Thursday, February 13, 2020

The lord, mighty in battle

The lord, mighty in battle, march 8, 2015
‘The Lord, Mighty in Battle!’ Let’s talk about this today! Let’s move to Psalm 24. This is actually the whole Psalm; so let’s look at the whole psalm. Let’s read it together:
1 The earth is the Lord's, and the fullness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein. 2 For He hath founded it upon the seas, and established it upon the floods. 3 Who shall ascend into the hill of the Lord? Or who shall stand in His holy place? 4 He that hath clean hands, and a pure heart: who hath not lifted up his soul unto vanity, nor sworn deceitfully.
5 He shall receive the blessing from the Lord, and righteousness from the God of his salvation. 6 This is the generation of them that seek Him that seek thy face, O Jacob. Selah. 7 Lift up your heads, O ye gates; and be ye lift up, ye everlasting doors; and the King of glory shall come in.
8 Who is this King of glory? The Lord strong and mighty, the Lord mighty in battle. 9 Lift up your heads, O ye gates; even lift them up, ye everlasting doors; and the King of glory shall come in. 10 Who is this King of glory? The Lord of Hosts, He is the King of glory. Selah.
Amen! Wow! This passage of Scripture really focuses us in on what is the center of the entire cosmos. We were talking about it actually outside; we were talking about how we have to, once again, begin to orbit Christ. We have to orbit Messiah, right.
When we look at True Parents, even within them there's an order. True Father is the subject and Mother has to orbit around him; she's the closest orbit, but she has to orbit around him!
Look at her whole life: it's been orbiting in a circular motion around Messiah. It's the same thing with the True Children and with the blessed families. We have to orbit around the center; we have to stay within that force of gravity that's pulling us towards him, amen!
And that's so important for us to understand, because we have so many different types of relativists in our movement, who are trying to destroy that order, and when you try to destroy the order of the universe there’s chaos, amen! Planets start shooting off in different directions.
But only when we realize that we are just a rock, a meteor floating through space, unless we orbit around ‘He who give us life,’ then we're not going to be what actually we can be, as a living organism for God, where things can dwell in, where things can flourish in, where there can be blessing, where there can be waters that cover their earth, there can be trees and fruit. All those things will come, but we have to stay in the orbit around Christ. Amen!
As soon as you get off that orbit and you float on to deep space, you are going to get cold, you're going to get disorientated; all life on your planet is dead! It's going to die; it's going to dry up. We have to stay in the proper orbit and the proper placement in relation to the center; that’s what allows green trees, flourishing waters, rivers, waterfalls, rain forests, beautiful pink and blue birds flying in the sky. This is all possible only when we stay in the orbit that is appropriate, amen!
This is why so many in the world church now are getting deceived, when for the first time confronting the reality that within True Parents there is a structure; it is not as we want to believe in some image that we have seen as pictures, that we want to bend to our postmodern relativists thinking, that so many want to do in a movement.
But that there is a structure to the universe, there is a structure to the solar system, there's a structure to our relationship with Christ and with Father; there's a structure. It's not like two suns sitting in the middle, and we're orbiting around them, which is the model that the provocateurs want to show the world church; pretend that there are two suns there, and if Father is not there, then the next sun, Mother, is going to be there.
That's not how it is; it's never been that way! Mother has always orbited in love around Father. He has been the center of life-sustaining power for the entire world movement, from Mother all the way to his children, to the blessed families in Africa, Siberia, Russia, wherever they may be. He is the sun that gives that heat, that radiant heat that nourishes the planets that are orbiting around him.
Once we start breaking that structure of the solar system universe, that whole planetary ecosystem then begins to collapse. It begins to go out of balance; the planets begin to think that they are the center. And what happens when that happens? They float off and die, wither and die. That's not what we wish upon anybody, but that is the fate of those who leave their orbit with Christ, and not stay in that orbit with Messiah. Amen!
This is what is so important to understand while the whole world church is contemplating, meditating, praying on these things; it is so important to understand that there is a center to our cosmos! There's a center to our solar system as believers in Christ, amen!
I want to show this video real quick. I was trying to download it onto my computer, but I didn't have enough space, so I am going to jump to YouTube really fast. I want to show you the beginning of this video because Father makes something very clear: he's talking about order, and this is what he says. He is speaking in Korean; he says: “Today at this time, there must only be one line of authority. The center, centered on Korea or on the world, over the entire Unification Church will stretch out and become larger; from now I can leave someone in charge of my work on my behalf. Currently there is no one among our church members who surpasses Hyung Jin in his standard of faith, or in any other way. Do you understand? I'm appointing him!”
When I see that, I am only humbled, because I know without the center we're nothing; we're absolutely nothing without the center. If we don't protect the center, if we don't protect what everything in our solar system and cosmos rotates around, we have nothing.
(Some little kids come running around the stage) Look at these guys! These guys are even rotating in circular motion on the altar of God! They are praising God, they are in worship; they are feeling the Holy Ghost! Jesus said you had to be as a child to see the Kingdom!
That's beautiful! I love seeing those kids running around; I love that!
But we see now in this age, in this year, while everybody's watching, there's a worldwide shaking; it's a shmita year-shmita means ‘shaking’ in Hebrew. It is the seventh shmita year; we’ve talked about that millions of times. There’s a shaking in the Kingdom!
And of course, as we predicted months ago, they're trying to fire me, again; trying to use Mother as a puppet to fire me, trying to get rid of me, because I won’t conform to their oppression, and I won't conform to the way they want me to conform and bow to them, under those, the three Kims’ covenant; and I will not bow to them. They want to fire me because I'm standing up against them who are desecrating my father. You're coming into my house, you're desecrating my Father, burning up his most precious things that he left for us; then you're going in and trying to rape my mother, and you expect me to shake your hand and negotiate and say ‘thank you’. I'm coming after you, archangel! I’m coming to take you down! Because when you come into our house, and if you try to come and desecrate my father, and you try to come and you try to dominate my mother, well, see, a normal son will come out and kill you.
He has to; it’s his duty! He has to take you down and destroy you, because you are invading; you are violating the law of God. And this is why you want to fire me! You might as well try to fire me from my marriage; you might as well try to fire me from my children; you might as well try to fire me from … oh, you know, I have a pure lineage; so you might as well try to fire me from that too!
You can try to fire me all you want! It doesn't make any difference, because the center, whom we revolve around and orbit around, True Father, put his crown on my head. Do you understand that? Not so I can boast about that position, but so I can take you out, who are counterfeit and who are standing to destroy him and destroy his Kingdom.
That’s why you, archangels, get scared; because we won't stand down and we're honest people who will not be bought off, will not be wooed in and seduced by promises of power and authority, and we will stand to fight you if you are harming our parents. And if you're trying to come in and put your hands on our mother, we are going to come after you! You understand? We have no concern of trying to negotiate with you; we have no interest in trying to say, “Oh! I want to be peaceful and I want to be peacemakers! Oh! Please do what you will with my mother!”
No! You see, it's the opposite! Any good child will stand up and fight a predator; any good child will stand up when his home was invaded, and his father is dishonored, and his mother is being seduced into your bed. We will come in and destroy you! That's how simple it is! Because any child of God who believes in the Kingdom, and believes and loves his parents and his family, will stand up at the risk of his life, to take down predators who come up against him.
See, what did Father tell you, archangels, in 2009 I believe; it was in Sokcho? What did he say? You know what he said! You don't know why he chose me? Of course you know that I have a pure lineage; you know that I had no relation before marriage. I am married, I'm not divorced. And you know that Father chose me for those reasons, yes, but he said to you, archangels, that in ten years you would realize why he chose me, and why he makes me stand for him. Because we are the children, his Cain and Abel who have become united, to not follow your domination!
And archangels, when you try to say, “Oh! They're so disobedient because they don't want mother-son cooperation,” why don't you read your Bible? Why don't you read the Word of God from which the Principle comes, and which is our foundation of all these Scriptures?
Why don't you look at the biblical mothers who risked their lives to save their sons? Why don't you look at Jochebed, who is the mother of Moses, risking her life, putting Moses, giving him away into the Nile River, so that he would not be a slave?
Why don’t you look at Rebecca who helped stand with her son to receive the birthright, not so that she can take it from him, but so that he can come into his blessing and anointing, and build the people of Israel, begin the tribe? Why don't you look at the real women of God?
Because, when you say ‘mother- son cooperation,’ you're saying that it is all about power; you're saying that now that Father isn’t here, we all have to just go along with what is happening, even though we know Mother is under the dominion of archangels, and the three Kim tribes that we know.
