebellious against centralized power, difficult to control. By its nature, in the heart and in the bones, it is rebellious against centralized power. That is why you see in these cultures as Harvard, Yale, Princeton, such hatred of Protestant Christianity, a demonization of Protestant Christianity, even if this is the foundation for freedom, decentralized freedom.
Therefore, I think that the reason why Father brought us back here is because I can rediscover that root. For the first time, I embraced my freedom as a man. To be able to practice self-defense, to possess firearms and to learn that kind of martial arts, not simply traditional martial arts to do a fight with bare hands, but actually embrace my freedom of man, to learn the most dangerous types of martial arts and to have the strength of what Father called "peace police" and "peace militia". That is, the owners of Cheon Il Guk and free men and women have the power and the right to dominate creation, not to live in fear of predators, wild animals, wild nature. What that gives you this power is learning self-defense.
Living here, we do not have someone in charge of security, but I also have to protect my house. This is the first time in my life that I have to do it. Here I am the security. I am the police. Not the police like a policeman; but I am the one who protects this place. If someone attacks my house, I am the one who has to fight. I am giving my wife strength, giving my daughter strength, giving strength to women in my house to overcome the fear of the conditioning, that they have been taught; that women cannot handle these things. They overcome this and learn how to use firearms, learn the Eskrima, fight with the stick, learn martial arts, jujitsu, all this kind of dangerous things; they learn, and understand, that, these are arts, that give strength. Currently in the world, this can only happen here in America. In other countries everything has become so centralized, which is why the totalitarians are focusing on America to destroy this heritage.
However, this is very important for Cheon Il Guk because in Cheon Il Guk the right to self-defense is a fundamental right that God gives us as owners of Cheon Il Guk. It is not just for hunting, but even if the government is corrupt, it is so evil that it is so far from the principles behind Cheon Il Guk, that people have the power, the means and the weapons to rebel against the government and its monopoly of force. People also have the strength and the power to take back even violently what belongs to them, namely the right to freedom, which has been given to us, by God.
That is why this is fundamental to Cheon Il Guk and the kingdom of God. That's why Father brought us back to America, to embrace this aspect of being a free person, the responsibility in the Kingdom of being - as Father called it - a person of "peace police" and "peace militia"; to be your brother's guardian, to truly be the protector of your neighbor, to truly be the protector of your community. All citizens have this right and duty to give their children the strength to be free. I did not understand the value of the second amendment because for so long I was a pacifist, until I understood the dynamics of freedom, the sociology of freedom, the political system of freedom with respect to communism. It is only with this further understanding and education, because I am now educated, that I can see the difference between these things. I think this is the gift of being here and of being able to exercise these freedoms again. America is probably the only place where you can still do this. It's free. Even if freedom is diminishing, America is the same as any other part of the world in terms of true freedom in this respect.

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