Friday, September 20, 2019

Transfer of True Parents’ Authority Ceremony

Full address of Rev. Sun Myung Moon in Hyung Jin Nim Inauguration and Transition of Authority Ceremony April 18, 2008
Transfer of True Parents’ Authority Ceremony, April 18, 2008
Inauguration” Ceremony
"Thinking of this beautiful young man and woman standing here, representing Korea, the World, and furthermore the cosmos, they are the ones whom you can take pride in.
They will become the pillars of our house in the future. It is my hope and wish that, the dutiful way of filial children, patriots, saints and divine sons and daughters will be fulfilled in relation to them.
With that hope and wish, I, as a parent, am looking upon them with a heart full of anticipation that surpasses yours.
Therefore, I fervently and earnestly hope that you will offer your support so that such intentions, can be quickly fulfilled. Aju.
A blessing prayer should not simply consist of words.
With this blessing prayer content there is the form, the substance, and the central core of three ages the Old, New and Completed Testament Ages representing formation, growth and perfection; all these are connected, brought together and related centering on the basis of that content.
If and when that relationship is established, you will know how to embrace and digest the realm of your ideal love partner.
I am letting you know that once you become such people you can become the historical representative where all that you do leads to success.
Therefore, True Parents would like to convey everything but the first thing that we would like to convey is the Word, the historical Word, the Word that True Parents loved, the Word that God desired, which is given through True Parents.
These words are not simply words for their own sake; they are derived from the core of the Word, from its substance, and reach to the realm of its counterpart with external form.
I will pass on the Word, the Word of God’s hope and Word that True Parents practiced centering on the standard of that hope, that you become the representative of that Word.
When you become the owner of the Word and not only read the words but also approach their deeper content, you will find the words, “achieving victory over resentment.”
If you go to America and open the first door you see at East Garden, you will see the motto: “Achieving victory over resentment.” Whose resentment and bitter pain are you relieving? It is the resentment of heaven and earth.
You have to overcome the resentment in the root, the trunk and the shoot, the resentment from three eras, the resentment from the Old, New and Completed Testament Ages.
Later you must surmount the resentment of the realm of the heart of the fourth Adam.
This world is transient. It passes away.
What relationships can you establish with this passing world?
The parents whom you meet in this world, the teachers whom you are connected to in this world, the kingship, and anything else, will all disappear.
Do not be hesitant to leave this world.
Surmount the final hill that heaven requires of you, become the representative of a victor, the heir of the victor, and inherit the key position of the root of the heart of the fourth Adam.
From there you must go to the world of heart of the third liberation where you can serve and attend Heaven.
True Parents, too, are walking that path. Still you must know that a path remains along which you must overcome, with vigour, the borderlines between the second Cain and Abel who are preparing for the world of heart. Do you understand?
On this occasion I am giving the contents of the Word and am also passing on the substantial realm of what True Parents have actually practiced.
The Word is precious; the reality of True Parents is precious, too.
However, I ask that you will have the conviction that you will become the representative, prince and princess, and heir that can climb the hill of heart that is the reality of God.
Do you understand? (Yes.)
Then, in light of this, I am conveying this (the Word) to you".

1 comment:

  1. "I will pass on the Word, the Word of God’s hope and Word that True Parents practiced centering on the standard of that hope, that you become the representative of that Word.
    When you become the owner of the Word and not only read the words but also approach their deeper content, you will find the words, “achieving victory over resentment.”


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