When she first got married to Father, she never believed she was God! She never believed she was Messiah! She never believed it was her tribe that would be the true tribe; that she was born without original sin! That's never been taught, never been consecrated before Father! She never believed that Father was from defiled blood lineage, and then when he met Jesus, his original sin was wiped away!
This type of ludicrous theology is what you're putting into her! And we see how you seduced her to believe she is God, so that you can puppet master her, and you can control God, you can have God do your bidding, and attack His own children. You can use her to attack her own children whom her center, whom her Messiah anointed, and put as his  representatives and heirs. What a foolish, foolish, sleight of hands you are trying to pull before the entire world church!
You see, let me tell you something, archangels! And I know you're watching because every week we get reports about how you're watching, and then reporting, and then you're in total chaos in trying to deal with this situation. But let me tell you something: the real victory of True Mother is not her trying to be some kind of emperor or empress; that's not her victory!
See, you are making her believe that the last fifty years of her life standing with Father is something irrelevant, as if she has done nothing, and then now that it's her age, and now that she has power, now she can do something! You're trying to invalidate her fifty years of orbiting around Father as the Bride of Christ, the symbol of how the body of Christ must surrender to God and Christ. And you are invalidating that, saying, “Now your time has come, Empress! Now you are God, the Messiah! You are the one without original sin!” You are making her believe this, instead of making her understand and validate her in her victory in orbiting and serving Father as the Bride of Christ; instead of validating her victory of having sons, Cain and Abel, whom Father has anointed as one with him, that will not desecrate him, and will I not go along with you, who are trying to destroy him, and eradicate him, erase him, change him to your liking!
It's so funny because you don't understand that the real victory of True Mother is that her sons are not following along with what the archangel is doing!  And you know the Principle says, when you look at the biblical history, that even if Eve falls, the course of restoration will be faster, more expedient, if Adam did not fall; and our Adam has not bowed to your dominance. And even with Cain and Abel- think about principly- if they stayed united and if Cain did not obey Satan, and obey the path of his parents who fell from the Garden, if he did not obey that, and if he did not kill his younger brother, the Principle says that the foundation for the restoration of the original family would have been there in the second generation, in the generation of Cain and Abel.
You see? That's the great victory! Think about it: Father announced it in 2012, that Cain and Abel in his family are finally one. My Cain, who is Kook Jin Hyung, whom he anointed, did not kill me. Even though Father anointed me, he didn't come after me and jealously tried to destroy me. He protected me, he shielded me; something that the historical Cain never did in the first family!
Now we stand in the position at the zero point; we stand in the position where Adam and Eve now have come, and have had children, and now Cain and Abel must stand united to create the four-position foundation, centered on God. And they must not bow to the archangel; they also must not bow or let Satan invade and take their relationship over.
And that is exactly what we did. We did not bow to your seduction, we did not bow to what you tried to bribe us with, and we stood together in unity that we would not desecrate our Father, we would rather die than do that, that we'd rather go to the grave than do that. And that we would stand up for our Father, that we would wait patiently, and we would weep, and we would gnash our teeth, for two and a half years, but that we would not stand to desecrate our Father, and when the time has come, that we will free our mother from your grasp.
You know why we are going to do that? Because we are good boys! Do you understand, archangels? We are good boys who love our mother, and love our father, and we are coming after you!
And that’s why you are scared; because you don't know how to deal with real men! You don’t know how to deal with good boys, who will risk their life, and not be bought off by bribery and money! You don’t know how to deal with people like that; that's why you're flustered, because you think if you've got money you can buy people off. Well! That's the difference between you and me! I know it seems very alien, archangel. We're alien to you; we don't abide by your rules. For us political power is not the main objective!
You see, we are alien to you, we are foreign to you, because we have integrity, we have honor. We will defend to the death our parents- which you will not! You will only defend to the death your positions and your money, which is- of course I know- very quickly slipping away.
What is so interesting about this whole situation is that there's almost an internal providence that is taking place. There's a separation from Satan! When people say, “You are trying to divide the church!” Yes! Yes! I am! I am trying to separate it from Satan! Separate it from Satan! Divide it from Satan!
There’s no peace and hugging and kissing, when you criminals come into my house, desecrate my father, and try to rape my mother! You are dead! You’re going down! You understand? That’s how it’s going to happen! You’re not going to have peace treaties in that situation. We’re going to kick you out of the house! Because we are real men, and we are good boys! And this is what so amazing! It is the foundation of the internal providence that is now, I believe, going to impact the external powers.
Because look at the world: the world is collapsing in so many different directions, even in the East in the fatherland. Just five days ago, CNN was reporting now North Korea has ordered the army to be ready to fight war with South Korea and the United States. That was on CNN five days ago! You see Netanyahu in Israel saying they will wage war on Iran. The dollar is collapsing; China is now backing Russia behind Ukraine saying, ”U.S.! Get out!”
Do you see? Externally now there's a situation where judgment will come; judgment is coming, and we've been warning you for the last three years! Because Father has clearly told us, that his foundation of victory will create the Kingdom. The Kingdom is going to come, but whether it comes through blessing or judgment will be the decision of the present; will be the decision of Mother, who is the representative of the present, whereas the children are the representative of the future. They represent the future; Cain and Abel represent the future.
In that position when the archangels wooed her, control her, dominate her, take control of her, then Providence is pushed towards the judgment; the Kingdom will come through the judgment, and we see that now happening in the world! Whether you try to hide from it or not, the judgment is coming. There is going to be great tribulation in the world for people who believe in God, for people who are honest, because totalitarians are rising; tyrants are rising all around the world.
But I believe that cannot last forever. Tyranny and oppression cannot last forever! And I believe what's happening now in this internal providence, where we’re separating from Satan, and separating from you, archangels, it's creating the spiritual foundation for freedom movements across the world to start rising, after the tribulation, unfortunately.
After the judgments come, in the midst of wars, then the freedom movements will begin to burgeon, but it will come under the hand of the tyrants. There will be days where tyrants are starting to rise. The freedom movements are weak now, but I believe what's happening now is a reflection. Just like whatever Father did was a reflection of what was happening on the world stage, at the same time, what is happening now is a reflection of what is happening on the world stage.
In fact, we're going through almost the entire history of Christianity within a couple of year’s period, when you see the archangelic hierarchy trying to hold on to their centralization, hold on to their distancing the members from God, so that you can't be with Him intimately. You have to come through the hierarchy to worship God; you have to come through the priests and the people, and all the hierarchy and the Kims and Parks, all those to come to the True Parents!
You have to distance and centralize! It's exactly what happened in early Christianity! And now in a span of a year or a couple months, the Reformation is already happening! The Reformation is coming! We say, “No! We have direct relationship to the center of whom we orbit around, the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. We have his words, we have his strength, and we have relationship with him!
And the hierarchy of the Archangel is collapsing; it's being constricted- we were talking about jujitsu; I tell you something else about jujitsu- it’s being choked out, submitted. And this is what is so interesting, because I believe this whole foundation will set the stage as new leaders rise up across the world who actually embody Father's vision of the Kingdom of Heaven.
You see, your vision of the Kingdom of Heaven, archangels, is centralized power, centralized religion, centralized businesses, centralized monopolies, where you sit and rule the world at the top.
But Father's vision for the Kingdom of Heaven was the exact opposite. He said it would be a world based on conscience, where people would have morality, where they would have direct relationship with God. He also said in the Peace Messages, that it would be a place with no judges, no laws, no laws, and no judges; that there would be a Peace Police and a Peace Militia.
And you, archangels, when you see that, you can't understand that; to you that's impossible! Because when you see people you see sheep that need to be herded, that need to be controlled; otherwise there will be chaos. And you are the gifted controllers, that if you control it and put everything under your monopolies, the world will be heaven! You know what that's called in history? It's called ‘hell’; it’s called ‘totalitarianism’, it’s called ‘communism’, and that is what you are building!
But you see, real leaders are now starting to rise, and the real leaders are starting to get appointed by the successor, and I will continue to appoint real leaders, whom you do not know how to deal with, because they have honor and integrity, and have honesty, and they're transparent, and they don't want to exploit and enslave people. Do you understand? That’s why you can’t deal with them.
