Friday, February 14, 2020

God’s Word of Truth, Is the Bible reliable?

Rev. Hyung Jin Sean Moon
God’s Word of Truth
June 21, 2015
Let's go to God's Word of Truth today, and let's start with Hebrews 4 verses 11 through 16. Let's read together:
“For the Word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. 13 Neither is there any creature that is not manifest in his sight: but all things are naked and opened unto the eyes of him with whom we have to do. 14 Seeing then that we have a great high priest that is passed into the heavens, Jesus the Son of God; let us hold fast our profession. 15 For we have not a high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin. 16 Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.”
Amen! Whoo! What a word! Yeah! Give God praise for that word! We could just stop right there! This is so powerful! I love how it describes “the Word of God is quick and powerful and is sharper than any two- edged sword’. You remember that? The distomos mikaira, the two- mouthed sword of battle; that’s what we talked about last week.
Is the Bible reliable?
Tests of Historicity
1) Time between when author wrote text to closest copy
2) Number of copies of text
Last week we also talked about the test of whether or not the Bible is actually a reliable ancient source, and we saw how it blows every other ancient source out of the water, when you test it in terms of historicity between the time when the author wrote it and the closest copy, and also from the number of copies that we have. We went over this last week.
If you did not see this and don't know what I'm talking about, the Bible being the most reliable ancient source in existence, go watch my sermon of last week; I'm not going to do it again here.
1) Time between written and closest copy
  • Aristotle Poetics 1400 years (363 BC- 1100AD) - 
  • Plutarch 800 years - 
  • Josephus 800 years
  • Average ancient writer is 500 years
It is by far the most reliable!
New Testament
Portion of New Testament is 40 years (John Riland Papyrii) – Historically unprecedented
Dan Wallace (Leading World Textual Critic) says, “We have more and earlier manuscript evidence of Jesus than Julius Caesar and Alexander the Great.”
We saw how, compared to every other ancient text, from Sophocles to Plato, to Aristotle, to Euripides, Herodotus, all those from which we have papers, movies, dramas, History Channel programs, everything- and nobody doubts those things- but we saw in comparison to the actual Bible and the New Testament, there is not even a comparison!
2) How many manuscripts?
  • Caesar: 10 (all we know of Caesar is from 10 manuscripts)
  • Plato Tetralogies: 7
  • Tacitus: over 1,000 years between when he wrote and closest manuscripts, only 33 manuscripts
  • Aristotle 49 manuscripts
I just give you some brief highlights: Plato's Tetralogies: we only have 7 copies of his manuscripts. Caesar all we know about Caesar is in 10 manuscripts. Aristotle 49 manuscripts
  • OT + NT: over 53,000 manuscripts
  • NT: 27,000 + manuscripts of NT (5,800 in Greek)
  • OT: 26,000
  • #3 book in ancient world Illiad: now 1,800 copies
  • Average ancient manuscripts stacked, about 4 feet high
  • Copies of NT stacked, over a mile high (1.6 km)
The Bible 53,000 ancient manuscripts! By far the most credible historical text in existence! Compared to any other ancient source, it is the most historical text, historiographically speaking! All right! So go watch that sermon, if you did not see it last week.
Under TM’s leadership
  1. Changed True Father’s Scriptures (up to 80% redacted CSG)
  2. Changed Cheon Il Guk nation’s national anthem
  3. Changed Family Pledge
  4. Changed Blessing Vows
  5. Changed from Monotheism to Ditheism
  6. Excluded Divine Principle from Constitution
  7. Left her position as faithful, obedient Object (NOT SUBJECT0 proclaiming herself as God, messiah, OBD.
When we look at the current church- we have discussed this many times- we have seen what has happened with the desecration of True Father. He has been totally desecrated! There has been the precipitous increase of desecration with the 80% of redaction of Cheong Seong Gyeong, Cheon Il Guk national anthem, family pledge, blessing vows. Even just one of these things would turn around a whole nation, but they have all been done in succession.
The changing of monotheism to now ditheism, where in the theology we’re worshipping whole families of gods and goddesses, which will only lead to moral relativism and destruction, as we warned three years ago to Mother, when she was already setting up a joint committee to redact all of Father's works and take out things that were not beneficial for Cheong Pyeong, or whatever the case was.
That was happening already when Father was in the hospital, and when we sent out an international memo for people “Please pray for Father because we believe in miracles, and God can do what He wants!” And so while everybody's praying, fasting, doing conditions, doing bowing conditions, everything like that, already in a Japanese restaurant in Korea, the betrayers were gathering in a joint committee to start erasing Father; and this is exactly what happened!
Over the course of now coming up on three years, you have seen the erosion and disappearance of True Father from the entire consciousness of the people of God, who have now strayed and become heretics, following heresy and following positions and hierarchies; they've become lovers of hierarchy and not lovers of God. And that is why you see precipitous collapse.
Of course Mother has now revealed herself as the woman who has dethroned Father, and sits in his throne. In Asian culture this is probably the most insulting thing you can do; the most! Actually if you did this, in Asian culture you’d be killed. And so it is the dethroning of True Father, the eradication of him and a justification of her becoming God.
Of course I've shared with you many times of the conversations that I had to have with her, begging her not to proclaim herself as the Messiah, and not to proclaim herself as God and these kinds of things. Of course her sons who were anointed by Father, are ‘stupid’ and we’re ‘young’ and we’re ‘idiotic’ and we ‘don't know anything about reality’; we ‘know nothing about the world and she knew everything’. And of course this is why the church has collapsed in the last three years.
We also see this happening now more and more frequently, because her nature which she has been hiding behind the scenes, and the resentment which she has held for dozens of years and then exacerbated by the centralized power that Cheong Pyeong created, we can see now these things coming out and these realities now surfacing. You can see it with your own eyes, you don't even have to listen to what I'm saying; you can see now her dethroning Father with more frequency.
And we warned her that this would happen. At the time we did not know that this would be the year of the shmita, the third year anniversary of Father's passing; we did not know it would be the seventh year shmita, it would be a biblical time of resetting, and we didn't know about the harbinger. We didn't know that seven years ago in the shmita we had the largest economic crash in history. We didn't know that in 2001 we had the same shmita year, and on Elul 29, in September, we had the largest crash up till that time. We didn't know that since 1970 every single seven- year period has produced some of the largest economic crashes in world history.
