Tuesday, December 31, 2019

HJ Sean Moon, 2019 Message

Pastor HJ Sean Moon, Prayer in the Midst of Battle
We are not a Cowardly Church
December 31, 2019
This is the problem with a lot of the body of Christ. They see this and they say, “Oh! God will just do it for us! He’s going to come and conquer for us!” No! Any time God has had the people of Israel fight and conquer, He’s never done it for them. They always had 5% responsibility. They had to prepare the militia, they had to get ready for combat, and they had to actually fight in combat. God just did not come in and do it for them!
This idea that God has promised that something will come to pass, so He is just going to do it all alone!!! No! You are going to have to be part of that; and your effort, and your mindset, and your attitude, and your supplication will be part of that, right?
This whole idea that God is going to just bring the Kingdom and give us Pina colada so we can rest on the beach, is a welfare state! That is a communism vision of the Kingdom of God, which is the reason why a lot of the body of Christ is waiting for a false Kingdom.
When we understand that Christ, in the returning Jesus, True Father, has returned, then we can see how we can go pursue the Kingdom now without fear. We can pursue the Kingdom from the victory of True Parents! We can pursue the Kingdom from the victory of Christ. We are not just waiting for him to do it now, you see! We are not just waiting, as the people of God, for Him to come and just do everything for us! NO!
Now we are on the battlefield with Him; now we are standing on the frontline, and now we are making the Kingdom. Not through our own efforts! God is leading everything; God is doing like He always does. God does not just do stuff for the people; He leads them in battle. He stands with them on the battlefield.
Same in the Book of Revelation; look at it! It’s not that the people of God are just going to have everything done for them, and they are going to be in retirement in the Kingdom of God; which is such a hedonistic, socialist, communist, vision of the Kingdom of God! What an insult! What a terrible analogy that is offensive to God! Because never once has God acted that way! He’s always made his people fight for it, even though He is fulfilling His promise. He’s fulfilling the promise that the people of God would enter the Promised Land.
But they still have to fight! He did not do it for them, and then let rest on the beaches of Gaza, so they can drink pineapple juice! You understand what I am saying? He always makes them go to battle! And even in the book of Revelation, He makes them go to battle; He stands with them in battle, but He makes them go to battle. So come on! This idea is ridiculous!
The Lord has returned, which means we are on the battlefield, which means we can pursue the enemy, and we can go forward, and build the Kingdom! We are not waiting from the clouds anymore! We are not waiting for Him to do it for us, and give us pineapple and tropical drinks. You understand what I am saying?
It’s a totally different mindset, and that’s why those who know Christ has returned through the returning Jesus, our True Father, we can stand on the battlefield. We are not a cowardly Church that is just waiting for Him to come and fix all the stuff!
He’s come! He’s given the order! And he is standing on the battlefield with us; we are going to change things, not only in the spirit. We’re going to change things in the world! And His Kingdom is coming! His Kingdom is coming as we stand on the battlefield with Christ!
God has never, never, never, said, “OK, you can have the Promised Land; OK, you can go to this battle now, and I’m going to give you victory over the Moabites, and over the Ammonites, but you don’t have to fight. You don’t have to do anything!” But you can say, ”Oh but Gideon had the ability to defeat the …” But you know, he actually had to go into war. That was a little bit of a surprise in that one battle. But he had to prepare the troops, he had to get out on the battlefield, he had to be willing to die, he had to actually move the military towards the enemy. Now God gave him a strategy when he was outnumbered. But you understand; he did not stay at home, watching TV, drinking fruit punch - do you see what I’m saying- or just going to church on Sunday. He actually had to get up, dress up, and put his armor on. He had to actually organize his militia. They had to leave their home and go. Hello! You see what I’m saying? They had to participate and get on the battlefield.
Now God provided miracles on the battlefield, miraculous victories, just like He did with the Founding Fathers. George Washington had miraculous victories over the British at key moments. That was miraculous; that was the hand of God. They also wrote about it, saying that this was the hand of God, that these were miracles! But you understand? They had to leave their homes and go to the battlefield!
This ridiculous, socialist, communist idea, that has infected the body of Christ, that God is going to do everything while we are going to church on Sundays and then go in to eat burritos and Sunday tacos, and Red Robin hamburgers, and that’s the extent of the commitment, and then we go home and watch TV, and just go to work, and have fun.
The idea that is going to bring the Kingdom is a joke! It’s a joke! It’s a commie joke!
God has never, never allowed that. He’s always demanded that when He brings His people in the Promised Land for battle and for the promise that He’s given them in his faithfulness that the people must contribute and agree, and put their 5% work in. Always! Even in the Book of Revelation it shows it as well! You can see. The people of God just watching on the sideline, having it all done for them and having tropical drinks when they get into the Kingdom! Ridiculous! They had to get out on the battlefield! The 144, 000 had to get out on the dang battlefield, and fight the devil; stand with the Rod of Iron Kingdom! So this communist utopian tropical fantasy is just ridiculous! It’s a total farce, and it’s a total lie
But people know this is the end times; people know this is crazy times! (Talks about transgender people having children ...) these people are so ridiculous; they think they are like God. It’s the height of arrogance and abomination. They are smacking the Creator in the face. That’s what they are trying to do!....... I mean, society, how do you get to the point where you actually believe this crap?
It’s the last days! Everybody in the Christian body knows it’s the last days, and they just say, “Come Lord! Come!” When in the Bible, when will you be able to say, ”Come, Lord, come!” And he’ll do everything for you? When? When does that happen? Never! Never! It’s always, “You are going to have to sacrifice now; you’re going to have to put your life on the battlefield!” God may make miracles on the battlefield! Yes! But you will have to go in there, and fight for it. He’s not going to do it for you. He’s going to stand with you, but we’re going to do it with Him.
See, that’s the big difference between those who are just, “Ooh! Come Lord, come lord! ”and those who say, ”He’s here and we’re going to fight with him on the battle field” and the Kingdom’s coming! That’s totally different! Totally different!
One is: ”Oh yes, yes! It’s going to come! It’s going to come! I’m waiting for my tropical drinks!” and the other is saying, “Get you some! Fool!” Stand up! Be brave and jump into the battle! It’s totally different! (From 42:57 - 53:30)

1 comment:

  1. Hyung Jin Nim Say:
    "He’s come! He’s given the order! And he is standing on the battlefield with us; we are going to change things, not only in the spirit. We’re going to change things in the world! And His Kingdom is coming! His Kingdom is coming as we stand on the battlefield with Christ!"


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