But it's so amazing, because you think we are battling you so we can come in and take over your centralized hierarchy; I can come in and take over your boards, so I can sit on the top and control under my monopoly. See that's all you think! You think we want that because that's all you want! But did you understand what Father said about the Kingdom, and about the ideal of free world? That it will be a land that is without judges! What is the first thing you do in your constitution? You make judges! The first thing you did in the big constitution is you made judges! Then you centralized everything under Cheong Pyeong! See, it's totally opposite of what Father said!
We are not battling you so we can take your hierarchy, and sit on the top of people, and exploit them, enslave them. We're battling you so your hierarchy is erased from the face of the earth. And the free and ideal world can come through the blessing of God, with direct relationship with Him, in a land of conscience, no judges, where human morality and our relationship with God governs the way we act, do business, seek win-win situations, with free association with other people.
Do you understand? That's such a foreign world to you, but that's how Early America was. That's how the Founding Fathers were! Do you know? There was no judges; federal judges. There was no police force, that standing army that you have now in the United States. There was a Marshall system, where the citizens were deputies, the citizens had the responsibility to defend their neighbors and defend their households. They were the Peace Police; they were the Peace Militia. There were no judges at the federal level. There were not all these encroaching laws that keep on restricting and restricting people, so that they can be controlled.
See, our vision for the Kingdom is fundamentally, fundamentally, alien to you! Because what we want and what we strive for, and what we have seen through the vision that Father has given us, and given the world, is the world of freedom and responsibility. A world where we can seek God, and in that relationship no higher can come between us; that we can worship Him as our Father, that we can worship Him and have Him as the center of everything that we do, without you trying to regulate what we can and cannot do.
Because we stand on the foundation of the Word of God; we stand on the foundation of what Father has given to us. And we are not like you! We are not like you, archangels! We don't seek to destroy you, to take your monopolies; we seek to destroy you to destroy your monopolies! So that the people can be free to come to God and be ruled by their conscience, and the free and ideal world can begin! And that's why the victory of Cain and Abel will bring the Kingdom in this generation! Yes, there is tribulation! Yes, there is struggle! But you have all the provocateurs trying to fight for a centralized organization, and a centralized hierarchy, in which they can have some type of crony part in, so they can benefit from it. That is exactly what we stood against, in Korea, in Japan, in America. Whenever we had responsibility we dismantled the power blocs, we dismantled the monopolies, and we allowed people to vote for their leaders, people to choose their leaders, and people to relate with True Parents in a different way.
But of course, we were your enemies because we did not play along with your  little exploitative games, and play along with your hierarchy that wants to enslave people.
I thank God! I thank God for this time because this is a time when all things can become clear, all things can be transparent. You may think your little hidden secrets of the church are coming out. I say, “It's great! It’s fantastic!” Because finally we can talk about the corrupt hierarchy that you have established! And of course you want to blame Father, you want to blame Mother whom you're controlling; you always want to scapegoat them, to hide behind the scenes, while you're embezzling, stealing, and enslaving! You're no different from Satan; no different! That's exactly what he did, and that's why we know that this battle is not of flesh and blood, but it is a battle of spiritual nature, of spiritual nature!
And we know who your father is; we know who your father is, and whom you  are guided by, whom you are worshipping in your secret idolatry and your self- narcissism in your worship of yourself. You are nothing but a dried-up, weathered-up asteroid floating in the middle of space with no value! You know why? Because you are not nourished by the center! You're not nourished by the life-giving power of the sun, you're not nourished; your waters are not flowing; your rivers are not moving; your waterfalls are not clear, because you are not in the orbit of Christ, of Messiah, of the King of Kings who centers us, who grounds us, who is our foundation, who is all our power against you. And that's why you are coming down! Stop trying to run away from it! You're coming down! You have to just give in and admit it. You know you're coming out and you are falling!
This is what's going to be so exciting, folks! Our leaders start rising in different countries; I just got a message from France. France is now starting an underground movement; France will now start electing their leader. Chile has overthrown their leader, kicked him out, and they voted in a new leader! Churches are now standing up against your falsity and your deceit! Because you can only operate in secret, and you can only operate in deceit and untruth! But when the real worshipers come, and the worshipers will worship Him in spirit and in truth, and they will have power more abundantly, they will have joy more abundant, they will be flowing with the waters of living water, they will stand in front of you and you will cower!
Because you are nothing in the face of true believers, nothing! You will be revealed for the cowards that you are, the puppet masters that you are, trying to spiritually rape our mother, dominate her, to fulfill your wicked desires of dominating God, and bending Him to your likeness!
You, archangels, are so sad! We pity you; we pity you! Because now in this age of the noontime sun, your falsity and deception- delusion is being revealed! It’s so exciting, and we're joyful before you, archangels. We’re joyful! Whoo! We are happy; because once we got the leaders rising we're going to make the True Constitution, centered on Father’s vision for the true and ideal world. We're going to make the real constitution that moves away all your monopolies and centralized power, removes all your false hierarchies, trying to get between the people of God and God.
And we will chase you out so you can be a citizen, so you can be near other people who are much greater than you, because they have honor, integrity, they have excellence and potential and creativity, and it's being unlocked, as they stand before the King, and orbit before him, and orbit around him; and as they come into deeper intimacy with him, they are being unlocked!
You can't stop the unlocking now; you can't stop the releasing of epigenetics now! No matter how many times you try to fire me, we will not stop unlocking people’s potential in God!
And we’ll keep orbiting stronger and stronger, faster and faster, and you will flow off into deep space. Because we're going to make the True Constitution, a constitution that will preserve the freedom and responsibility and the ideal of what the Messiah gave us, to the rest of the world. It won't be only a Bill of Rights for America; it will be a true Bill of Rights. It will be a True Constitution that will cover the earth, that everybody in the earth will have the permission, will have the right, by God, given to us by the Word of God, that allows us to be divine sons and daughters, relate to Him without your false decrepit hierarchies and your false monopolies.
And we'll be able to relate with the King of Kings as his loving children, and be empowered with his love and grace; so that we can have dominion over Satan, and that he will come under submission and surrender to the children of God! Amen! Let's give God some praise, everybody!
And that True Constitution is coming now, as real leaders start rising; real leaders who cannot be bought off by bribery and big billions and millions of dollars, which will of course be taken away within the first few months.
So this Proclamation I will give: In this 6th year of Cheongi, I, Hyung Jin Sean Moon, crowned successor to the absolute Subject, the King of Kings, True Father, hereby appoint Lee Sang Yeol as Chairman and President of the Korean Church, and Dr. Richard Panzer as the Chairman and President of the American Church, as the True Representatives of Cheon IL Guk in Korea and America. The current illegitimate hierarchy has no authority over the citizens of Cheon IL Guk as they are complicit in treason and desecration against the True Father, the King of Kings, the Messiah, the Lord at His Second Advent, the Alpha and the Omega, Beginning and the End, the Son of God, and the Lord of Lords.
Now Japan, Korea and America, the tripod is set; and now more leaders are rising! What will you do, archangels? What will you do? You're going to try and fire me some more? Okay, try! Try all you want! Try to fire my feet; try to fire my shoes, try to fire my pants! Try to fire my bold head, try to fire me all you want! Because you see, the King put his crown on my head, because he knows I am not going to be the one who declares myself as the King.
I'm going to stop all false kings of trying to become the True King, who is One with God, who is the Messiah, who is the Lord of Lords, who is our Father. You see, I am not here to try to be king. I am trying to stop all of you false kings, of trying to be king. And that’s why he chose me! Thank you very much.
Rev. Sang Yeol Lee’s bio Reverend Lee was born in Korea, in 1952. He joined the Unification Church in 1970, the same year he graduated from high school. He received the Holy Blessing Marriage in the 1800- couple Blessing, in 1975. In 1989, he graduated from the Kyungnam University Graduate School of Business Administration, where he majored in management. For ten years from 1988 to 1998, he served as president and representative director of Samjeong industries, a company that handled OEM production of machine tools developed by Tongil Heavy Industries Co. Under Mr. Lee's leadership Samjeong accounted for 60% of the total production of Tongil Heavy Industries machine tools.
From 2004 to 2008, he served concurrently as president and representative director of two engineering companies- TIC Deukheung Co. and TIC Ballscreen Co. In 2009, he was appointed to become the senior administrator of Cheon Bok Gung (World Headquarters Church). At the time, Hyung Jin Moon and Kook Jin Moon were working to modernize the administration of the Unification Church by introducing management concepts and tools used in the private sector. He served in this position until October 2012, when he received an assignment as a regional leader of Incheon Region.
I’d like to welcome Rev. Lee Sang Yeol to share some of his welcoming remarks. Please give him a big round of applause.