We did not know all that stuff but we knew, we knew, that what Father said was true, and that if he was not obeyed and if we did not honor him, there would be a path to judgment; we knew that would happen and we warned that would happen.
And it's interesting that in the third year, now shmita year, where it's winding down to the end of the shmita now within a couple of months, we're seeing the precipitation of more and more things. We are seeing riots, race-baiting; we're seeing very wealthy elites funding these kinds of things. Time Magazine's got a picture of the riots going on. We have the Charleston massacre that happened just recently, and then again the elite are trying to bank that on a race war. We see precipitous collapse as with the economy which is getting weaker; any young person knows, it's hard to find a job and even harder every day that passes by.
And at the very day of the year of the shmita now winding up, and as it winds down to Elul 29, historically it has always gotten worse, and we see that Korea has now started to become judged. The MERS virus has hit Korea, over one hundred and fifty people diagnosed, twenty-four dead within the last couple of weeks; people walking around like this in Korea (with masks on)
Right now, as we’re speaking, this is the center of the heresy just like it was for the people of Israel. We told Mother, the people of Israel when they betrayed Jesus they got judged within forty years. We told her, “As Father said: if we don't obey him and we do these desecrations, Mother, we will be judged. Father will only give you three years!”
And we can see now that because of this epidemic that has spread over Korea, Cheong Pyeong has released an official memo -this is also the year that Cheong Pyeong is under criminal investigation by the Korean government -and it had to put out a public memo saying that all Cheong Pyeong workshops are now canceled because of the epidemic virus.
Remember we were talking about this, four or five months ago? Remember that? God’s judgment is not a joke, and you don't play Russian roulette with the Creator, especially when he sent His only Son to come to the earth to leave a Covenant with the people of this world. You don't play around with that because if you play around with that and meddle with it and think you're God, you will bring judgment upon the people. And it's now beginning; it’s ramping up.
If the Shmita manifests in America, what can we expect:
  • It will release entanglements among nations
  • It will impact labor, commerce and economy
  • It will transform the financial realm
  • It will cause credit to go unpaid
  • It will be a sign on a nation that has driven God out
All of this happening now in the shmita year, all of this happening now with the economy tanking! So really we have to understand that in a shmita year, the shmita was not to curse the people of Israel. The shmita year was a time where if we obeyed God, God would bless us; if we strayed from God, the shmita would become flipped and it would become a curse on the people, to remind them that they left God's hedge of protection, and now the predators are after them. And that's what happens!
We are in that situation now because what happens providentially on a microcosm reflects a macrocosmic movement of what is happening. We see that in the world: we see the macrocosmic things that are a result of the microcosmic decisions of the center of providence and of Mother’s fateful, and I'm sorry to say, heretical decisions.
Who knew when Father wrote that comment that he made me the successor of True Parents and the inheritor and his substantial body? Tae Shin Ja is also a legal term that means I can represent him in a court of law; I can be representing True Parents in a court of law. And he wrote that, ‘and any other will be a destroyer and a heretic.’ Remember those words? We thought it was the Kwak group; who knew it would be Hak Ja Han, Mother, that it would be her? That she had harbored all those resentments that she had become one with the temptations and the seduction of the archangels, who were posing to understand her heart and her pain and get her off the providential course.
That decision then has repercussions because that is the original relationship, and when there's betrayal in that original relationship, all that God was expecting, seeing the victory, seeing the victory, and at that final moment, aah! He sees it happen! There is a tremendous angst and a tremendous han that is released! And this is the year of the shmita folks! And we are seeing wars in Ukraine now escalating. Anyways we warned about this three plus years ago when everybody thought we were crazy, and those foolish fraudulent archangels laughed at us and mocked us.
Will the people of God return to His Word? That's the question because in a shmita year the key question is: will there be repentance and will there be returning to God's Word? Will the people humble themselves or will they continue to go on as apostates, defiant, and try to show God that they’re the boss? That's the question!
So that's why I believe God is pulling us to understand: well, what about the Bible? Is the Bible really a mythological tale - what we've heard for over fifty plus years coming out of the top academic, scholarly, celebrity institutions in the world? We've heard about this type of theology for fifty plus years, “The Bible is a myth! The Bible is not reliable; there's so much room and time for redaction etc ...” We tackled a lot of those things last week. There are over 400,000 variants; we tackled that too last week. I'm not going to repeat those facts today.
But are figures in the Bible actually real? Are they mythical tales? We go from the Divine Principle that says, “The Bible will speak in images and metaphors” Of course that never doubts that the Bible is telling the providential tale of history, but it says that they speak in images and metaphors, and then we went from that and jumped to the conclusion that the Bible is bunk! Do you see how big of a logical jump that is? To say the Bible has imagery and metaphors, every Christian will agree with that; Jesus himself said, “I speak to you in parables!” I mean every believer will agree with that; there's not a disagreement there.
But the fact that we got so infiltrated by secular culture and by the propaganda of these elitists, we jumped from ‘the Bible has imagery and metaphors’, to ‘the Bible is a mythological tale’. And we've all been prey to it because that's what you're drilled with, drilled in your brain every day at school, music culture, pop culture, whatever it is, drilled, drilled, drilled, drilled, drilled in your brain! “That stuff is bunk! That is fake! Those people didn't even exist!”
Ze’ev Herzog Professor of Archeology, Tel Aviv University: “This is what archeologists have learned from their excavations in the land of Israel: The Israelites were never in Egypt...!”
And this is echoed by some of the top professors in the world like this professor of archaeology in Israel, Tel Aviv University, who says that archaeologists have learned from the excavations in the land of Israel that the Israelites were actually never in Egypt. They were never even in Egypt!
The Late Yasser Arafat Former President of the Palestinian Authority “The notion of the Jewish origin of Jerusalem is a religious myth used to justify occupation and colonialism.”
They are mythological peoples, and a story that has been constructed:” it's a mythological construct used to justify occupation and colonialism.” This is former Palestinian Authority Yasser Arafat!
