Friday, September 20, 2019

Untold Story The Complete Story

Practically, one day I had a vision, and in this vision, the face of Father shone like 10,000 suns. It was so bright that I could not get close, so to speak. At the same time, I saw the body of Father in hell - sorry - in prison. He was in prison, but at the same time, I could see that his spirit was in hell. His body was in prison and his spirit was like a reflection in hell.

In the hell, there were these demons who shattered souls. And Father said, he shouted to the demons: "Take my body in their place, let my children go!" Then the demons threw away the meat they were eating, the people who were devouring and grabbing Father and sharing it. When I had this vision, for me it was truly a spiritual turning point, because I realized that when Father went to all those prisons and suffered all the different tortures and tribulations between life and death. I understood that in reality Father was going through all those things, he was going to those places of his own will, even if he could have escaped from the country; he voluntarily went there to be tortured for my good, for the sake of my family, my tribe, my future generations, etc. Once I understood that the Father did this for me, his suffering instead of being a kind of detached suffering, was a suffering for my personal salvation and for the salvation of my family, so that we could be right in front of God, thanks to that indemnity that the Father had to pay.

Mother was a very strict traditional Korean mother. [Korean mothers] are stiff, if the clothes do not go well, if the clothes are not suitable and do not go well for the image ... it is all a matter of image, of honor. The oriental culture is very like that. Mother is not the only person like that; most Korean and Asian women are like that. They think a lot about the image, especially if they come from a high-ranking family. She always tried to dress me well, with complete polo shirts. I hated that style. I was a skateboard lover, I had ragged clothes. And this made her angry. When I was younger, I grew long hair. And that made her angry [laughs]. Then, when I was training with Buddhist monks, it made her angry [laughs]. I never wanted to be put in the box of that upper class, dad's sons. I hated it! It was my nightmare. All my high school friends were boys belonging to minorities: blacks, Hispanics, Italians. These were my best friends. I did not get along with that sort of elite culture of dad's white sons. It was not in my character

I think there has always been a basic understanding that Mother considered herself a victim, who had forged her victim identity: "I am a victim. I am in this circumstance. The Father has all the power. I cannot say anything; I have no say, etc. There are all things that I have to hide, the six Marie, or whatever.“ In addition, you can see that the Family Federation is still trying to hide these things, because when they come to the point they do not believe that the Father was the Messiah because they believe in the same things she believes in, that he had weaknesses. This is, what the leadership says, it is documented. They clearly do not believe in the Father as Messiah. We knew, everyone knew that she had a victim mentality, but no one knew how far she would pursue her. Nobody knew how much she would aggressively pursue a kind of revenge against this. This, I believe, is what is so shocking and surprising for people. Of course this was absolutely, totally shocking and disgusting to us when it ruined the victory after the death of the Father.

I think the reason God brought us here instead of in Korea or Japan is because America still has a legacy of freedom. For example, when I was young I owned a shotgun, but this was due to the pressure from my teammates because all my brothers owned one. So, to be accepted as a man, I had to do it. But in the end I gave up, I rebelled against this, and so I started Buddhism, I became a pacifist. I left all my violent martial arts and studied meditation. I became a vegetarian; I followed the opposite road. I have learned so much from Buddhism - I am very sincere about this - as regards understanding the mind, psychology, etc., how the mind works. But one of the things that allowed me to leave Buddhism was to see its final social goals. If you look carefully, even the Buddhist countries that are pacifists are almost all communists. Everyone. Even the history of Tibet, which people do not know why the present Dalai Lama is very charismatic, the history of Tibet is a totally centralized control. A very privileged élite, a super class of monks, of religious. In the history of Tibet, there are all kinds of sexual scandals, in the class of monks. The same thing we see in Catholicism as pedophilia and sexual misconduct. This also exists in the history of Tibetan Buddhism. And there are plenty of studies on this in the West.

Hyung Jin Sean Moon

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