Rev. Lee Sang Yeol:
Beloved brothers and sisters, I am happy to meet you. I am Sang Yeol Lee who was just introduced. I would like to speak briefly now about the path that I have gone in following the providence.
I joined the Unification Church on April 1st 1970. As a young man I was involved in economic activities, and also I was a youth department head, and I was a church leader as well during that time. I was hired by the Tongil Heavy Industries in Changwon in 1976. This is the company that is often referred to by Father as the Tongil Industries. True Parents, in order to protect and defend Korea as the fatherland of our faith, established Tongil Heavy Industries in order to restore all things, and to provide an economic foundation for the church.
In the 1970s, there was a great deal of tension between North and South Korea, and True Father began Tongil Heavy Industries in the early 1960s, to contribute to the defense industry of Korea, starting with shot guns or air rifles, and developing various types of rifles and the Vulcan canon. Another purpose of Tongil Industries was to contribute to the development of the machine industry, as one of the core industries for the development of Korea.
At the time, in the sixties and seventies, Korea's industrial production capacity was very low; its level of technology was very low. So, Father established Tongil Industries in Changwon, which was the center of Korea's industrial development at the time, and did many things to contribute to the rapid advancement of Korea's industrial technology.
At the time, one of the most important things for Korea to do was to import new technologies. So, Father gathered about a hundred people who had technical abilities, from Germany, from Japan, and from the United States. These included machine technology, and also electronic technologies that these people brought to Korea.
Tongil Heavy Industries was the first company in Korea to develop CNC machine tools, and to develop automation with these tools. Many Korean engineers, who are working in other companies today, got their start in Tongil Heavy Industries. So in that sense, you could say that Father played a critical role in the technical industrial development of Korea that you see today.
Please understand, I'm only telling you a part of the story, the part that I was directly related with. Father also contributed to the development of the aeronautics industry in Korea, and also to part of the automotive industry in Korea; but those are all other things. I'm only talking about the things that I was directly related to.
I was involved in the creation of the Samjeong Industry Company from the beginning, responsible for the overall management of the company, and to develop the company into a competitive force in Korea.
I managed Samjeong Industries for three years, and put it on course; it became a successful company, and so then, I created a second company and that is the Dukheung Industries.
These Dukheung Industries was a company that manufactured grinding machines, and grinding machines are extremely important in the manufacture of various industrial parts.
During the time that I was president of this company, Dukheung industries had sixty to sixty-five percent of the market shares in Korea.
During the time that I was managing these two companies, I would always begin the day by reading Father's words, reading the Bible, and reading the Divine Principle. So I testified to many people, that when I managed these companies, always the core of my management was God and True Parents. During this time I read the entire Divine Principle and Bible through seven times.
Some people would ask me, “How is it that you're able to manage these companies so successfully?” And I would testify to them that,” These results that you see came from my doing exactly as True Parents taught.”
Any particular country's industrial level can be measured by its level of precision; how precisely is it able to produce manufacture. When I was in Dukheung Industries, Kook Jin Nim was the Foundation Chairman. Under his guidance we began to develop a machine that would process the wafers in semiconductors; we spent four million dollars over four years to develop this semiconductor wafer manufacturing machine.
In grinding machines, we talk about the precision of these machines in terms of one thousandth of a millimeter, but for wafer manufacturing, it is necessary to have a machine that can do even up to one millionth of a millimeter. At the time, the wafers that were purchased by Samsung had to be at the standard of sixty two millionths of a millimeter, and we were able to develop a machine that could produce wafers to the precision of sixty two millionth of a millimeter. And then, after doing that, I left that company.
There's an association of scientists in Korea called ‘the Association of Precision Sciences’ or something like that, a very important scientific body in Korea. Our company was awarded the grand prize for that year, for having developed this machine. I was given the award by the Minister of Industry and Resources, of the most excellent business manager for that year.
I'm grateful for this, not because it was something that I did, but because I realize that this was the result of the grace given to us by Heaven through our True Parents.
In 2009, I left the private sector, and began working with Hyung Jin Nim, as his chief administrative officer; at that time he was in the Chong Padong Church. It was extremely moving for me to be given this wonderful opportunity to work with Hyung Jin Nim and Kook Jin Nim from that time. The fact that we were able to receive True Parents as we moved from the Chong Padong Cheon Bok Gung, to the Cheon Bok Gung in Yongsan, I think it is the most glorious moment in my life.
In the Cheon Bok Gung, I was always moved to see how Hyung Jin Nim, when he received a huge mission from True Parents, he would break it down into parts, and he would see how this could be realized, and it was very moving to see how he would actually figure out, and carry out, and realize our True Parents’ wishes. In order to inherit True Parents’ words, he arranged it so that Father’s eight textbooks and teaching materials could be bequeathed to families in Korea, Japan and the United States.
And these were then bequeathed to continental directors around the world, so that these textbooks and teaching materials could be spread throughout the world.
And as soon as True Parents appointed Hyung Jin Nim’s couple as the International President, Hyung Jin Nim gave the Blessing to a second- generation couple, and also True Parents had Hyung Jin Nim’s couple give the Blessing to first-generation couples, and also Hyung Jin Nim’s couple gave the Blessing to Ye Jin Nim’s oldest daughter and her fiancé in the Cheon Bok Gung.
So I could see then that True Parents bequeathed the authority to give the Blessing to Hyung Jin Nim’s couple, first to the second generation, then to the first generation, and then to the True Family, and also Hyung Jin Nim’s couple gave the Blessing between people in the physical world and in the spiritual world.
Father said that the people, who died for Korea, especially during the Korean War, are spirits that are honored for their having protected Korea, and he said that the Korean War was a holy war. During the Korean War, sixteen countries sent troops to Korea, and the young people of many countries died in Korea during that war.
True Parents instructed Hyung Jin Nim’s couple to give the Seunghwa Blessing to 80,000 of these people, who had died in the Korean War. I could see that True Parents also bequeathed to Hyung Jin Nim’s couple the authority to give the Blessing in the spiritual level.
It was Father's practice that when an older member passed to the spiritual world, he would write a calligraphy this person could take with them as they entered the spirit world, and I could see that Father also bequeathed to Hyung Jin Nim the authority to write these calligraphies for people entering the spirit world.
Following Father’s Seong Hwa, the matters that I just described to you were always alive within me and giving me life, and I always felt in my heart the oneness of our True Parents and the True Family in our presence.
One thing that Hyung Jin Nim always taught us, was that in our faith, we must always uphold True Parents. He emphasized that True Parents’ suffering was all for our sake, for our salvation; that the torture that Father received, all the times that he went to prison, all the suffering that he went through, was for our sake. So we should not think in terms of receiving anything from True Parents; instead we should only think about how to return glory to them.
Just before Hyung Jin Nim left Korea, having put aside all of his public positions in Korea, he gathered the staff of Cheon Bok Gung and spoke to us. The first thing he told us then was, “Don't become leaders who are indebted to True Parents!” And the second thing he said was,” I will always love True Parents, and I will raise Shin Jun Nim to always love True Parents as well.”
Last year, the World Chairman came to Korea a week before the anniversary of Father’s seonghwa. He went to Father's grave, and after that, he went to a temple in South Chungcheong Province called the Kapsa Buddhist Temple there, where Father had meditated a great deal during his early years. And as he was on his way out of Korea again, I was able to meet him at the airport and receive his words for about two hours.
The last thing he said to me at that airport was, “No matter what happens, I will love True Mother to the end.”
When I was assigned as the regional leader in Incheon, I decided to follow what I’d seen Hyung Jin Nim do, and always to begin with cheongseong, with sincerity and dedication, and the core of this cheongseong is done for True Parents and True Family. And I feel sorry that because of the lack of our cheongseong, we have not been able to have a situation where our True Parents and True Family are one.
Hyung Jin Nim also, as the World Chairman, emphasizes the importance of repentance.
The first point of repentance is that we must always be vertical with God; repentance does not begin with myself, but it must begin with God. The second point of repentance is to repent for our sins, and I always felt this very deeply, myself.
As I work in Korea I have heard a lot of people say, “Why doesn't the World Chairman follow Mother? Why doesn't he do what she says?”Hyung Jin Nim might say,”Mother! If I am to do what you want me to do, first I need to ask you to do certain things!”And people might think, “Well, maybe he's asking for money or power, or for some kind of position.”
Some people might think that those are his conditions, but I've never heard anyone say, that these were the kinds of things that Hyung Jin Nim demanded from Mother.