Dr. Lawrence Stagar Professor of the Archeology of Israel-Harvard University “If a sacrificial altar stood on Mt. Ebal, its impact on our research is revolutionary. All of us have to go back to kindergarten.”
We have a Harvardian, a fellow Harvardian there - so proud of my Veritas shield! And a fellow Harvardian there, look what he says! Professor of archaeology of Israel Dr. Stager, “if a sacrificial altar stood at Mount Ebal, its impact on our research is revolutionary. All of us will have to go back to kindergarten,” that’s what he said.
This is the arrogance of the elites! When you get up to Harvard! See we have people that go to the B- level schools; you get to Duke and you’re still thinking, “Oh! When I get there! But there's something about the Harvards, and there's something about the Ivy Leagues that I don't know about!”And you're still in a good school like Villanova or something, but you're still thinking, “Oh! But when I get there, I'm going to ...!”It's a joke; it's ridiculous!
What you realize when you get to Harvard is that these fools are people too, and all the hype about them, all the knowledge that they purport to have is pushed; they are funded, they are funded, and when you understand the professors receive funding from sources like Rockefellers, Soros, and these total communists, people who like using their money to create communist systems so they can make money off the people, then you realize these people have an agenda. No wonder the rhetoric at the elitist level is all the same!
And the top people go into those schools and are trained in them; and it’s drilled in your head, “The Bible is bunk, the Bible is a mythological story; it's fake. It doesn't have any archaeological evidence to support its claims!”
And this is actually what's so wonderful about science, because the Principle says that the new truth will show that science will actually help elucidate the truth. And what's fascinating is, when you actually study biblical apologetics you will realize the more science they study, the more proof you have for not only the existence of God, the historical Jesus, and of course the people of Israel.
These are some signs; I've just been crazy this week. This is off a lecture given by Dr. Don Paton who is one of the head researchers along with Eli Sharon, I believe his name is, and they are working with the Department of Antiquities in Israel. And a tremendous, tremendous, study that I’ve just been ruminating on all week, and it's just been so exciting because I also fell prey to the brainwashing. I also have being educated in those liberal art schools!
Of course they will never doubt Plato or Aristotle; they will never doubt them, even though they only have seven manuscripts of Plato, and forty-nine manuscripts of Aristotle. They will never doubt those people as being inauthentic, but everything about the Bible has to be false. And when you see that whole echelon, that whole strata of people and elitists, they hold that same view; they push it on you, and if you don't, “Hey! You can't join our circles!”
Well it's interesting because Dr. Stager of Harvard said that if they actually found Joshua's altar which God commanded Joshua to build on Mount Ebal, this would be absolutely revolutionary, and that even himself as the professor at Harvard would have to go back to kindergarten!
Deuteronomy 27:4
“So when you have crossed the Jordan, you shall set up these stones, about which I am commanding you today, on Mount Ebal, and you shall cover them with plaster.”
And this is Deuteronomy 27 where God commands Joshua and Caleb to build an altar on Mount Ebal! (showing map of ancient Israel) And it's right there; Mount Ebal is right here in Samaria.
Exodus 20:25-26
“25 If you make an altar of stone for Me, you shall not build it of cut stones, for if you wield your tool on it, you will profane it. 26 And you shall not go up by steps to My altar, so that your nakedness will not be exposed on it.”
It says in Exodus 20 that ‘you shall not build it out of cut stones,’ so you can't cut up the stones; it's got to be from natural stones. And ‘you will not go up by steps’ like the Canaanites; so you will not go up by steps, it has to be like a ramp.
Dr. Adam Zertal Chairman of Department of Archeology, University of Haifa “The altar just as it is described in Deuteronomy. Some say, “Well no! That is not really an altar.”
Dr. Adam Zertal, Chairman of Department of Archeology, University of Haifa: whoops! We found something on Mount Ebal! Oh, we found a stone structure which is not cut stone; we found a structure that has a ramp going up it. “No! But this is a farmhouse! This is a farmhouse or a watchtower,” is what they said.
“It has to be a watchtower because the mythical people of Israel never really existed, and they made up fairytales about Joshua and Caleb and Jericho and Solomon, and David and Hezekiah and Nehemiah, to justify their occupation of Jerusalem. They are mythical tales like Zeus and Hera and Osiris.” You've probably heard something like that right?
Altar Was Full of Bones and Ashes Department of Zoology at University of Haifa Examined 942 Bones, 50-100 Individuals Sheep, Goats, and Cattle.
Whoops, whoops, whoops! They found an altar- 942 bones! Wait, I thought it was a farmhouse! Well, it had no doors, it had no windows, it had only stone structures like an altar, and that would make a terrible farmhouse. It was supposed to be a watchtower, but it was very low to the ground, it was not high; you couldn't watch anything. It was not even on the top of the hill, it was only two thirds of the way up the hill, and they found 942 bones!
And if it was a Canaanite altar they would have found snakes that were sacrificed or falcons or birds of prey or different types of animals, but what did they find? They found sheep, goat, and cattle; all kosher animals, all Jewish animals! Wow! That's an anomaly! “And if we found such an altar on Mount Ebal, well, it would be revolutionary,”Mr. Staker said, right? And that he would have to go back to kindergarten!
Pottery Dated to 13th century B.C Time of the Exodus
They also found pottery on the site of Joshua's altar commanded in the Bible and there it was dating from the 13th century B.C.! Whoops! The time of the Exodus!
Egyptian Scarabs Seals From Ramses II 1245-1220 B.C Often used for dating in Egypt
Egyptian artifacts this is from Ramses the Second who was probably the one reigning at the time of the Exodus.
Oh! They also found Egyptian scarabs seals there! Whoops! Dating from the time of the Exodus in 13th century BC!
Adam Zertal Chairman, Dept. of Archeology, University of Haifa “What happened regarding the new accumulation of facts I have cited? Almost nothing! Since the appearance of the detailed report and the many articles I have published, silence has descended on the scholarly world”
What Adam Zertal has said- he's the Chairman of the Dept of Archaeology at Haifa- he said that what has happened since he released these facts is that, “silence has descended on the scholarly world!” Silence! And there is Dr. Stager in kindergarten!
See, these people don't tell the truth! They are committed to lie to you because if you don't believe the Bible you'll never believe in God, and if you don't believe the Bible is a credible reliable ancient source that talks about the person of Jesus Christ, you will never have a relationship with the Savior and Messiah. And you will never know when he is to return, how he will look like, what he will be, and what kind of bridegroom he will be. You'll never know! They can fool you out of thinking the Bible is bunk, which is their main objective; you're a fool because you're not looking at the actual evidence!
Joshua 4:19-20
19 Now the people came up from the Jordan on the tenth of the first month and camped at Gilgal on the eastern edge of Jericho. 20 Those twelve stones which they had taken from the Jordan, Joshua set up at Gilgal.
In the Bible, it says in Joshua 4 that they camped at Gilgal on the eastern edge of Jericho. So, what did these Bible-believing or not even Bible- believing professors say? They're just saying, “Okay, I'm going to use it as an ancient historical source. Let's at least try to go search at Gilgal, which is on the eastern site of Jericho.”
The Gilgal Is located in the bottom of a special natural theater for large crowds It is in the shape of a shoe, now at the “heel’ you find...
Whoops! What did they find? They found a very large structure in the shape of a shoe, which is also commanded in the Bible.
Deuteronomy II
24. Every place on which the sole of your foot treads shall be yours; your border will be from the wilderness to Lebanon, and from the river, the river Euphrates, as far as the western sea.
So, it is commanded in the Bible that, “every place on which the sole of your foot treads shall be yours.” It is made in the shape of a foot claiming this land is ours! And look at this (showing picture): at the heel that little square there, that's a real picture. Right here, there's the heel, and there's a toe! Look at that, right there! That is in the exact dimensions of the biblical Tabernacle!
Whoopsie-daisy! Whoopsie-daisy! “I thought the Israelites were mythical figures, making up stuff about Tabernacles and Arcs of the Covenant and ahahahahahah!!!! So uneducated!”
How ridiculous! This is the actual evidence! The Bible explains that you'll put twelve stones and in that place with the toe you will see the twelve standing stones, in the shoe print, where the Israelites would camp. And guess what! (Showing another photo) There's the edge of the toe and there's the eastern part of Jericho, as the Bible says!
See, these people are such frauds! Satan is committed to create illusions for people, so you buy into it and accept his pitifully brain-dead relativism which is brain-dead. If you accept that you are brain- dead; you have no brain. Because then you can't stand up for anything, including your own multiculturalism and philosophical relativity.
This is the problem with Satan; well, let's say this is the nature of Satan. He's into illusions, fraud; he doesn't care. All he cares about is trying to devour your soul and eternal life! That's all he cares about!
Joshua 6:4
4 Also seven priests shall carry seven trumpets of ram’s horns before the arc; then on the seventh day you shall march around the city seven times, and the priests shall blow the trumpets
“Oh! But you know Jericho has a very mythical tale; Joshua and Caleb went in and took over the city, and they surrounded it six times and blew the trumpets on the seventh day and the wall came crashing down! Oh! My God! You expect us to believe such a mythological fable! Such a childish, kindergarten- level! Students could never believe such a thing ever happened!”
Not Biblical Jericho
Kathleen Kenyon: (1952-58) said city belonged to time much earlier and could not be Biblical Jericho based on the absence of the imported Cypriote ware pottery. Acknowledged: “Blackened or reddened by fire”
Well, it's interesting; this whole strain of study was started by Mrs. Kathleen Kenyon in the 1950s. She was from Oxford! Wow! As if I'm supposed to be impressed by that as a Harvardian and even if I'm supposed to be impressed with Harvardians, as a Harvardian! She says, “The city belonged to time much earlier than biblical Jericho based on the absence of the imported Cypriote ware pottery.” This is the pottery that was supposed to be there, and she said we found no remnants of this type of Cypriote pottery.
But she did acknowledge (look at the bottom of the slide) that there was a strata in this tell. The tell means the hill; when you say Tel Aviv, it means the hill. A tell has many strata of different kingdoms that are built on top of each other, and the one that would correlate to the 13th century movement of Joshua and Caleb in the Exodus etc, it is a blackened layer; there's a layer of ash and burned material. So she did acknowledge that, but she said that this cannot be the biblical Jericho because there's no pottery.
Bryant Wood Professor of Near Eastern Studies- University of Toronto Found the diagnostic pottery on the east side of the ‘tell’, a more prosperous part of the city. Found a continuous series of Egyptian scarabs with dated inscription on bottom. Unbroken series extended from the 18th century B.C. Way before the Exodus.
Brian Wood, professor of Near Eastern Studies at the University of Toronto, found the diagnostic pottery on the other side where she was not looking for seven years! Isn't that convenient that she was not looking on the right side where the Bible says to look?
Well a professor from Toronto went to that side and started digging, and whoops, he found some pottery, Cypriote pottery at that! And guess what? This pottery was also full of grain; it was full of grain! That is very bizarre because if a nation takes over another nation, grain is like money, you take that money. You will use it to enrich and fortify your camp and your people, right? Why are these all full of grain?
Joshua 3 ... carried the ark came to the Jordan (came across the Jordan, this was at the time of the harvest)
Well, the Bible says in Joshua 3, that they crossed the Jordan and they entered into Jericho at the time of the full harvest, and they were commanded by God, “Do not touch the grain for it has been desecrated by the Canaanites.” So they left it, and they have the actual Cypriote pottery full of grain!
But you're not supposed to believe this; you'll never hear this anywhere else! Dr. Stager certainly will not help people see these facts!
Bryant Wood Professor of Near Eastern Studies- University of Toronto This is the diagram that Bryant Wood made showing the fallen brick.
Dr. Bryan wood, from the University Toronto, also found crumbling areas of the walls that had crumbled around Jericho, dating back to the exact time of the Exodus.
Bryant Wood Professor of Near Eastern Studies- University of Toronto Found small portion of north wall still standing + houses built against and into the wall.