Instead what I've heard is that Hyung Jin Nim has only one desire, only one aim, and that is that we inherit Father's words and traditions. We must think deeply, “what is the difference between not following or actual loyalty?” We hope that people will not mistake Hyung Jin Nim’s loyalty for disobedience.
I ask Hyung Jin Nim for forgiveness, because I know that the difficulty that he is suffering and going through today is the result of my inadequacies. I'm particularly grateful, that despite certain personnel changes that were made in Korea, Hyung Jin Nim and Yeon Ah Nim have said to me that they will continue to love Mother, and continue to try to save her.
I pledge to you today, that I will become like a small grain of wheat, and become a person who offers filial piety and loyalty to our True Parents. I will continue to have the faith that we can see the unity of our True Parents and True Family, and also that the True Family and the True Children are the gates for our salvation. I will do my best, and I will work with that faith. Thank you!
Rev. Hyung Jin Nim:
Let’s give another round of applause for Rev Lee. He always says he is so short, so I always say, “Napoleon was short, but he conquered the world!” and I believe this man, even though he is small in stature, he's got a great heart and great faith, and he is going to do great things in Korea, and Father will move his spirit in Korea as well. Amen!
Let’s give it one more time for Rev. Lee!
I would like to ask Richard to come up and share some remarks with us:
Dr. Richard Panzer:
Good afternoon! First I'd like to express my deep appreciation to Hyung Jin Nim for this appointment. I know I'm not worthy, and actually, I don't feel that I'm a great speaker or anything, so I hope that you can give me a break. To be honest, I often feel like I would like to escape from the human world, and live in the forest; that's actually where I would like to be.
But, then I remember that I already met the Returning Messiah and his bride, who revealed the suffering heart of God, and I had to follow; I had to follow Father. I know I let Father down many, many, times, but like all of you, I try to get back up and keep going.
So, here we are! We're in a very challenging time in the Unification Movement, and each one of us is being asked to make some very important decisions. We receive very conflicting and often confusing information, and it's hard to know what is true and what is not. Some of us may be tempted as I have been, to just say, “I'm just going to take a break and watch; it’s just too much! I’ll just focus on my own life, and go walk in the woods a lot and try to escape.”But I don't think we can do that!
This is a turbulent time in our history: we have two stories being told about this current controversy between Hyung Jin Nim and the International Church Headquarters: One narrative states that Hyung Jin Nim has been a disloyal son, who's been disrespectful of True Mother, who has the sole authority as the living representative of True Parents on earth, and with the guidance of her trusted advisors, to make whatever changes she feels are necessary after Father's passing.
The other narrative is that Hyung Jin Nim, as the International President and successor, appointed by our True Father and Mother in three crowning ceremonies, begged True Mother not to make changes to Father's words, as recorded in the Cheon Seong Gyeong, and other key Church documents such as the Family Pledge, the Blessing Pledge, the National Anthem etc…
When he declined to publicly support these changes, he's replaced as the acting president of the American church. He then moved to Pennsylvania to start a new
ministry, with the support of his brother Kook Jin Nim, who had also been removed from his responsibility of overseeing church finances and businesses, after he insisted on more transparency and accountability at Cheong Pyeong, and warning that failure to do so could endanger True Mother.
Many questions arise. Who is right? Are the changes in the Cheon Seong Gyeong and other core Church documents legitimate improvements, or an unacceptable altering of True Father’s final words to the world? How can each one of us show our love and support for True Parents, and for the whole True Family? Must I choose a side? If so, how would that affect my faith, my eternal relationship with God, and with brothers and sisters that I have known for decades?
Thinking back to the time in the fall of 2012, when Hyung Jin Nim came to serve as the acting American president, I remember his first action was to invite church members to meet with him in many cities around the country. In New York City where I attended, he listened for nearly seven hours to church members’ concerns, and their anguish and their complaints. I'd never seen any other church leader do anything like this!
After that time, he called for more transparency, and the establishment of governing church councils in each region and the nation, with the authority to make decisions and to report on church finances to brothers and sisters. He and Yeon Ah Nim started sharing Father's words about absolute sex, and discuss top passages from Jesus’ parables, affirming Father's teaching about the value of committed marital love offered up to God.
I don't know how you reacted to what he was doing, but I felt like this was a long, long, overdue breath of fresh air; exactly the kinds of healthy empowering changes, that would inspire brothers and sisters to take more ownership.
And what about absolute sex? Given the crisis in marriage in virtually every country in the world, isn't this an urgently needed message that leads ultimately to the Blessed marriage?
Isn’t this a message desperately needed in many communities, where ACLC has been active, as well as all of our communities in America?
When I heard that Hyung Jin Nim and Yeon Ah Nim had been told to stop speaking about this, I wondered, “Who is ashamed of something that Father spoke about so many times?
Isn't this couple who have a powerful joint ministry, a beautiful representation of Father's words? Aren’t they? Then who is saying that they must shut their mouths? Who is issuing memo stating that no members should attend their church services? Who is saying that members should not watch videos of their sermons? Who is trying to remove videos of their crowning by True Parents on the internet?”
There is a trend in our church towards formality that is disconcerting to many brothers and sisters that I have spoken to. The words to Father's Blessing of Glory song have been replaced with flowery phrases of the Cheon IL Guk anthem. How can any poetic verse replace the blood-stained words of hope that were written by Father in prison?
If Father used the term ‘God’ in the Family Pledge that he wrote, should we easily replace it with the more honorific term ‘The Heavenly Parent’? Is the underlying intent of this distancing formal language to reinforce a hierarchy, where God can only be approached through approved and authorized sources? Authority does not come from flowery faces or corporate memos that have been reviewed by a team of lawyers.
Father taught us that the highest authority was my own God-given conscience! If that is true, then we don't need to go to a palace to meet with God. We can meet with God even in a cardboard shack, or in a modest church in rural Pennsylvania!
Some are saying that Hyung Jin Nim wants to demote the status of women! If that were so, then why did he appoint a woman, Mrs. Erikawa, as the president of the Japanese church? If that were true why would his wife Yeon Ah Nim speak her own words nearly every Sunday in their joint ministry? Is there any other church leader you know who shares his pulpit in this way?
The fact that he’s been saying that Father's words should not be changed is a testament to his deep convictions. Shouldn’t his conscientiousness about this point be something to be grateful for and to admire? Does this diminish Mother's position as the victorious Second Eve in any way? I don't think so!
The things that Hyung Jin Nim talks about ring true with me: transparency, self-governance, our responsibility and authority as tribal messiahs, sincere spirituality, unembarrassed pride about Father's teachings, and the overwhelming love and grace of God! More than that, I have strongly felt many times that Father's spirit is with him! He represents hope for the future of the Unification Movement! The sooner that we embrace him, the better!
Like you, my wife Miho and I have been praying for the unity and victory of Mother, Hyung Jin Nim, and all the True Children. How does the exclusion of Hyung Jin Nim from his ordained role help Mother to be more victorious in hers? Can True Mother go everywhere and solve every problem by herself? Doesn't she need her talented, and yes, outspoken sons and daughters to be active in every country in the world, shaking things up for God?
What does it mean to be a filial son? Does it always simply mean to follow your parents’ directions? If you truly loved someone, and believed that their life was in danger, would you simply do what you are told, or would you risk your reputation, your position, and everything you have, to protect them?
You may not understand or agree with Hyung Jin Nim’s stance, but it would be hard to describe him as taking the easy or convenient course. That, at least, should merit some respect, and prayers, that all of this will lead to the good outcome that all of us in the Unification Movement desire!
How could we possibly imagine that we are really supporting Mother, if we have not found a way to support Hyung Jin Nim’s success as well? Will she be happy to hear us say, “Mother, you are great, but your sons are failures?” It is not either, or! Doesn’t The Principle require that mature central Blessed families support the victory of the whole True Family?
That is what I believe and feel that God is asking us to do!
In conclusion, I would like to share a meditation written by Miho, based on a dream that she had a few weeks ago:
A deep snow has fallen, making the earth into a pure white holy ground. I imagine True Parents are praying for world peace and harmony. We are in the third year since True Father moved to the spirit world.
We are running to follow Father's big white footsteps, but now I cannot find where his footsteps are. I find myself alone in the forest, but suddenly I find Father is standing in front of me with a big white smile.
He says, “I did not die! Every moment I'm with you! Don't feel sad! Pray hard! Father's going to answer your prayers! Open your heart; search for truth! If you feel that a certain path is a righteous one, keep going! Don't worry! “
True Parents’ lives were ones of continuous sacrifice. How long do they have to go this painful way?
We cannot understand how difficult their lives are. Abonim! He wanted to talk, but he couldn't. He wanted to sit down, but there was no place to sit. His most precious children have to go to back the desert; they are standing on ground zero. True Parents are watching with tears in their eyes.
And then she continues with this reflection: I spent many years with the True Family. I saw with my own eyes that True Parents loved, protected, and taught us as their Cain children. They put their own children away in the back; because of the Principle they did that. When I joined the church, I prayed to protect the True Family with my life.
We have to protect them until they gain the victory; that is true, isn't it? More than this, we should not give more sacrifice to our True Mother. She cannot visit her own children; she cannot hug and kiss them. That is the greatest sadness for any mother, don't you think?
Don’t you think that the True Children could say,” I love my own mother more than anyone? I am a true child: I was born from her womb; I drank my mommy's milk. Nobody can love her more than I do!”With tears they could share these words.
Please pray about our responsibility to help the True Family succeed. After this harsh winter a warm spring is coming. In my dream True Mother was hugging the True Children, and kissing their cheeks; her tears and their tears were like a waterfall melting a tall thick wall. Father and Hyo Jin Nim were watching with many tears as well. This day is coming soon. God showed me that this day is coming soon!”
In conclusion, I would like to say that I believe that it is the heart of everyone here today, to support the victory of True Mother and the entire True Family, and for that reason I am honored to accept Hyung Jin Nim’s appointment of me as the American church president.
Thank you!
Rev. Hyung Jin Nim:
Dr. Richard Panzer! Oh what an incredible speaker! He said he was not an incredible speaker, but he is! You know I was so excited, that I did not read his bio, because I just thought of course everybody knows Richard, and the incredible work that he has done throughout the whole history of the church. And spiritually, I felt that he really needs no introduction, and of course his heart is just so blessed.
Dr. Richard A. Panzer Bio:
Dr. Richard Panzer joined the Unification Movement in July 1973, graduated from
UTS in 1979 and was blessed to his wife, Miho, in the 2075 –Couple Blessing in 1982.
He received his B.A. degree from Yale University in 1973, and his Doctorate from New York University in 2008. He has served as a fundraiser, CARP leader, state church director, AFC leader, and most recently as president of the Unification Theological Seminary from 2010-2015.
Dr. Panzer is the founder of abstinence and relationship education programs for youth that have been used throughout the United States and around the world. He is also the author and co-author of several books including The War on Intimacy: how agenda-driven sex ed sabotages committed relationships and our nation’s health, Mommy, Daddy, where do babies come from? The Real Deal on love, relationships and marriage TV documentary, and the Imani: a daughter’s story musical.
He and his wife are the parents of 4 children, Rimida, Daniel, Ricky and Misha.
Rev. Hyung Jin Nim:
We're so blessed to be surrounded with leaders like that are rising up. You know I think one of the things that Richard and Mr. Lee, spoke about so beautifully is, there will be that day of victory. Everybody knows that it’s coming. The victory is already ours. God is mighty in battle!
See, the archangels’ lies and deceptions, they’ll collapse; they’ll fall away. And love will conquer all! And see, that's why we stand strong, and even though there are provocateurs, and these kinds of things, we stand strong.
Because you know, while the church hierarchy is pursuing more centralized power, they're clinging on to the little house of cards, and it’s collapsing, you know they are trying to grab these little cards that are falling, we can focus on the real power. We can focus on the real power, which is our intimacy with God and Father’s spirit as he's one with God.
I've been talking to you guys about the end of Mark, and how ‘signs will follow those who believe, and they will cast out the devil’; they will chase out Satan. And this is what’s so amazing, because Satan did bow to True Parents. He did bow to God! He even comes before God and in His presence in the Book of Job, but what Satan has not done: he has not bowed to God's children. That's what he has not done! He has not come to submit to God's children!
And this is why this age is so incredible, because I believe it's the time when the people of God who believe and who are trying to come back to orbit the center, orbit around that sun which nourishes us, by creating that spiritual foundation of more and more brothers and sisters around the world waking up and starting to orbit Christ, orbit Messiah once again, we're building the spiritual foundation for when Mother is free, for her to come right back to the closest orbit, and to dance with Father, and to sing with him in that beautiful circular motion. And then the cosmos is in balance again; the universe is in balance again. But we have to come back to the orbit, amen! We have to come back to the center!
And this is what I feel; I feel so strong that, while the archangel is trying to focus on power and position, theologizing, and all that kind of thing, we are focusing on intimacy with Father’s spirit; we are focusing on intimacy with the center.
Father said that in the Last Days there will be an opening of eyes, that we will be able to see the spirit world, and we will be able to relate with the spirit world; that it will descent, we will see our ancestor etc… And he was prophesying about a time where we would have the blessing of the age, where we would be able to relate with him intimately, and just as we have five senses so too, do our spirit bodies have five senses.
The Bible talks about this: “Not that any man has seen the Father, save he which is of God, he has seen the Father!” (John 6:46) Those who are with God, around that center, orbiting that center, we can see the Father; we can see Him! This is an age, I believe, where we are going to see a miraculous outpouring, a supernatural entry into a supernatural relationship with Father and his spirit.
Because now he's not confined to Cheong Pyeong! They try to confine him to a little mount in Cheong Pyeong! Are you kidding me? He's more confined now, according to that theology, than he was when he was actually living. That's the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard in my life! He is free! He is free to be with all of us at the same time, beyond time and space!
And I believe he's opening up an anointing for visions, dreams, encounters, face-to-face meetings with him. I believe that time is coming; we are seeing that outpouring around the world. People are sending a message,” I’ve seen Father! I saw him last night! I saw a vision, I had a dream, I encountered him face-to-face!” People are starting to see him in the spirit!
That is also ours; we should not have an orphan mentality where we think, “Oh! That person can see Father, but I can't! Why can he see Father, and I can’t see Father? Father, why won’t you come to me?” That's an orphan mentality! Instead we have to take the child mentality. We have to say,” Wow! That guy can see Father; Father, I want to see you too!”
We have to be thirsty for Father, we have to desire him, we have to say, ”Father! I want to see you too!” You have not, because you ask not!
Notice what you’ve been told, worldwide membership! Notice what you’ve been told for the last fifty years! ”Oh! You don’t want to ask things of True Parents because you don't want to bother them!” They want to keep you as slaves and servants!
Because let me tell you the reality: As a son, I can go up to Father and I don’t call him, “Hello, good morning, True Parents!” I don’t call him ‘True Parents’! I call him ‘Father!’
When I go to Mother, I don’t call her,”Oh! Hello, good morning True Parents, would you like to have a bagel with creamed cheese and sausage? ”No! I say, “Mommy, do you want some sausage and bagels?” Because I have a relationship with her! She is not an image to me; she is not an icon. She is a mother! And same thing with Father!
When one of my children comes to my room and say, “Mommy, Daddy, can I have a piece of non-GMO candy?” I have a big bowl and I say, ”OK, take one, don’t tell anybody about it!” They take the candies and run off. Of course they tell everybody; then the other kids come in and say, ”Daddy, can we have some non-GMO candy too?” I say, “How did you know about it? ”They are asking so I have to give. I give; not become they did something special or whatever, but just because they asked.
But notice, what we’ve been told: we’ve been told, ”Don’t ask True Parents about anything!” That’s how we’ve been trained. But see, that’s different when you are a child of God! When you are a child, I can go to Father any time, any time, and I go into his room, open his door; he can be in the shower, I can walk in the shower, and I can say,” Father!” When he is sleeping I can just walk up to him.
I don't need Mr. Kim's or Mrs. Kim’s permission! I can go to him directly, you see, and I can ask him things; I can ask him, “Father, I just want to touch your hand. May I touch your hand? Father, I just want to look into your eye; can I just look at you? Can I just watch you fall asleep? Father, I just want to be near you!” I can ask him these things!
That's the difference folks! We've been trained by archangels, whether it's a Kwak, a Park, or a Kim. I don't care what it is, but it's an archangel. It's about time that the people of God start understanding that we are children of God, and that we can go to our Father, that we can go to him, and we can receive His love, and we can ask him, “Father, I want to see you! I want to see you! Father, I want to have a supernatural experience with you. I'm not going to resent you if you don't give it at this exact moment, maybe it will come a couple of years later, but I'm going to work on that, because I want to see you! I'm thirsty to see you! I'm desperate to see you! I just want to look into your eyes, those smiling eyes again!