Joshua 2: 15- Then she let them down by a cord through the window: for her house was upon the city wall, and she dwelt upon the wall
And he showed an interesting thing: there's one section on the northern wall which is still there, and there's a little house there on the city wall. Well, don't you remember the story of Joshua and Caleb? They met a certain woman in a certain house, remember this? And what does it say? “She was living on the wall!” and that her house would be preserved; it would not be destroyed. Well, it’s interesting because the entire wall has been destroyed, but there's one part of the wall which has one house there, and you can see it right there, that is still standing.
But of course Kathleen Kenyon was searching on the other side of the city for seven years, probably in a five- foot area, so that she would not find such a thing which has now been discovered.
Bryant Wood Professor of Near Eastern Studies- University of Toronto Found storage containers and indications that had been full of grain
“But I thought the Bible was just mythology and you're stupid if you believe the Bible; you have no education, you're not educated, you're not smart, intelligent, if you believe in a Bible! My God! Which version did you believe in? “
II Samuel 5: 6-7
6 Now the king and his men went to Jerusalem against the Jebusites, the inhabitants of the land, and they said to David, “You shall not come here, but the blind and lame will turn you away: thinking, “David cannot enter here.” 7 Nevertheless, David captured the stronghold of Zion, that is the City of David.
So we go to Jerusalem, and this is called the City of David in 2 Samuel, “the stronghold of Zion that is the City of David.”
II Samuel 5
8 Now David said on that day, “Whoever climbs up by way of the water shaft and defeats the Jebusites (the lame and the blind, who are hated by David’s soul), he shall be chief and captain.”
And when David entered into Jerusalem the Jebusites were there. The Jebusites were a pagan people; they would have sacrificial altars and rituals to pagan gods etc...
II Samuel 5
9 So David lived in the stronghold and called it the City of David. And David built all around from the Millo and inward. 10 David became greater and greater, for the Lord God of hosts was with him. 11Then Hiram king of Tyre sent messengers to David with cedar trees and carpenters and stonemasons; and they built a house for David.
(Reading the above verses) “Well, well, this is such a hoax, because we don't even know if Solomon or David even existed! From archaeological evidence there's no evidence that David was even a real figure like the historical Jesus.” Even though there's more written about the historical Jesus than any other person in the history of the world including all antiquity!
Historical Background Kathleen Kenyon, 1906-1978, Graduated from Oxford, 1936, “Modernized” Archeology in Israel, Jericho 1952-58 City of David, 1961-68
“It may seem disappointing that the excavations have discovered none of the buildings of David’s city... Virtually no area remains in which there is any hope of finds of the period... The whole of this area must therefore be written off as far as any knowledge of early Jerusalem is concerned.”
Kathleen Kenya from Oxford again who ‘modernized’ archaeology in Israel: that simply means she was successful in deceiving everybody, thinking the Bible is bunk.
And look at our church folks! We got hit with it too! We got slammed with it; we got smashed by this same wave! But you read Father's works: Bible, Bible, Bible, Bible! He's speaking about the Bible all the time! Notice that the Word of God doesn't change; it’s us fools that change and try to get away from it!
And it's interesting because what she said here, oh “it may seem disappointing that the excavations have discovered none of the buildings of David’s City... virtually no area remains in which there is any hope of finds of the period. The whole of this area must therefore be written off as far as any knowledge of early Jerusalem is concerned.”” There is no evidence for the biblical figure David, none whatsoever!”
“She was there for seven years digging in the city of David; she found nothing! My word! Well, I guess she's from Oxford, very credible, and I guess she's right. David is a myth!”
Israel Finkelstein Tel Aviv University- Director, Institute of Archeology “... almost no signs of monumental building operations ... the mythical united monarchy is a literary construct...” Jerusalem in Bible and Archeology
Israel Finkelstein Tel Aviv University, director Institute of Archaeology, also mimics the same stupidity:” The mythical construct of a united monarchy is a literary construct!” It's a made-up, imaginative, fictitious construct that has been created; that's Tel Aviv University!
David Ussishkin Tel Aviv University “I am afraid that evidence regarding the magnificent Solomonic capital was not discovered because it is nonexistent, not because it is still hidden in the ground.” Jerusalem in Bible and Archeology
David Ussishkin also says this: (reading the above quote) Do you see how sure these archaeologists are? Do you see how sure they are? And when they teach their students, if you've ever been at the highest liberal arts institutions, you will know. They will teach you with utter assuredness, that it is nonexistent, “These simple people you know, believe in this Bible; it doesn't exist. The Solomonic temple does not exist; David, Solomon probably a myth! It's not even in the ground!”
Niles Peter Lemch University of Copenhagen “Archeological data have now definitely confirmed that the empire of David and Solomon never existed.” Biblical Archeological Review
In Europe, University of Copenhagen, head professor Dr. Lemch says, “archeological data have now definitely” definitely, definitely, “confirmed that the Empire of David and Solomon never existed.”
These people are saying it right into your face, and people who have no brain will listen to this and go, “Oh, well, the scientists said there's no evidence, so I guess David and Solomon could be myths!” Have a brain! Have a brain! Look at the evidence! (Showing photo) This is the City of David by the way; there's the Temple Mount.
Look at this little triangle here: it's interesting because inside there they found Jebusite altars- which was expected. The Bible says there were Jebusite altars, they found Jebusite altars, and they had archived buildings down here. This whole area was burned by fire after the Roman invasion in the Second Temple period, and in these archives there were papers, but all the papers were lost.
But in the ancient world there were things called bullae which were stamps, and what people did is they would put their name on a stamp and then they rolled them in clay and closed the paper up with clay. You've seen them, they are kind of like a seal, and these were called bullae. So when Jerusalem got burnt down, well they hardened in the fire, and they are clay, so they became like pottery and they could be preserved. So what did they find in those seals? Whose names did they find?
I Chronicles 9
11 and Azariah the son of Hilkiah, the son of Meshullam, the son of Zadok, the son of Meraioth, the son of Ahitub, the chief officer of the house of God.
Well, they found Azariah the son of Hilkiah, that's mentioned in Chronicles.
Jeremiah 36
10 Then Baruch read from the book the words of Jeremiah in the house of the Lord in the chamber of Gemariah the son of Shapham the scribe, in the upper court...
They also found Gemariah, the son of Shaphan, which is also mentioned in Scripture. They found Baruch who is the scribe of the Prophet Jeremiah; they also found that, dating back to the time of Jeremiah.