I just saw Father this week: he was leaning up on the podium like this with his mike that he always had. He was leaning like that, and he was smiling with his beautiful eyes, and he had a beaming eyes!
You see, because I'm his son I can have relationship with him! He's not dead; he's not somewhere where you have ignored him and erased him. He's alive in me! He is alive! He is alive! Christ never dies!
But we mustn’t feel jealous. Some people can feel God’s presence, can feel Father’s presence. Some people can see him; he's right here. Some people can feel his presence, ”Oh I feel Father’s spirit!” Some people may actually see visions:” I just saw Father behind you, standing there!” I've been told that too, but the important thing is that we know he's here! That’s the most important thing. The most important is that we know he is here in our life! Amen!
So when Brother Lowell sees him, but I have felt him, I don't need to say, “Well, Father, why are you letting him see you, and you let me just feel you? How come? I want to see like him too!” We don’t have to feel jealous; we don't have to say,” Father, why aren’t you allowing me?” We can just say, ”Father, let me see you too!” We can thirst for him; we can ask Him,” Father, let me see you too! I want to see your face!” And if you can't feel,” Father, I want to feel your hand! I want to hold your hand, and I want to walk! Father, I want to feel your presence! ”Ask! We have not because we ask not! Because we’ve been trained by slave masters and we have not been understanding that we are children of God, that we can ask him for non- GMO candies sometimes. Amen!
Here in Revelation, it says, “Behold I stand at the door and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him” When is the last time when we've had dinner with all our children, we went to the front door, opened it and said, “Father, come on in!” When is that last time we did that? Where's our supernatural relationship with him? Where are we listening to him? Where are we saying, “Father, I want to hear your voice!” or when we're walking around and we hear him, do we say, “Oh, did I hear something?” or do we say, “Yes, Father! Oh, thank you Father! You spoke to me! Thank you Father! Thank you!”
What is our relationship? And this is what's so beautiful about this time: it is a time when, while the centralized hierarchy is focusing on their falling cards, we can focus on relationship and intimacy with Father’s spirit which is unlimited. It's like this: it’s ‘Christ unlimited!’ No limitations! It’s like ‘Christ unlimited!’ We can relate with him limitlessly!
And you look at what he said; he said, “I will come in!” If you let me in, “I will come in and will sup with you” and “I'll sup with you; I’ll eat with you!” Father wants to do normal things with his children!
When is the last time you drove to Walmart, and said, “Father, do you want to come with us to Walmart? Father, I'd like to hear what you'd like to buy for me today!” When is the last time? Are we asking him? Are we in the supernatural realm with him? Are we relating with him in a supernatural dimension?
“In 2nd Corinthians it says, “Now, thanks be to God who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and through us diffuses the fragrance of His knowledge in every place.”
When is the last time we said, “Father, I want to smell you!” I had an incredible supernatural experience this week: I was sitting in my room meditating on the Word, I was reading the Scripture, and I started smelling gardens of heaven; I started smelling gardens, not just one rose or two! Gardens of flowers! And I'm sitting here smelling, “Oh my God! I smell gardens!” And my wife is sitting there, thinking that I'm crazy, and I said, ”Umma! I smell gardens! I smell a supernatural fragrance!”
The book of Revelation says, “When the angels are standing before the throne of God, they hold golden vases, which are the fragrance of the prayers of the believers! “Christ has a fragrance! What if we just worship him, and we are giving Father glory, and we are relating with his spirit, and we are saying, “Father we love you!” and we sing those beautiful songs of worship and praise, and we smell a fragrance!
 It's not your neighbor’s stinking armpit or whatever; but we smell supernatural fragrance. What if we can tell the fragrance of God, the fragrance of Christ? If you're intimate with somebody you know their fragrance. Husbands, how many of you know what I'm talking about? Wives, you know what I'm talking about too. When we're intimate with somebody, we can smell them; we know their fragrance. It brings us comfort; hopefully! Especially when it’s the fragrance of God! When it’s the fragrance of God, it's not a man- made fragrance, or a woman- made fragrance. It is God’s fragrance!
What if the body of Christ, the world church started experiencing the supernatural fragrance in their spiritual senses, of Christ? What if while we're worshiping him, praising him, coming closer to him, and asking him for us to draw closer, we smell his supernatural fragrance? Who knows? God is getting ready to unlock these spiritual senses in the people of God, because this is our true freedom away from the archangels! When we start unlocking our spiritual senses, it’s the day that the archangel has no more power over us! Amen!
Come and taste the goodness of God! Hebrews 6:1 says, ”For it is impossible for those who were once enlightened, and have tasted of the heavenly gift of the Holy Spirit.” The Holy Spirit has a taste! Ezekiel, when he was praying, he received a revelation: it was a scroll, it was driven down his mouth, and he said, ”It is sweet like honey! It tastes sweet like honey!”
When is the last time we said, “Father, I want to taste your Word!” He said he is the bread of life! When is the last time we said, “Father, I want to be nourished by you!” Not brooding on our problems; not saying, “Oh, how come he can taste you, and he can smell you, and he can touch you, but I can't do any of that! Father, what's wrong with me? ”Let’s stop focusing on ourselves! Amen!
We got to say, “Daddy! Me too! Father, let me smell the Kingdom of Heaven! Let me smell the gardens! Let me see you! Let me taste Heaven! Let me be nourished by the bread of life, the manna from Heaven! Let me drink of the Living Waters “of which you drink, you shall never thirst again! ”This is the day that the Lord hath made, and I will be glad and rejoice!
You see why we are rejoicing? We are rejoicing because we're celebrating our freedom from you, archangels, and how we do that is not by coming against you with weapons of mass destruction. We come against you with spirit and truth, we come against you with love and intimacy in our Father, we come against you in orbiting more powerfully around the Son of God. And more powerfully as we orbit, we can feel, and he will unlock the supernatural senses that we all have, and that he prophesied over us, that we will be able to live in direct dominion with him, with no reliance on your superficial, artificial, constructed, totally illegitimate hierarchies, and then we can relate with our Father directly,! That is the day that the Lord hath made!
We are not orphans; we are not slaves to you who have to get your permission to enter the Father's door! I am a son of the Father! I can go into his room; I don’t even have to knock. I can go into his door anytime; did you know that? I don’t even have to knock on his door! I can just walk in! That's right! I don't even have to knock; I can just go in!
If your heart is pure, if we stand as children who desire him, yearn for him, who want him to be the center of our life, then he will let us in. He will open up a new supernatural dimension where we will not only be seeing things in the natural, hearing things in the natural, smelling things in the natural, but we will be seeing, touching, smelling, tasting, the smell, the fragrance, aroma, the light of Heaven. And we will experience that! I believe that time is coming to the body of Christ; I believe it’s coming to the people of God. I know it’s coming in fact, because as more people wake up from your false control, archangels, and we come back to that center of intimacy where we're desiring Father again, and we want to rotate around him again as Christ, and we want to just see him, one more time, and we want to hear him one more time, and we want to smell the fragrance of the Kingdom one more time, and we want to taste the goodness of God one more time, when we come into that anointing that childlike thirst for the Kingdom and for the King, we are going to create a tremendous foundation for when our Mother and the Queen is freed, as she will come back, and orbit in that most close intimate center again.
And she will find her true value as the Bride of Christ, the most precious person in history after Christ, she will find her value in that, and she will not try to impress you with your little false hierarchy and she will claim the victory that she already has in Christ! Amen!
Mother does not have to do anything to you, archangels; she is our mother, and she has already won! You understand? She does not have to prove her worth to you! That's why you always try to get women to prove their worth to you, because you want them to worship you. But we know that they have a true and intimate love that is their Bridegroom, one that will love them and it will satisfy the depth of their soul, like you can never do.
You are counterfeit, and you are fake, and we laugh at you, and we only can mock you because you're so easy to mock. You have no love, you have no intimacy; you have no real relation with the King of Kings! You just want to be a servant and a slave servant, so you can make other people your slaves and abused them.
We want to be the children of God who build a free and ideal world, who stand up and rise up to chase Satan away, and for those who believe, ‘signs and wonders shall follow those who believe and they will chase out Satan!’ And that is exactly what we’re doing and are going to do, and our Father is who he is!
I want to ask everybody to stand up now, and let's ask Father; let's ask him for that heavenly anointing! If you're watching this from the internet, I want you to stand up too. You stand in front of your computer, and let's ask him! You guys want to come down? Come down! Lets corporally come down in fellowship as brothers and sisters, and let's ask for that anointing!