Jeremiah 36
26 And the king commanded Jerahmeel the king’s son... to seize Baruch the scribe and Jeremiah the prophet, but the Lord hid them.”
They also found Jerahmeel the king's son. They found 26 seals that are attesting to biblical figures! 26! Whoopsie-daisy!
II Chronicles 32
30 It was Hezekiah who stopped the upper outlet of the waters of Gihon and directed them to the west side of the city of David. And Hezekiah prospered in all that he did.
“II Chronicles says that, Oh, you know, in the time of Hezekiah’s 8th century BC he stopped the upper outlet of the waters of Gihon. Is this water of Gihon even real? Come on! The Bible is a mythological text like Zeus and Greek mythology (who believe that in the beginning of Genesis there was a layer of sugar, butter and fat, from which the celestial cosmos emerged.) So of course this ancient Bible thing is the same in lunacy or in unintelligibility than those other ancient mythologies. They're not real things that happen; these are not real places!”
What's interesting is they found a spring which was the main spring, which is called the spring of Gihon. Now look at this scripture! It says, “... upper outlet of the waters of Gihon and directed them to the west side of the city of David.” Now we know that Hezekiah did that because King Sennacherib of the Assyrians was coming, and he said, “Shoot, the waters are right on the edge; I got to move these waters into the center of the city!” So he, at least that's what the Bible says, he moved the waters of Gihon westward into the city.
Well! There's the spring of Gihon, and when you look at the spring there is a tunnel and it's pointing to the west and when you go down the tunnel at Gihon...
I Kings 1- Solomon’s Coronation
33 The king said to them,” Take with you the servants of your Lord, and have my son Solomon ride on my own mule, and bring him down to Gihon. Let Zadok the priest and Nathan the prophet anoint him there as king over Israel, and blow the trumpet ...”
Before you go down there, in the same region, another biblical story is that Solomon is coronated. King Solomon who is never supposed to have existed right- according to the experts, it's a mythological tale- King Solomon should not have been coronated; he doesn't exist.
And the Bible says in I Kings 1: This is David saying, “tell Solomon my son to ride down on my own mule; send the servants of the Lord, of me and send him down to Gihon, and that's where he'll be coronated. Nathan the Prophet will anoint him there; he will become king of Israel etcetera... blow the trumpet cetera.”
So there's this supposed place where they should have a place near the spring of Gihon, where it's big enough to have servants and mules and a procession and a ceremony; they could not find it. They stood around the place of Gihon: there was one tower there that was built by Queen Helen, Constantine's mother, who really ruined Jerusalem
But then one of the archaeologists said, “It's got to be here,” and he started banging on the walls that Queen Helena had created in the 4th century AD, and so they started banging on these walls and it broke through and what did they find? They found a huge auditorium inside, right behind the spring of Gihon, that can easily fit mules, servants, and that seems to be a place for royal procession.
Going back to the waters of Gihon: the waters were directed to the west side of the city. Here's a picture of it: brought to the west side. This is Gihon, this is the tunnel. Whoops! What did they find in the tunnel? They found Hezekiah tunnel! It's 1,750 feet long; you can actually walk through it! This is the actual inscription: this is a copy of the inscription that was in the wall and this dates, carbon- dated to 2,700 years ago, the time of Hezekiah, as the Bible said.
And there are people walking through Hezekiah’s tunnel, westward into the city of Jerusalem! But I thought these tales were mythical, and they didn't exist! You're supposed to believe the Bible is stupid and stupid people believe it!
(Showing map of the ancient City of David, Hezekiah’s Tunnel and Gihon Spring) There you go! Here are some of the details on that. It goes all the way down, and ends up at this little pool, and this pool they believed was a pool of Siloam. This is the historical pool where Jesus said to the blind man, “go into the pool and your eyes will be healed!” So they found this place; this is where Jesus actually was.
“But of course Jesus is probably a mythological figure and didn't really exist!” Even though there are 53,000 manuscripts of this man named Jesus Christ! The closest to that, not even close, Aristotle 49 manuscripts saying that Aristotle existed. Why don't you doubt that Aristotle existed? Plato 7 manuscripts: why don't you doubt that Plato existed? He's got only 7 manuscripts attesting to his reality! Jesus Christ has 53,000! You see the brain -dead, brain- dead, propaganda that they do!
And so this is the pool of Siloam; maybe it is.
Luke 13
4 “Or do you suppose that those eighteen on whom the tower in Siloam fell and killed them were worse culprits than all the men who live in Jerusalem?”
But they made some very interesting discoveries because right near the pool of Siloam, Jesus mentioned there is a tower that falls; they found the tower. They kept on digging for it, and it was weird because it kind of stops and it stops at this tiny pool, so they are thinking, “Ok maybe! 3000 should be able to be baptized in there at one time; it should be quite large.” This little pool that you see here is quite small and 3,000 people really can't fit in there.
II Chronicles 3
2 Now when Hezekiah saw that Sennacherib had come and that he intended to make war on Jerusalem. 5- And he took courage and rebuilt all the wall that had been broken down and erected towers on it, and built another outside the wall...
Hezekiah said he moved the water westward inside and he also built another wall, look right here: ’built another wall outside.’ So, is the Bible actually telling the truth here? Let's go see if we can find the other wall first to confirm: This wall over here that supposedly Hezekiah built, and here it is! They found it right at the place where the Bible says! Again the archaeologists, the fraudulent archaeologists were digging on the other side of the kingdom! There it is at the broadest part: 23 feet wide, clearly showing!
I King 2
10 Then David slept with his fathers and was buried in the City of David.
The Bible says, “David was buried in the City of David.” He's in Jerusalem; his body's there! Whoops! They found royal tombs, Solomon and David's tombs, with all sorts of artifacts, pottery, inscriptions- Whoopsie-daisy- in the City of David! Oh whoops!
Nehemiah 3
15 But the gate of the fountain repaired Shallun the son of Col-hozeh, the ruler of part of Mizpah; he built it, and covered it, and set up the doors thereof, the locks thereof, and the bars thereof, and the wall of the pool of Siloah by the king’s garden, and unto the stairs that go down from the City of David.