Let's ask for that dimension to be unlocked!
Hey! Let's expect new dimensions to be unlocked, folks; new extraordinary supernatural dimensions to be unlocked! It is time for the body of Christ, that we start seeing him, smelling him, tasting him, that we start moving into more intimacy with him, we start coming into more powerful orbits with him! Because that is exactly what the archangel does not want.
Heavenly Father, we ask You right now in Your own name as, Abba, Father; we come to You. We come to You, not in arrogance or pride; we come to You because we know Your loving grace is so amazing! We don't deserve it but, Father, You allow it because of Your incredible love. You chose us, You chose each and every one of us here, each and every one of us that had connected to You and engrafted to the olive tree.
Father, You knew before we even knew, that we were ordained to be sons and daughters, no longer slaves to sin, no longer slaves of the devil, but, Father, now at this time, we want to be those who believe, and we want to be those were ‘signs and wonders follow’. Because, Father, it's about time that we leave the shackles of the archangels, and the shackles of Egypt, and move into a direct dominion relationship with You, the King of Kings, as we move and march towards the promised land!
Father, right now we ask all those here, and those who are with us over the web in different languages, to place their hands on their eyes right now, and, Father, we ask Your heavenly anointing. Open these spiritual eyes; open these spiritual eyes so we can see You Father! Not so we can pretend we're a medium and we're great, and we're higher than other people! No!
So that we can see You and we can deepen our love for You! Open these eyes for that purpose, Father! Let us see dreams, visions, and face to face encounters with You; let us see them! Open our spiritual eyes!
Father, we ask that You open our spiritual ears as we touch our ears. Let that be a simple and a physical condition, a condition to open our spiritual ears, so that we may ask and let's all ask together: Father, let me hear You! (Father, let me hear You!)
Father, we pray that these ears will be opened, that these deaf ears would be opened, and that we will be able to hear the song of Heaven, the trumpets of Heaven, and also to hear Your voice, Father! That we will be able to discern Your voice from other voices, because it says ‘The sheep know the voice of the shepherd!’ And Father, as long as we stand clear on Your Word and on our conscience, and on our love for You, we will know and be able to discern Satan's voice, fake voices, and Your voice.
Father, open these ears right now, so that there will be a heavily anointing of hearing, acoustic anointing, that will allow our ears to start picking up the melodies of Heaven, to pick up the sanctuary, the worship of Heaven, to pick up Your voice in this great expanse.
Father, we thank You!
Father, we pray right now as everybody puts their hand on their nose, that You will open up the fragrance of Heaven, that these prayers will be a offering of fragrance unto You, that these golden vials of fragrance of prayers will be open now, and that Father, we will be able to smell Your presence, just like You gave me this week, that supernatural fragrance where I smelled the garden of Heaven.
Father, give that to everybody else, I ask it! I know it's available to everyone else who seeks You, who loves You, who wants to be in Your presence! Father, open that anointing, that fragrance anointing, right now! We thank You so much.
Father, we ask You as we touch our tongue, that we will be able to taste the goodness of You. The Scripture says that we will be able to taste the goodness of God. Father, that ‘You are the bread of life’; let us taste of the bread that is unlike any man- made bread! Father, every one of us here loves warm and beautiful fresh- roasted, fresh -baked bread.
Oh but Lord! When we start eating of that manna of Heaven! Father, a supernatural taste anointing will be released, and our senses will open unto your Kingdom taste! Oh! Father, as we ask for that taste anointing to open, we pray that You pour the Holy Spirit and anointing into our spiritual taste senses.
Father, at the same time, as we hold each other’s hands, we pray that You will open up the touch anointing, the feeling anointing, so we may feel Your presence more powerfully.
Father, that the people of God right here, starting from here and now spreading to the world, will start opening up their sense of tactile anointing, so then we will be able to feel Your presence, sense angelic beings, sense good presence in the room, also discern evil presence before us, so that we will know the right way to go.
Father, You said in Your Scripture, Hebrews said that, when we are of mature age You will give us solid meat, and Father, You said that we will be able to, through our senses discern both good and evil. Father, we need to be able to discern good and evil now, at this time. Our spiritual senses need to be unlocked; these epigenetics need to be unlocked, Father.
And the people of God will no longer be slaves to sin, to Satan, to Egypt, to archangels; we are now free! But with freedom comes responsibility, Father. With it comes more responsibly to seek You in a greater way, deepen our intimacy with You, deepen our senses of You, and Father, as we move closer in that relationship, to dwell in the glory of Your grace!
Wow! Father, there's an incredible anointing of the Holy Spirit now! We pray that every single one here, and every one that is with us today, surrender right now from the crown of their head to the tips of their feet, let the entire spirit, body, mind, soul, surrender to Your presence!
Father, pour into us, fill us Father! Let us empty ourselves in kenosis, and let Your grace and love and mercy flow! Anoint us with the oil of gladness, that we will find joy in Your strength, that through our senses we will be able to touch You, we will be able to taste Heaven.
We will be walking in the street or walking in a building and smell an incredible fragrance and we will say to You, “Thank You Father! Thank You Father!” We will see You when we're in an office meeting, or even when we’re somewhere else, and we'll see You in a flash or a vision, and say, “Thank You Father! ”We will be able to hear Your voice in the dark silence of the night, or in the middle of commotion You will speak to us through our senses.
Father, let us always ground our senses in the Word of God, in the Scripture which You have given, and let us ground our intimacy with You in absolute faith, love, and obedience!
Father, we thank You so much for this anointing! Right now, all of us that are watching have surrendered to You.
We pray that those senses are now open, and allow archangel to flee. No more Satan can hang on to us, because now, Father, You will allow us to feel in greater and greater ways, to sense in greater and greater ways, that Your presence is greater than any force or weapon that comes against us.
We thank You, Father! Please put Your edge of protection around each and every one of these knights and warriors of Cheon IL Guk who are standing for You, and, Father, build us, construct us, recreate us, give us new eyes, new ears, new nose, new taste, new tactile sensory organs in the spirit, so that we can dwell in Your house for ever.
Father, we know that sometimes we may be numb; we may not be able to feel but, Father, let's be patient, for we know that Your timing is perfect, and maybe we need to wait out a season for You to open our eyes, maybe we need to wait out a season for us to feel You. But let us be patient, not blame You, and say, “Why can't I see? Why can’t I hear?” We won't blame You, Father! We're mature; we're ready for solid food!
And Father, we want to stand with You, be with You; dwell in You. Be with us! Thank You so much!
Thank you for the leaders that are rising: Rev. Lee, and also Dr. Panzer, who is standing up for You, Father! Let them be the prophets of those issues; let them pour out Your heavenly perfected anointing on them; let their senses open.
And don't let them feel ashamed to trust, and surrender to You, to yield to Your spirit, to speak prophetic word, and prophetic prophesy over people that may need. Let them grow in confidence that You have replaced their mind, their carnal mind, their physical mind, with the mind of Christ. Let us trust in that you have given us new minds; let's trust in those minds, as little children who can see the Kingdom!
Father, we thank You so much at this time, once more, and we give You all the praise, glory, and honor, in our names as central blessed families, as we ask and as we seek You more and more eternally, in our own names. Aju!
Amen everybody! Let us give God some praise!
Hug your neighbor, welcome them, and let a supernatural anointing open up before us! Whoo! Praise God!


  1. Rev. Lee Sang Yeol:
    Some people would ask me, “How is it that you're able to manage these companies so successfully?” And I would testify to them that,” These results that you see came from my doing exactly as True Parents taught.”

    1. During the time that I was managing these two companies, I would always begin the day by reading Father's words, reading the Bible, and reading the Divine Principle. So I testified to many people, that when I managed these companies, always the core of my management was God and True Parents. During this time I read the entire Divine Principle and Bible through seven times.

  2. The Second King, Hyung Jin Moon:
    Father, You said in Your Scripture, Hebrews said that, when we are of mature age You will give us solid meat, and Father, You said that we will be able to, through our senses discern both good and evil. Father, we need to be able to discern good and evil now, at this time. Our spiritual senses need to be unlocked; these epigenetics need to be unlocked, Father.
    And the people of God will no longer be slaves to sin, to Satan, to Egypt, to archangels; we are now free! But with freedom comes responsibility, Father. With it comes more responsibly to seek You in a greater way, deepen our intimacy with You, deepen our senses of You, and Father, as we move closer in that relationship, to dwell in the glory of Your grace!


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