There should also be stairs that go down from the City of David! “Of course this is all mythology!” They found stairs at the northern side of the wall here, and these stairs go down, but they stop and they hit this grove here, which is owned by the Anglican Church and so they cannot dig there. In 2004 the Anglican Church had some problems with their sewer system, and look what they did? They were digging to fix their sewer pipes, and Whoopsie-daisy, they found some stairs!
Well from the government Department of Antiquities some of the scholars went out there, negotiated with them and by 2004 they had excavated this much stairs, right here, and by 2005 they have excavated this much stairs! They're supposed to not exist! They are supposed to not exist! They’re supposed to not be there! These are massive stairs which lead to the pool which is humongous, easily fitting 3,000 people.
Up here in this artifice, the Bible says there are stairs that connect with these stairs in the pool of Siloam, the big pool, but they could not find the stairs here. The Anglican Church was up here; they can't find any stairs. What did the guy do?
Nehemiah 3
...He also repaired the wall of the Pool of Shiloam, by the King’s Garden, as far as the steps going down from the City of David.
The guy started banging on this big mountain here, and he went closer, he went closer right in here, banged through it, and Whoopsie-daisy, he found stairs going right up to the top, just as the Bible said!
This is also mentioned by Josephus 2nd century writer, who said 3,000 Jews were killed in this tunnel; they were poured boiling oil on them that killed them all.
THE NEW YORK TIMES August 5, 2005 King David’s Palace is found... Jerusalem, Aug 4- An Israeli archeologist says she has uncovered in East Jerusalem what may be the fabled palace of the biblical King David.
The New York Times even had to report that King's David Palace may have been found.
II Samuel 5
11 Then Hiram king of Tyre sent messengers to David with cedar trees and carpenters and stonemasons; and they built a house for David.
Let's look at 2 Samuel 5, this mythical figure of David! The Bible says, this ridiculous book, says, “The king of Tyre sent messengers to David with cedar trees and carpenters and stonemasons and they built a house for David.” Well, what is Tyre? What is the king of Tyre? Tyre is the capital of Phoenicia, so the king of Tyre in Phoenicia sent to King David carpenters and stonemasons. So if that's true well in Jerusalem we should find something that looks like a palace, that is huge, that is enormous, that no archaeologists could have missed, and it should be in a Phoenician style.
Of course that's very hard to find if the Bible is not true, right?
(Showing another photo) This is Dr. Eilat Mazar and she made a hypothesis. She said, “I don't believe the Bible but I'm going to use it, and this is what it says. It says that David's Palace should be right here below the Temple Mount; it should be right around here. So I want to raise money to test this hypothesis and test if the Bible is actually accurate and we can believe in a credible source. I'm an archaeologist, I'm secular but I want to test it, and if people want to fund me I will dig.”
And so what did she find when she dug in the exact spot that the Bible predicted, and that she said the Bible predicted? Well, whoopsie-daisy! She found a huge palace, six- stories high, two-hundred- yards long like two- football- fields long; six- stories high! Remember in the ancient world that is huge! That's huge in the ancient world and that's what she found! Oh, and whoopsie-daisy! They also found pottery dating back to the exact time of David (10th century B.C.) Oh! And whoops again! They found Phoenician architecture in the middle of Jerusalem, just like the Bible said!
But I thought it's supposed to be mythology, and it’s bunk and it's a lie, and if you believe it you're stupid!!!
Dr. Eilat Mazar Hebrew University “But one of the main clues in finding King David’s palace,” says Mazar,” was surprisingly from the Bible itself.”
(Reading the above quote) She actually found it using the Bible!
Hillel Halkin Commentary, July 1, 2006 “We have a biblical text describing in detail the creation of a Phoenician- style palace by David high upon a particular mountain around the end of the 11th or beginning of the 10th century BCE And we have a grand structure of the Phoenician style dating from the same time, on the summit of that very mountain located with assistance from the text and previous archeological discoveries. This was not stumbled upon, moreover, but carefully hypothesized, and the current dig was proposed as the test.
(Reading the above) They've also found all these different artifacts and places that the Bible attests to.
Adam Zertal Chairman, Dept. Archeology-University of Haifa Manasseth Survey The nearby 1,000 new sights explored create a new archeological reality which connects the books of Deuteronomy, Joshua, and Judges in the territory that they have actually been in.
(Reading the above) Discovery made in the last year period
Historical Background Kathleen Kenyon, 1906-1978, Graduated from Oxford, 1936, “Modernized” Archeology in Israel, Jericho 1952-58 City of David, 1961-68 “It may seem disappointing that the excavations have discovered none of the buildings of David’s city... Virtually no area remains in which there is any hope of finds of the period... The whole of this area must therefore be written off as far as any knowledge of early Jerusalem is concerned.”
But I thought Kathleen Kenyon said they “discovered none of the buildings of David’s City,” including the two-hundred- yard six- storey mansion right under the Temple Mount in a Phoenician style!!!
Israel Finkelstein Tel Aviv University Director, Institute of Archeology “... almost no signs of monumental building operations ... the mythical united monarchy is a literary construct...”
I thought the “no signs of monumental buildings... the mythical United Monarchy is a literary construct”!!!
David Ussishkin Tel Aviv University “I am afraid that evidence regarding the magnificent Solomonic capital was not discovered because it is nonexistent, not because it is still hidden in the ground.”
The magnificent Solomonic capital was non-existent!
Niles Peter Lemch University of Copenhagen “Archeological data have now definitely confirmed that the empire of David and Solomon never existed.”
The empire of David Solomon never existed! How about: we don't want them to exist because if they did the Bible would be telling the truth. And if the Bible was telling the truth the Messiah would be who he said he was, and if the Messiah is who he said he was, then believing in him or not will determine your future, and how he looks like when he comes back.
And this is where these frauds should be: they should be in kindergarten, learning their Bible stories. Because when you look at the evidence, if you have a brain and you can see with your own eyes, you'll realize God's Word is real. It's not a relativist thing, it's not one of many truths; if you buy into that you are brain-dead, I'm sorry. You are brain- dead! You are brain- dead!
The Bible is true, God is true, Jesus is true, and when he returns as the Messiah, as Father, he's true, and that's why we protect him, we stand for him, and we lift him up!
Umma, you want to see something on that?
Yeon Ah Lee Moon:
Let us give one more, big round of applause to my husband Pastor Moon! Thank you! It was amazing! I feel like I was in some kind of archeologist school or something like that; it was amazing! Thank you.
You know when we don't believe the Bible as God’s Word, then we cannot really follow Jesus, we cannot really resemble Jesus. But he came to the earth to show how to serve; he said he “came to serve, not to be served” right? And when we see his life course, think about it, about the many famous stories: he washed his twelve disciples’ feet, and he healed so many people. I'm sure sometimes he was physically, emotionally, and spiritually tired to heal so many people that followed him around, and then you know he even fed 5,000 people with the five loaves of bread and two fish right. He really showed the life of serving!
And when we see Father's life course, he really lived a life of serving. Once, Father said that when he was twenty, he served one lady. She believed that she was the wife of God, and Father said he voluntarily went into her house and served her to experience what it was like to be in the position of a servant of servant. So he did the laundry -at that time there was no laundry machine, right - he did the laundry and he did all sorts of housework cleaning and everything for her.
Father said when he was in his late thirties, he had a large following; He was preaching to around three hundred members throughout Korea, so at that time he wrote down the names of all those three hundred people and he recited them every morning and prayed for them. You know without serving hard you can't do that right? “Oh! Three hundred people are following me! I need to be served now!” As Christ, without serving hard, he could not succeed.
I remember when he was in Yeosu, after long, long, hours of Hoon Dok Hae, he said, “Okay! Let's go! I'm going to go fishing and I want to feed you all sashimi!” It's raw fresh fish, right! So he went out and spent all day on the boat in the blazing sunlight; he caught many fish, and he made sure to come back before dinner, so he could serve all the workshop participants in Yeosu. The next morning he asked those ladies at the Hoon Dok Hae, at 5 a.m., “Was the sashimi good? Was the sashimi good?” And everybody said, “Yes!” This was just amazing! He really served his people, and it was such a beautiful thing!
Once, Father took out all his staff and leaders for lunch, and in the restaurant he said to everybody, “You guys all say that you are attending me, that you are serving me, but do you know that I'm the one who is serving you? Do you know that I'm the one who is attending you?” Yes, let’s give a really big applaud to our Father! He really showed us how to serve and how to show love, not only through his words; he literally showed physically how much he loved, through serving us.
I believe that one of the greatest things to really show our love to God is to study the Scripture. He said this is the first commandment, “Love God!” and that one of the ways to love God is by studying the Scripture. If we don't know that the Scripture is true, then how can we practice it? How can we be like Jesus?
And as we also prepare for the church volunteer fair next week, let's have a serving heart, in our heart, and let’s serve each other, and most of all let us serve our God! Aju!
Pastor Hyung Jin Moon:
Amen! Amen! In the year of the shmita while the heretics are running from the Scripture we're running to it; we're running to the Scripture and the Word of God.
Let's go to Cheon Seong Gyeong 658 and let’s read together:
“Only when we overcome these circumstances with absolute faith, can the Kingdom of Heaven emerge; yet that alone will not settle the Kingdom. It will be realized only when we subjugate Satan, who brought God hardships for millennia and deceived humanity.”
We are sick of the deceptions, and the people of God are starting to wake up; so, right now as we get back to the Word and we start studying and delving, and as we break through all the illusions that Satan has created around, it's time for God to move in a mighty way. Amen!
Let's all rise up, and I want to ask you to come down. If you want to pray, again if you have doubts about the Scripture and you still have those remaining doubts, let's pray them out! Let's put them on the altar. If you have any feeling of that doubt, let's get rid of it because that's what is blocking you from experiencing God and having an experience. Amen!
So if you want to come down, come on down; please join us down here. We want to stand with you. If we have any doubt in our hearts we want to ask them out too; we want to call them out; we want to point them out; we want to chase them out by going back to the Word. And as we return to the Word we're going to receive power.
Heavenly Father, we thank you so much for all those who are bravely and courageously standing here before You today. Father, we are not fools, we are not fools! We are people who know that your Word is true! Yes! You use the Scripture to speak in images and metaphors as Jesus himself said, but that does not mean your Word is bunk, and Father, as we see reality and cut through the illusions of propaganda that are surrounding us in popular culture and see the truth, see actual evidence, we see that your people that You wrote about are real. The stories that You have passed down through the ages are real.
And we see that these people were people who were flawed, who were not perfect, but served a perfect God. Father, people who were incompetent, who thought they could never do it, who ran away from their responsibility, but at the final hour said, “Yes Lord! I will do what you want!”
Father, we ask that in this time of the shmita, when Korea's now being directly judged- Cheong Pyeong, the seed of heresy is being judged right now- and as that is happening as You predicted many years before, we pray that the people of God will come back. Wake up, stop getting deceived by illusion, so open your eyes and see Father is dethroned!
We will not let it happen; we will stand under your Covenant, we will stand under your Word, we will redeem the process of bringing back your Scripture to the earth, and we will stand strong and mighty in battle as victors and not victims, who are anointed and approved by your Word.
Father, we thank You so much! Please, give us power, confidence, trust in your Word, for your Word says, “we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us” and today, we know that Christ is strengthening our hearts.
We give You all the praise, glory and honor, and we give it this day. In our own names we report. Amen, and Aju! Let's give God some praise everybody! Hug your neighbor! Say, “God is real! God is real! God is real!”
Amen! Amen!


  1. The Bible 53,000 ancient manuscripts! By far the most credible historical text in existence! Compared to any other ancient source, it is the most historical text, historiographically speaking! All right! So go watch that sermon, if you did not see it last week.

  2. the test of whether or not the Bible is actually a reliable ancient source, and we saw how it blows every other ancient source out of the water, when you test it in terms of historicity between the time when the author wrote it and the closest copy, and also from the number of copies that we have


HJ Sean Moon, election and more

HJ Sean Moon, election and more From an analysis with Harvard, law graduate HJ Sean Moon speaking Folks I am shooting this from my roo...